@Stough For posting turns to the forum you need to enter your forum username and forum password.
Password error with 2.0
Getting error when trying to post a Turn SUmmary. It is as if it does not remember my password. Says “a valid login session was not found. Please log in and try again.” I have the Remember Password box checked.
Am on 2.0.20183
@AndrewAAGamer Have you tried entering the password again?
I have closed the program multiple times btw. I have loaded the saved game file both before and after I went to Play By Forum. Loading from the saved file it populated the axis and allies org forum, the game number (Topic ID), my Username ID and Forum Password. After checking the Remember Password box I then I would go into the game and conduct my Turn. When finished I would try to post the Turn Summary and at that point received the error message. When I “leave” the game it takes me back to the Forum and everything is blank again. Not sure if that is typical.
@AndrewAAGamer Just to be sure: This happens with a new 2.0 savegame?
Also if you enter the password manually, and clear the “remember password”-box - are you able to post then?
Can you please post a screenshot of your Play by Forum settings when filled in? Thank you!
@Panther said in Password error with 2.0:
@AndrewAAGamer Just to be sure: This happens with a new 2.0 savegame?
Also if you enter the password manually, and clear the “remember password”-box - are you able to post then?
Can you please post a screenshot of your Play by Forum settings when filled in? Thank you!
- Yes 2.0 saved game. 2. YES! That worked.
@AndrewAAGamer Alright then. Thank you.
It looks like the “Remember Password” feature is somehow broken. As the password is not stored as plain text but encrypted there might be an issue with encryption/decryption.
I will address this with a Github-issue.
For now I can only recommend to leave the checkbox unchecked.
@AndrewAAGamer The issue should be fixed from TripleA version 2.0.20258 on.