indeed, very very interesting discussion. It only makes this powerfull game more attractive for me. I’m going to play now again Pacific 1940 and after that I’ll start to read the rules for the guadalcanal version… Curious about this specific rare game…
I don’t disagree with ya. I really don’t understand why carriers are so defensive in nature in this game, or that the only truly offensive sea unit is a nitch unit (the sub). Carriers should be a 1/1 unit, and we need a heavy cruiser unit, or for the BB to change for a ship that is stronger offensively than it is defensively.
Honestly I think that naval units should be the same defensively as they are offensively. I think subs and carriers should be 1-1 (offense-defense), destroyers should be 2-2, cruisers should be 3-3 and battleships 4-4, with carriers and battleships able to take two hits before dying. And of course subs should retain their first strike capability and can retreat on offense or defense.
You want your cake AND you want to eat it too?
I know if I was busy flying my torpedo bomber and suddenly out of nowhere I was attacked by a fleet of hostile ships, there is nothing I would rather have than my trusty torpedo. This should give me a defensive value of at least 3. :-D
and the fact that you can climb to 5,000 feet and dodge and weave around their bullets… :roll: since it’s still a plane it’s a bit harder to hit than stuff on the ground, a 3 I think is reasonable for what it is…
Did stacking happen in the reality?
oh yeah baby!
look at the battle for tarawa:
The American invasion force was the largest yet assembled for a single operation, consisting of 17 aircraft carriers (6 CVs, 5 CVLs, 6 CVEs), 12 battleships, 8 heavy and 4 light cruisers, 66 destroyers, and 36 transports.or D-Day:
Allied naval and merchant navy personnel in over 5,000 ships were involved.or Luzon:
The Japanese forces reported more than 70 Allied warships entering the Lingayen Gulf.Yeah Lucky Day, You’re right they should have a retreat value of 3, In this game a defense value is used to counterattack and the torpedo bomber isn’t going to do well there.
I’m not buying a cake for you.
I agree that AC’s should be 1/1 but still take two hits. If memory serves correctly. They had only 50 cal. guns as their only means of defense back in WW2. Now they have all kinds of fun things to use. That is why i agree with it being 1/1. That is why they have planes on AC’s.
I agree that AC’s should be 1/1 but still take two hits. If memory serves correctly. They had only 50 cal. guns as their only means of defense back in WW2. Now they have all kinds of fun things to use. That is why i agree with it being 1/1. That is why they have planes on AC’s.
And that is why they had escorts.
You have to remember, though, that each carrier piece represents an entire carrier group, with a number of carriers and support vessels such as destroyers. That is why they have some sort of defense, I believe. In truth, I think the A&A50 1-2-2-14 carriers were fine. Coupled with fighters they provided the best range and firepower, but at the cost of being vulnerable on their own. Thus, a balanced fleet built around the carriers was the best arrangement.
I think the Japanese thought they destroyed the enterprise 2 or 3 times during the war, but the US kept repairing it. The Yorktown was repaired in less than a day once in Pearl Harbor so it could fight at Midway.
I think that the carriers did have some fighting capability of their own. According to wikipedia the Essex-class carriers armament was:
4 × twin 5 inch (127 mm) 38 caliber guns
4 × single 5 inch (127 mm) 38 caliber guns
8 × quadruple 40 mm 56 caliber guns
46 × single 20 mm 78 caliber guns;With all that considered I think the new rules are historically accurate if that’s what you like.
Well after seeing the new preview for the game I’m pretty happy.
Still no way to mark if they are damaged or not……
and my sub scenerio of doom and destruction is still possibleCarrier w/ 2 planes vs destroyer
planes launch to defend
sub hits w/ first strike
carrier damaged
carrier returns fire, hits
planes may not fire
planes may not land on damaged carrier
planes destroyedexchange [6 ipc Sub <> 20 ipcs of aircraft] UNLESS you cna choose to not launch planes when defending
I consider the Carrier hit in the final attacking round. It is the last free hit and only if your are sure you will not be attacked since the planes wont be defending if the carrier is attacked on your opponents turn.
And the carrier is a 16 IPC unit with no attack value. I think it could be worth 14 IPC with these rules.
Why would your planes deply? You wouldn’t be able to hit the sub without a destroyer, right?
If the enemy fleet ( think not subs, but anything else) your defending planes cant be used as defenders, so out of the carrier and 2 planes, you just get one 2 or less for defense, rather than 2 fours and a two.
So are you saying that your planes cannot deploy at all if an AC is attacked or they can’t only if a sub attacks?
So are you saying that your planes cannot deploy at all if an AC is attacked or they can’t only if a sub attacks?
If your fleet consists of a carrier plus fighters and is attacked by submarines, your planes would not deploy as defenders as they cannot target a submarine.
However, if your fleet consists of a carrier plus fighters AND a destroyer and is attacked by submarines then your planes WILL deploy as defenders.
The two hit carrier doesn’t substantially change game tactics other than you won’t have to buy a carrier to replace it and you’ll have to limp it back to port. If it’s attacked in deep water in AA50 by subs, your planes likely would have perished with only one move space. Now unless you have a destroyer present, they won’t even have that (assuming the subs do their job).
Worst possible scenario now is a lone carrier with fighters against a couple subs. Only slightly less bad is a carrier w/ planes and a destroyer that manages to kill the subs only after the carrier was obligated to take the hit (destroyers lost AND carrier hit once before planes/carriers/destroyers eliminate the subs). In this situation, you’ll keep the carrier, but if your planes aren’t close to friendly land or another carrier they’re going to be in the drink.
Otherwise aside from sub hits, if attacked you’ll only select the carrier as a casualty now after all planes are destroyed OR you’re in range for your planes OR it’s more important to weaken/destroy the attacking power regardless of potential loss of your planes after you successfully won. Which is exactly the same decision you had in previous games, now there’s just a soacker hit which occasionally might come in handy but may also be a hindrance as in previous games it was unclear but implied that planes survived the torp attack… and now they won’t cause they can’t launch.
Carrier-based planes are always considered to be defending in the air when the carrier is attacked. It doesn’t matter what the attacking force consists of. If your lone carrier is attacked by subs and hit, whether damaged or sunk, your planes will have one space of movement to land. If they can’t, they’re lost. The moral of the story is, don’t leave your fleets without destroyer escorts when there are enemy subs around.
Carrier-based planes are always considered to be defending in the air when the carrier is attacked. It doesn’t matter what the attacking force consists of. If your lone carrier is attacked by subs and hit, whether damaged or sunk, your planes will have one space of movement to land. If they can’t, they’re lost. The moral of the story is, don’t leave your fleets without destroyer escorts when there are enemy subs around.
As it should be.
Carrier-based planes are always considered to be defending in the air when the carrier is attacked.
but the rules also says that planes cannot launch if the carrier is damaged. So is it the case that if the carrier is ever elected as a hit, the planes can no longer land on the carrier and are forced into this “one space away thing or die” rule?
If that is the case the 2 hit carrier is no positive thing that anybody could ever use.