What are your thoughts?
I’ve always favored GW1939’s way of researching. Because regardless of how badly you roll, you always achieve something and make some sort of progress towards a breakthrough. I always hated spending IPC nearly equivalent to a Panzergruppe and miss, and more so if it happens over multiple turns where nothing progresses and its just money down the drain.
Of course, its always a balancing act between playability and complexity/historical accuracy, and I believe A&A’s is the simplest version with the least amount of time needed to fiddle around with it. But I like it a little more complex.
I’ve been thinking of forming a new way of researching technology. In my typical overdesigning manner beyond playability, I’ve created a larger research tree that I’m slowly filling out, and also incorporated research teams that give bonus points to different tech research (in the style of HOI2).
Does anyone have any ideas for tech to add into the game? Even if you wouldn’t play with them because it makes it too complex, I’d like to hear about it.