AARHE 1939 map and rule files
It means nothing in terms of the German player. IN the case of both Germany and or Poland these territories allow co-existing enemies ( in Poland the Soviets occupy east Poland and the Germans occupy west. In this case the territory is two spaces until one player captures both sides.
IN Germany case its the same thing the Soviets may need this for historical victory conditions, and this allows the Germans to retreat to west Germany and still have some production. If any player owns both sides of Germany then they are not separate territories.
These are the only cases where this exists. Note it allows for quick mobilization across Germany to either front.
I reduced the opacity of the Victory cities to 40% because IMO they were too loud to the surrounding colors.
I will update file on page 1.
you’re confusing me
I downloaded the new 1939 map with dimmed VCsand…its the old file again!
last time this happned I also asked but you still haven’t explained
are you rolling back the map? don’t like all the changes we made in the last month or 2?you took 35 clicks to change the VCs
I did the same in 5 seconds! :wink:
(select VC layer, unlock, select all, enter new opacity)I learned the powerful illustrator because of AARHE
you introduced me to illustrator!.ai file (please use)
http://www.mediafire.com/?fbibcuufemzI’ve put updated the 1939 PNG exports at
http://home.exetel.com.au/cometo/aarhe/maps/another thing, can I ask you to date the files instead of funny names like
final print final version copy copy copy.ai -
For aestethics reasons, I think Spain should have two mountainpasses, one pass to France and another one to Vichy. The way it is now confuse me. Caucasus has two passes, one to Turkey and another to Iran, why cant Spain have two, too ?
The line is clearly in the middle. It applied to both cases already. So any movement from france to Spain is limited to 2 land units
another thing, can I ask you to date the files instead of funny names like
final print final version copy copy copy.aiTekkyy I’ve seen you ask this same thing at least 4-5 times now. I’m a graphic designer and appreciate how difficult it is to keep multiple file versions straight without concise labeling. Labeling files final print final copy copy copy is just begging to have changes get dropped. Guess how I know this?
Come on IL… help the poor guy out. ~ZP
oh crap? I asked 4-5 times already? lets hope IL is not annoyed :wink:
since you’re a graphics designer, can you teach me how to make IL’s new avatar?
maybe I’ll make one with the AARHE map -
Zero please make a AARHE 1939 map as a globe avatar. It will be my new avatar and you will get the caption:
“This Avatar is created by the worlds greatest Avatar designer: Zero Pilot”
I didnt make it i took it from larry Harris. I am just waiting for millions of you suckers to start using it. :mrgreen:
OK now the point of this post:
- I will do this on my next file upload. You know that wont be long so it wont matter anyway.
Tekkyy can ask me 1 billion times. He has earned my trust, My total commitment to the project, He is my #1 respected dude who ever worked with me. If we were soldiers in a war Id make sure he didn’t get shot.
Zero please make a AARHE 1939 map as a globe avatar. It will be my new avatar and you will get the caption:
“This Avatar is created by the worlds greatest Avatar designer: Zero Pilot”
I didnt make it i took it from larry Harris. I am just waiting for millions of you suckers to start using it. :mrgreen:
IL come to your senses man!!! We’re no match to the superior resources of Larry Harris!!! :evil:
Besides… I’m too busy watching my new avatar spin. :-D ~ZP
OK now i got yours. :mrgreen:
If we were soldiers in a war Id make sure he didn’t get shot.
So we are all in this war now, and you as commander must choose between this tekkyy character and your little brother, as who of them must lead this mad and suicidal kamikaze front-attack against the enemy dug-in mg-nest. So you allready promised tekkyy he’s not get shot, and your bros up to get his as s waxed. So what you think your mummy is gonna say now ? You sacrifice your little brother just to save the anglo-white as s of some house-rule master ?
Yep my brother becomes cannon fodder and Tekkyy is saved. My word is bond. Such is the life of the Teutonic people.
Map file:
2008-3-4 http://www.mediafire.com/?yc0yxc4bntpNote: this is the latest map file.
Map file with unit icons:
2008-2-14 http://www.mediafire.com/?7ktjhmlpojmRules file:
2008-02-14 http://home.exetel.com.au/cometo/20080214_AARHE_1939.docSet up:
2008-2-13 http://www.mediafire.com/?1hzno3tj1ooHaving trouble downloading the map file? is this still available to look at?
got it, thanks anyway.
IL almost got your 1939 game set up is there any dutch troops on Java, Sumatra, Celebes, Dutch New Guinea? and is there any sea and air ports in this game. Do have 2 inf on Benelux and DD and AP in sea zone 38. Have all troops in Mongoiia are those Dutch or not.
This AARHE 1939 map is your 1939 Global map correct? do i need to add the 1 inf to India and Transjordan, 1 US destroyer to SW of Hawaii and 2 inf to france?. I think I need 1939 global setup and rules.
No its not. It is a very old version based on AAR. My Global 1939 is based on AA50.
Ok have correct map and 1939 rules with AA50 rules. its set up.I have set up chart. just want to know if you can direct me to the setup chart so i have correct one. and there is no Dutch troops on Java, and rest of islands except destroyer and transport in sea zone 38 and the troops in Mongolia are not Dutch. if not i’ll get different army for that.