Thank you for the clarification.
Technology Research System, any good ideas?
What are your thoughts?
I’ve always favored GW1939’s way of researching. Because regardless of how badly you roll, you always achieve something and make some sort of progress towards a breakthrough. I always hated spending IPC nearly equivalent to a Panzergruppe and miss, and more so if it happens over multiple turns where nothing progresses and its just money down the drain.
Of course, its always a balancing act between playability and complexity/historical accuracy, and I believe A&A’s is the simplest version with the least amount of time needed to fiddle around with it. But I like it a little more complex.
I’ve been thinking of forming a new way of researching technology. In my typical overdesigning manner beyond playability, I’ve created a larger research tree that I’m slowly filling out, and also incorporated research teams that give bonus points to different tech research (in the style of HOI2).
Does anyone have any ideas for tech to add into the game? Even if you wouldn’t play with them because it makes it too complex, I’d like to hear about it.
Add up your dice roles untill you reach a breakthrough. 1939 style but still incorporate a bit of a tech tree. Ala 1936. Would suck if opponent flukes out and get a nuke strike round 3.
- cheap role cost so anyone can aford it not just major powers.
- have a counter on bottom of tech chart like income to show national progress.
3)add each die role to the counter total untill tech is reached.
4)allow player to pick tech (research is usually focused not random)
5)have tech by type work in progression of stages. Eg. Bomber to long range to high altitude to heavy. Prevents directly jumping to an unanswered super unit by one nation. - ensure every tech can be countered by different research trees. Eg high altitude flight thats out of tange of aaa. Is countered by anti air missile. At same level on a different tech.
All wars are high speed tech races. Armor gets better so weapons get better to beat the new armor. 1939 equipment was a death trap by wars end and its killing power was nullified. Tech during the war advanced farther than it did between ww1 and ww2. 1939 equipment was ww1 surplus more often than not.
Example of tanks. Weapons increased in penetration,rate of fire etc. Later models also had protections built in for this new normal, while trying to out gun even its own better armor.
The same was seen on all types. Hand weapons, engines, aircraft, naval everything.Obviously this may be to complex to incorporate fully. I’ll have to sit down n work on a list.
Thanks for bringing this up tech in 1940 is too random and wasteful to bother with. But really required to capture the essence of the era. No tech no airborne inf. Etc….
Small water craft- for marines allows 1 sea zone movement without transport.
Chemical warfare- for rockets/bomber axis had 2 developed nerve gasses short duration effects in ww2
Biological warfare- for rockets/bomber allies had anthrax fully developed long lasting kill zone similar to nuclear.
Large helium airships. Excellent for sub location like aircraft on station but can last longer.
Air drop- allows artillery/armoured cars to drop in with paratroopers.
Armoured coordination training. All vehicle types coordinating in a small group to exploit each type to fullest. Example a combination of light med heavy tanks mobile arty and tank destroyers as a single unit. Would increase attack and defense of all armoured units. Wouldnt need to change all units but light tank groups would have at least one of each combined within that group.same for rest of armoured units on the board. A more versatile unit than just a stack of one type.
I chose 1939. Tech trees sound interesting.
Rank Carcass, thank you for your input and ideas. I’m not sure why I haven’t said so before, I think perhaps I get distracted while reading through your suggestions and start writing down more ideas. Thanks.
I’ve come back to check on them more then once and I like several of them and am incorporating them into my customized rule set. Some of them don’t quite work with the pieces I have on the board, but I do appreciate your willingness to share.
Welcome jinx1527.
Just brainstorming on it I like the idea you have for you own technology development.Unfortunately I seem to be too busy to develop one myself. I’ve always been most facinated with the amazing tech advances found in war time. Its active practical development by the guys on the ground, combined with the crazy mad scientist like stuff. I find tech can enhance a game if done well. 1936 works pretty well cheaper roll with decent but not guaranteed chances to develop tech. But i would like to make there be an advantage in every stage not just at the end. More of a civilization type evolution of tech to reach full potential at the end.
For an example. Take the armoured group idea listed previously. In 1936 I believe it takes 4 successful rolls in 4 turns to develop heavy armour. If you modify the rules a bit this could progressively increase at every stage. First roll unlocks med armour, second tank destroyers, third heavy tanks and finally last tech incorporates tank groups increasing all armour types stats. This limits excessive new units and provides a gradually increasing benefit to the tech. Making the first 3 rolls not feel like wasted time and money. Most people would be motivated to use tech this way rather than just stack inf. Making the game both more realistic as an arms race and diverse in its outcomes.
