Global/Europe/Pacific 1939 for 1940 2nd Editon

  • '17 Customizer

    Hi….yes, because this setup puts a few Russian ships in 100 so just checking the strait is still closed in this 1939 v3 setup.

    Vichy rules might also be fun/good.


  • The Turkish Straits are off limits unless you own Turkey.  Sea units in the Black Sea are stranded there.

    Vichy rules are not included in this 1939 setup, bit Vichy would get all its historical territories (all French territories but France, Normandy, Equatorial Africa, and New Herbrides).

    If you have any more questions feel free to ask or consult the ruleset.  These additions create many unlikely, but nevertheless possible scenarios that may require explanation but are too numerous to lay out.

  • '17 Customizer

    Merci!…have your 1939 board set up.  Gonna give it a try!

    1939 SetUp - Charles de Gualle.jpg

  • Nice Painted pieces. Wheres all the neutrals ?

  • '17 Customizer

    Thanks…Oh Yeah…will have to put on the neutrals :wink:…waiting for HBG order or will use Axis/Allies/Unpainted units until then. :-D.  Also need a French BB, a German AA, few other minor things.

  • @sjelso:

    Thanks…Oh Yeah…will have to put on the neutrals :wink:…waiting for HBG order or will use Axis/Allies/Unpainted units until then. :-D.  Also need a French BB, a German AA, few other minor things.

    Yes I painted my neutrals flat white from left over inf and naval from a bunch of games.

  • '17 Customizer

    Thanks for the clarification.

    A few more Qs:

    1. Persia, Vyorg and  few other spaces are printed either Pro-Allies or Russian.  In the 1939, however, they are Pro-Axis.  You mention that the 1940 map sets the $ collection.  So if Russia occupies Persia, Vyborg, etc, even though they are listed as Pro-Axis, Russia does not get the 3 IPC bonus for occupying Pro-Axis spaces (in war time) because they are printed on the board as Pro-Allies?

    2)  Under Vichy “expansion”, French Guinea goes Vichy?


  • When collecting NOs treat the territories as the board represents them.  Russia would not collect +3 for Baltic States or Bessarabia, or Vyborg.

    Vichy would get French Guiana, but I should note that we have never tried adding Vichy yet to variant.  To do so would certainly require a tweaked setup and a list of special rules.  Also, since this is 1939, it feels acceptable to pretend that France will never surrender, but rather fight or retreat to Algeria etc.

  • I do see quite a few mistakes in your picture, but I am assuming you recognized those or even purposely made them (like the trucks in China instead of artillery.)

    I have one good question though:

    WHAT is that HUGE battleship sculpt doing smashed on Alaska and British Columbia?!

  • '17 Customizer


    So we use trucks to count for 3 inf (instead of chips) so that is why you see the trucks in China and elsewhere.  There are some smaller 75 Veld artillery in China too for the art.

    I have a few more units to add, mostly neutrals.  If you see any other errors let me know.  I will scan through the set-up again.

    Oh yeah…the big BB sitting in Canada is what we use for fleet markers. That is for America (ordered from  It isn’t in play or part of the set-up, just a holding place for it.


  • '17 Customizer

    Basic question here.  Are UK/France and Germany at war at the beginning?  Poland has not been invaded yet.


  • Sorry for taking so long.  The answer is yes.

    Present wars:
    UK/ANZAC/France vs. Germany
    China vs. Japan

  • '17 Customizer

    No worries, that is how we played.  Axis lost.  Still cannot compete with 52 non-war and 72+ was $ for USA.

    Good set-up…Thanks!

  • '17 Customizer


    Can Germany build a Major Factory in Romania once captured by the Germans?  In 1940 v2 it is possible because it begins German, but in the 1939 version it is not a German territory to begin the game.  I guess the same question/rule applies to Slovakia/Hungary.

    Thank you,

  • I feel the need to apologize again.  I’ve been absent so long.

    The answer is yes.  Always, always, always go by what the map shows (in this case, that is an “originally” controlled territory of Germany).  I don’t care how many chips and roundels you got stacked up on that territory, if I see a German roundel printed and 3 IPCs (or more), it’s fair game.  :-P

  • @Charles:

    I feel the need to apologize again.  I’ve been absent so long.

    Well when you wear a blue uniform and you are always on the run, of course its going to take you a lot time to come back around.

  • Still hunting me, uh?

    Are you sure your name is Schutzstaffel and not Gestapostaffel?

  • @Charles:

    Still hunting me, uh?

    Are you sure your name is Schutzstaffel and not Gestapostaffel?


  • '17 Customizer

    Great…TY for the clarification.  Your 1939 v3 has become our de-facto.

  • I’m very proud to know that you and your group enjoy this setup enough to consistently play it.  I’ll be sure to pass on your approval to the other designers.  Sometimes we get a little dismayed when our more hardline teammates and enemies refuse to use our house rules on a regular basis, but knowing that other people around the web are using our creations is highly inspiring.

    Good luck with your games!

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