There is no benefit to taking these islands, either for japan or for the usa. even National Objectives do not solve this because Japan is going to want to take the Philippines, East Indies, Borneo, and Kwangtung anyway just for the money. The NOs should have skipped these and only dealt with the non-moneyed islands.
But USA has NO for Midway, Wake, Hawaii, and Solomons (any 3). A Japanese NO includes Solomons (no IPC value) so the game design does give more incentive than ever for the 0 IPC islands. Not enough to sucker the USA into fighting a losing battle in the Pacific, but more than before nonetheless.
I agree too much value given to Borneo and East Indies. They were 1’s in “classic”. Boosted to 4 to give some extra income to Japan since all countries were beefed up a bit for revised, but now Japan is too powerful in AA50. In this thread, we have as a group determined that Japan is too powerful with 9 fighters and 3 carriers, about 4 transports, and no enemy complexes anywhere closer than Moscow or San Francisco. Recipe for domination. Let me put it this way. I run out of Japanese control markers, so I went to get my classic set and took ALL of the Japanese control markers from it. I still don’t have enough. I’m playing solo, so the playing ability of Japan and her enemies is roughly equal. In all my 1941 games Japan gets to about 60 IPCs income plus NO’s and completely takes the US out of the war by continuously threatining and attacking California, and trading Western Canada. All this while easily taking over all of China, Northern Russia, some of Africa, all of Southern Asia, with absolutely no retaliation from anyone. There’s nothing to do but help topple Russia faster or tie up the Americans. The Americans are closer (remember 3 carriers, 9 planes and a lot of transports) and easier to attack quickly with big forces, so that’s how my games go.
I understand that in 1941 Japan had a lot of fighters and carriers and everything. I guess you could say the Japs got majorly “diced” at Midway, which evened things up in actual history. In the '41 scenario, that hasn’t happened.
I guess I’m looking at the game a bit differently than when I originally posted this topic. If you set up a game based on the actual military positions in the world in 1941 and ignore actual historical events, and one country moves at a time, the Axis are in a position to take over the world. Russian winter is not a factor. Midway - didn’t happen. Biggest successful decoy of all time in 1944 in UK in preparations for D-Day - nonfactor. The fact that after a few rounds (of game time) almost all experienced Japanese pilots had been killed - makes no difference. The fact that Japanese tanks were not equal in any way to German and American tanks - not accounted for. I’ve learned to just appreciate the game for what it is - a fun wargame to play. It’s almost best to throw history out the window and forget about it, and start rolling those dice.