Problems running with Win7 32bit

  • '22 '16

    Also got this error in the middle of a turn.

    Oct 14, 2018 11:14:55 PM games.strategy.engine.framework.GameRunner lambda$start$0
    SEVERE: Java heap space
    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    at java.awt.image.DataBufferByte.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel.createDataBuffer(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.image.Raster.createWritableRaster(Unknown Source)
    at javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier.createBufferedImage(Unknown Source)
    at javax.imageio.ImageReader.getDestination(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.imageio.plugins.png.PNGImageReader.readImage(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at games.strategy.triplea.image.TileImageFactory.loadUnblendedImage(
    at games.strategy.triplea.image.TileImageFactory.loadImage(
    at games.strategy.triplea.image.TileImageFactory.getImage(
    at games.strategy.triplea.image.TileImageFactory.getBaseTile(
    at games.strategy.triplea.ui.screen.drawable.BaseMapDrawable.getImage(
    at games.strategy.triplea.ui.screen.drawable.MapTileDrawable.draw(
    at games.strategy.triplea.ui.screen.Tile.draw(
    at games.strategy.triplea.ui.screen.Tile.getImage(
    at games.strategy.triplea.ui.MapPanel.lambda$paint$7(
    at games.strategy.triplea.ui.MapPanel$Lambda$1127/ Source)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
    at Source)

    Oct 14, 2018 11:14:57 PM games.strategy.engine.message.unifiedmessenger.UnifiedMessenger invoke
    WARNING: Java heap space
    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    at java.awt.image.DataBufferInt.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.image.Raster.createPackedRaster(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.image.DirectColorModel.createCompatibleWritableRaster(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.image.BufferedImage.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at sun.java2d.loops.GraphicsPrimitive.convertFrom(Unknown Source)
    at sun.java2d.loops.GraphicsPrimitive.convertFrom(Unknown Source)
    at sun.java2d.loops.MaskBlit$General.MaskBlit(Unknown Source)
    at sun.java2d.loops.Blit$GeneralMaskBlit.Blit(Unknown Source)
    at sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage.blitSurfaceData(Unknown Source)
    at sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage.renderImageCopy(Unknown Source)
    at sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage.copyImage(Unknown Source)
    at sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage.copyImage(Unknown Source)
    at sun.java2d.pipe.ValidatePipe.copyImage(Unknown Source)
    at sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D.drawImage(Unknown Source)
    at sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D.drawImage(Unknown Source)
    at games.strategy.triplea.image.TileImageFactory.loadUnblendedImage(
    at games.strategy.triplea.image.TileImageFactory.loadImage(
    at games.strategy.triplea.image.TileImageFactory.getImage(
    at games.strategy.triplea.image.TileImageFactory.getBaseTile(
    at games.strategy.triplea.ui.screen.drawable.BaseMapDrawable.getImage(
    at games.strategy.triplea.ui.screen.drawable.MapTileDrawable.draw(
    at games.strategy.triplea.ui.screen.TileManager.drawForCreate(
    at games.strategy.triplea.ui.screen.TileManager.createTerritoryImage(
    at games.strategy.triplea.ui.screen.TileManager.createTerritoryImage(
    at games.strategy.triplea.ui.MapPanel.getTerritoryImage(
    at games.strategy.triplea.ui.BattleDisplay.getTerritoryComponent(
    at games.strategy.triplea.ui.BattleDisplay.initLayout(
    at games.strategy.triplea.ui.BattleDisplay.<init>(
    at games.strategy.triplea.ui.BattlePanel.lambda$showBattle$6(
    at games.strategy.triplea.ui.BattlePanel$Lambda$1592/ Source)
    at games.strategy.ui.SwingAction.lambda$invokeAndWait$0(
    at games.strategy.ui.SwingAction$Lambda$7/23703675.get(Unknown Source)

