Welcome jinx1527.
Just brainstorming on it I like the idea you have for you own technology development.
Unfortunately I seem to be too busy to develop one myself. I’ve always been most facinated with the amazing tech advances found in war time. Its active practical development by the guys on the ground, combined with the crazy mad scientist like stuff. I find tech can enhance a game if done well. 1936 works pretty well cheaper roll with decent but not guaranteed chances to develop tech. But i would like to make there be an advantage in every stage not just at the end. More of a civilization type evolution of tech to reach full potential at the end.
For an example. Take the armoured group idea listed previously. In 1936 I believe it takes 4 successful rolls in 4 turns to develop heavy armour. If you modify the rules a bit this could progressively increase at every stage. First roll unlocks med armour, second tank destroyers, third heavy tanks and finally last tech incorporates tank groups increasing all armour types stats. This limits excessive new units and provides a gradually increasing benefit to the tech. Making the first 3 rolls not feel like wasted time and money. Most people would be motivated to use tech this way rather than just stack inf. Making the game both more realistic as an arms race and diverse in its outcomes.
Or to make it simpler each roll could increase attack, defense, lower cost, increase special abilities with no extra unit types required.