Or to make it simpler each roll could increase attack, defense, lower cost, increase special abilities with no extra unit types required.
I always liked the LL version of tech:
- No tech attempted
- Buy 4 dice first round and try for cheap; can buy last 2 dice for success next round
- Buy 6 dice and guarantee a break through
Then roll on which ever tree you want.
My alternative, which I have no idea how to roll out to be historically correct, just something I thought of:
Roll out specific technologies to specific nations on about the same time as they got that technology in history. -
Then just make it 1 break thru for every 30 icp’s spent but have to roll for tech tree.
You could bank the money over the course of turns until you get 30 icps saved. Then use it.
You could have 2 tech trees for game. Like on T3 you get 1 roll per country for tech free. Use the revise game National Advantages for the first tech tree. Maybe have 8 to 10 on chart.
Then use a stronger 2nd tech tree on T6 and each country gets 1 free tech roll.Set up were 1 country doesn’t get to powerfull but may help a country that needs some help.
All kinds of ways to get tech. Have 39 game were you can"t use tech until T6 and you start getting free techs on T9 as the war went on.
Should post this in the G40 page. This would help spice up the G40 game.
Yea, that’s partially the idea, you could save up for a tech. However, if you wanted to try early, you could fire 4 dice for 20 IPCs (it’s either 4 dice, or 6 dice purchase price, no other options) and hope for a 6. If you fail, you still only need to pay the extra 10 IPC and be assured of a successful breakthrough.
I fall into the “Other” Category
My “extremely house” House Rule for research is simple. Each Major Power receives a Research Facility but must place it at a major city they control. This facility generates 1 Research point per turn, use it or lose it. Then I also have unique Tech Trees for each nation with tiered upgrades for each type of unit. So Tier 1 of Armor gives the player access to an upgraded Armored Unit (they are still able to produce the older stuff as well), and also access to Tier 2 in the armor Tree. The catch is that Tier 2 reqires 2 research points, and since it is a use it or lose it, the research oriented player must buy (15 IPP) more facilities. They can be SBR’d and are also able to be captured.
I fall into the “Other” Category
My “extremely house” House Rule for research is simple. Each Major Power receives a Research Facility but must place it at a major city they control. This facility generates 1 Research point per turn, use it or lose it. Then I also have unique Tech Trees for each nation with tiered upgrades for each type of unit. So Tier 1 of Armor gives the player access to an upgraded Armored Unit (they are still able to produce the older stuff as well), and also access to Tier 2 in the armor Tree. The catch is that Tier 2 reqires 2 research points, and since it is a use it or lose it, the research oriented player must buy (15 IPP) more facilities. They can be SBR’d and are also able to be captured.
Interesting, a unique take which would work indeed. The risk is the ahistorical factor of technology developement stopping dead in its tracks if a nation has no money to build more research centers and completed tier 1 research. But that shouldn’t be an issue.
I’ve toyed with the idea of limiting the amount of tech rolls allowed per nation dependent on research stations, with the minimum national limit at 1. This would slow the progress of richer nations somewhat.
Is there anyway I can have a look at your tech tree? Or tech list? If it’s not too much trouble. I’m still fleshing out mine for good ideas. Thanks!
I would post links but I’m limited from doing so, due to my lack of posts. Let me hit you a private message!
No offense SS, but we are talking about AA Global, its not like we are playing Uno or Phase Ten, a little complexity (as long as it is done right) can improve a simple, but convoluted system.
For me playing a game like this has to strike the fine balance of being accurate to some extent, but also allow flexibility for the leaders of each nation to enact their own spin on how their empires and nations choose to advance. I’m sure that die-hard re-enactors look at a game like this as a joke. My tech system is designed to help each leader truly explore the "what ifs’ of each nation. What if Hitler had stopped obsessing over heavy armor and scary rockets and allowed jet fighters and effective armored units carry his troops to victory? The only part of the wargame I have not embraced is superweapons, be it toxic gas or atomic weapons. I enjoy the simple battle, and like to live in my own alternate reality where the Los Alamos, V-2’s and Nerve gas all were wretched failures.
Never on a first date…. :evil:
Anyway, I didn’t invent the system, that’s just been the low luck system for as long as I have known.
I would post links but I’m limited from doing so, due to my lack of posts. Let me hit you a private message!
Thank you sir!
Sorry I havn’t responded sooner, I have given it a look (a while back, when you sent it) and I like what you’ve done. I’ve incorporated some aspects into my modifications, though not quite to the extent you have.
Thank you for sharing!