    Oct 14, 2018 11:14:56 PM games.strategy.engine.framework.GameRunner lambda$start$0
    SEVERE: Java heap space
    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    at java.awt.image.DataBufferByte.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.image.Raster.createInterleavedRaster(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.image.BufferedImage.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at games.strategy.ui.Util.createImage(
    at games.strategy.triplea.image.TileImageFactory.loadUnblendedImage(
    at games.strategy.triplea.image.TileImageFactory.loadImage(
    at games.strategy.triplea.image.TileImageFactory.getImage(
    at games.strategy.triplea.image.TileImageFactory.getReliefTile(
    at games.strategy.triplea.ui.screen.drawable.ReliefMapDrawable.getImage(
    at games.strategy.triplea.ui.screen.drawable.MapTileDrawable.draw(
    at games.strategy.triplea.ui.screen.Tile.draw(
    at games.strategy.triplea.ui.screen.Tile.getImage(
    at games.strategy.triplea.ui.MapPanel.lambda$paint$7(
    at games.strategy.triplea.ui.MapPanel$Lambda$1127/ Source)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
    at Source)

    Oct 14, 2018 11:15:23 PM games.strategy.triplea.ui.BattlePanel ensureBattleIsDisplayed
    SEVERE: battle not displayed, looking for:GUID:69219d1fc4bfee4d:-d7bfe77:16675825557:-8000:3861 showing:null</init></init></init></init></init></init>

  • '19 '17 '16



    Also please indicate how much RAM your system is working with.  Not sure were to find this

    If I remember rightly, on Windows you can right click “My Computer” -> Properties -> System tab.

    Sounds like P@nther might be on to something if you’re getting a heap space error.

  • @majikforce:


    Concerning the new version:
    How do you start TripleA? Doubleclicking the desktop icon? Yes
    Please try to start TripleA from within the game-installation folder. Just doubleclick the included TripleA.exe. What happens? There isn’t one.� I attached a screenshot of the contents of the folder
    In case this does not work, please browse into the “bin” folder and doubleclick on the included *.jar file. What happens?
    It can take some time until the program opens. This works.� Game opens

    Also please indicate how much RAM your system is working with.� Not sure were to find this

    It looks like Java is installed correctly.
    Executing the *.jar works, so this is fine.

    Actually there is a triplea.exe . See the image you attached: There is a (highlighted) file “TripleA” (Application). This actually is the TripleA.exe. Your system is configured not to show files extensions (such as .exe). This is why you don’t see the extension.

    Please doubleclick the file  TripleA(.exe) and report what happens.

    Your installed RAM shows when clicking “System” in the “Control Panel”.

    The error you posted afterwards might be caused by incompatibilities and/or a memory issue. I suspect it is related.

    So please identify the amount of RAM and then try to execute (doubleclick) the triplea.exe inside the installation folder.

    We move on from there, then.

  • @simon33:

    Sounds like P@nther might be on to something if you’re getting a heap space error.

    Indeed, I suspect that there might be a memory issue. There might be not enough RAM available for flawlessly running the latest TripleA on Java 8 with its (enhanced) default xmx, xms settings. So we most likely have to tweak that for majikforce’s installation.

    But let’s see before what he answers.

  • @majikforce

    Already night here, so I will be off for the next about 10-12 hours.
    To enable you to try out something more during the next hours, here is my next idea:

    I expect that executing the triplea.exe will not work flawlessly.
    I also expect that your RAM is less than 4 GB, maybe only 2 GB.

    This is what you can try next:

    In the TripleA installation folder you will find a file called “TripleA.vmoptions”

    Please open this file in any editor.
    You will notice, that there are only two lines inside:


    Please edit this so that it reads


    Save the file then. Be sure that the filename does not change when saving.

    Execute the triplea.exe again, after that.

    In case it still does not work, you can try


    Try it again then.

    Good luck :-)

  • '19 '17 '16

    Even if he only has 2GB, you’d think that Virtual Memory would make it possible to work.

  • @simon33:

    Even if he only has 2GB, you’d think that Virtual Memory would make it possible to work.

    Yes, you’d think. But I remember other users’ cases where this approach resolved the issue.
    Just an idea, so let’s wait and see…

    At least I read from
    that an Out-of-memory-error is likely “when memory usage exceeds beyond Xmx”.

  • '22 '16

    Please doubleclick the file  TripleA(.exe) and report what happens.  the triple A logo flashes onscreen for a split second then nothing else happens

    Your installed RAM shows when clicking “System” in the “Control Panel”. 3GB (2.86GB usable)

  • '22 '16



    Already night here, so I will be off for the next about 10-12 hours.
    To enable you to try out something more during the next hours, here is my next idea:

    I expect that executing the triplea.exe will not work flawlessly.
    I also expect that your RAM is less than 4 GB, maybe only 2 GB.

