It would be nice if the non-infantry French sculpts in Europe 1940 were unique French designs – but although that’s not the case, one point in their favour is that they add up to quite a bit of diversity if you combine the 1st edition and 2nd edition sculpts. France’s 1940 equipment sculpts replicate the Soviets ones in each game; in the 1st edition, this gives France a mixture of Russian, American and British designs, while the 2nd edition replaces most of the American and British designs with Rusian ones and adds a new AAA unit in the form of a Russian-design sculpt. And in a sense, that patchwork diversity conveys a suitable impression that the Free French (if they’re given the 1940 sculpts) are using equipment from their fellow Allied powers. {snip}
I agree with CWO Marc - that mixture of Russian, American, and British designs was what the E40.1 Russians were using as well. In both E40.1 and E40.2, the French pieces, sans Infantry, were a blue copy of whatever the Russians were using in that edition. The difference was that Hasbro/Wizards/AH “Russified” the Russians in the Second Coming of E40. This lead to the French pieces being strictly Russians in blue in E40.2.
All of that said, there are a couple of other options for depicting French units on a map of World War II.
One way is to go old school - buy a copy of The World at War (boardgamegeek.com/boardgameexpansion/3618/world-war) and you’ll receive in among the pieces in that game a set of pieces - infantry, tanks, fighters, bombers, a factory, an AAA, subs, transports, battleships, carriers - in a shade of blue paler than the French in E40. Are there many? No. Is it cheap? Depends on your online sales and auction (read: eBay) skills, as this isn’t really in print any more. But it is an option.
Another way is to invest in some patience. HBG is in the process of bringing out their own line-up of French units. This will be a “complete set” - everything you need to play E40 (except, curiously enough, AAA) in a shade of blue that is supposed to be closer to the E40 French. How close? Anybody who knows isn’t talking, so that’s a wild card. Still, once it becomes available (something I personally expect to happen either later this year or early next year), that will be a great option. It’s just not an option you can use today.
And now, you know some more about more French for your A&A.