    This is what you can try next:

    In the TripleA installation folder you will find a file called “TripleA.vmoptions”

    Please open this file in any editor.
    You will notice, that there are only two lines inside:


    Please edit this so that it reads


    Save the file then. Be sure that the filename does not change when saving.

    Execute the triplea.exe again, after that. Opened the file with notepad and changed it to Xms1G but when I go to save it it asks if I want to overwrite TripleA.vmoptions.  I click yes and it tells me access is denied.

    In case it still does not work, you can try


    Try it again then.

    Good luck :-)

  • '19 '17 '16

    Do you get the same problems when nothing else is running? 3GB should be enough to run Triple A. I can’t remember how to check virtual memory on Windows but it shouldn’t matter really.

    Sounds like you need admin privileges to edit that file. I think you can right click and get an option “run as a different user”. BTW, I wouldn’t reduce the maximum memory so significantly to 1G, just reduce the minimum.

  • @majikforce:

    Opened the file with notepad and changed it to Xms1G but when I go to save it it asks if I want to overwrite TripleA.vmoptions.� I click yes and it tells me access is denied.

    Welcome to the wonderful world of Windows User Access Control in System directories such as “c:\program files”. ;-)

    To overcome this, you need to run the editor as administrator.

    To save us some time I have attached both files.

    Just remove the file extensions so that the filename changes from for example “TripleA.vmoptions.1G.txt” to only “TripleA.vmoptions”.
    Copy this file into the TripleA installation directory. Windows will prompt you with the UAC-window when trying to overwrite. Confirming this should work, than.

    Alternatively you could uninstall TripleA via the control panel and reinstall it back - but into a different target-directory, such as C:\Games\TripleA (you need to create a directory “Games” before). This will prevent from dealing with admin rights in system directories.


  • @simon33:

    Do you get the same problems when nothing else is running? 3GB should be enough to run Triple A.

    I agree, Simon, 3 GB should be enough, normally.

    His old version that ran flawlessly, had the vmoptions with 1G, so that is what makes me hope that the tweak will work.

    If this does not fix the problem, I will ask the devs to take a look at this issue.

    Maybe you have another idea?

  • '19 '17 '16

    My only faintest idea is perhaps he’s on a suspicious Java version:

    java.runtime.version 1.8.0_181-b13

    I don’t know anything negative about this version on Win32 but perhaps there’s a problem?

  • @simon33:

    My only faintest idea is perhaps he’s on a suspicious Java version:

    java.runtime.version 1.8.0_181-b13

    I don’t know anything negative about this version on Win32 but perhaps there’s a problem?

    Neither do I, I am running that version, but 64 bit. No issues here.
    No other negative user experience that I am aware of.

  • '22 '16



    Opened the file with notepad and changed it to Xms1G but when I go to save it it asks if I want to overwrite TripleA.vmoptions.� I click yes and it tells me access is denied.

    Welcome to the wonderful world of Windows User Access Control in System directories such as “c:\program files”. ;-)

    To overcome this, you need to run the editor as administrator.

    To save us some time I have attached both files.

    Just remove the file extensions so that the filename changes from for example “TripleA.vmoptions.1G.txt” to only “TripleA.vmoptions”.
    Copy this file into the TripleA installation directory. Windows will prompt you with the UAC-window when trying to overwrite. Confirming this should work, than.

    Alternatively you could uninstall TripleA via the control panel and reinstall it back - but into a different target-directory, such as C:\Games\TripleA (you need to create a directory “Games” before). This will prevent from dealing with admin rights in system directories.

    Got it!  I will give it a go tonight.  At work right now.  Thanks for all your help.  I really apprecitate it!

  • '22 '16

    Okay changed the file and it seems to be running great!  Thanks so much for all your help.  You need a raise :-D  Although my wife does dislike you very much right now :wink:  Game on!

  • @majikforce:

    Although my wife does dislike you very much right now :wink:

    If I only had known that before…  :wink:

    Great that we sorted that out. Now enjoy gaming  :-)

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