1. Russian Winter - Once during the game in your Collect Income phase, you can declare a Severe Winter. From now until the end of your next turn, your INF defend at 3 and attack at 2. The defense benefit applies to Combat in any territory, whereas the attack benefit applies to Combat in Red territories only. When attacking, INF may be matched 1:1 with RTL, & thus attack at 3.
2. Russian Railway - In the NCM phase, Russian Land Units [Inf, Art, AAGun] may move up to 2 territories per turn ONLY among these territories: [Buryatia, Stanovoj, Yakut, Evenki, Novosibirsk, Kazakh, Rusia, Caucasus, East Ukraine, Belorussia, Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Baltic States]. You may move into or through any of the Allied owned listed territories. The Units must begin their turn in a Railway territory.
3. Russian T-34’s - Your ARM in Red territories defend on a 4.
4. Lend-Lease - When declared, Russia is given a free 5IPC this turn only.
-During your Mobilize Units phase, you can convert up to 12IPC worth of Allied units into Russian units if they are in a Red territory. These may be land or air units. Remove the affected units from play and replace them with the same units of your own color. Any Tech or NA benefits from the previous owner are lost. Base costs are used for conversion (ie. Not discounted costs)
-During your Purchase Units Phase, UK + USA can lend Russia up to 2 IPCs in total sum. The IPCs are removed from the UK/USA income and are available for Russia to spend immediately this turn. The total of Cash Converted + Units Converted this turn must be no more than 12IPC.
-If you convert all allied units into Russian units in red territories, you may regain the Arkhangelsk National Objective, if you have Arkhangelsk.
5. Mobile Industry - Place 1 free IC and 1 free INF during the Mobilize Units Phase of this turn only in any Red territory you control. Both units must be placed in the same territory. The IC cannot build until next turn.
-Your ICs may move 1 territory during NCM (as long as you owned them at turn start). ICs can only move among Red territories. They may produce in territories they just moved to, as long as Russia owned the territory at turn start. Multiple ICs may exist in a single territory, but only 1 remains active (for the purposes of Rocket attacks, SBR and unit production)
-Your ICs may now build +2 Units than the territory value they are located on. (for instances, an IC in SFE would be able to produce 3 units, one in Russia 8, and so on.) This ability may be stacked with Improved Factories tech.
-Your ICs must remain on RED territories.
6. Siberian Conscripts - Place 1 free INF/TURN during the Mobilize Units Phase in either [Yak, Stanovoj, Soviet Far East, or Buryatia] if you control it.
-The Non-Aggression Treaty : Russia will receive 6 INF (instead of 4).
1. Atlantic Wall - Place 1 free INF/TURN during the Mobilize Units Phase in France if you control it.
-During Germany’s Conduct Combat Phase, you may designate 1 RTL in either France or Norway for “Coastal Defense”. The selected RTL must have started its turn in the territory, and cannot move this turn. “Coastal Defense” gives you a single attack at 2 (3 with German 88’s) for the selected RTL against a single enemy sea unit of your choice in any adjacent SZ: 5,6,7 or 13 for France, 3,5 or 6 for Norway (SUBs cannot be targeted). The attack is rolled in Opening Fire and casualties are removed at the end of Opening Fire. The RTL is not subject to counterattack by naval vessels in the SZ.
-During any Amphibious Assault against France or Norway, all your INF and RTL defend on a 3 on the first cycle of combat only.
2. German 88’s – Place 1 free RTL for Immediate use this TURN in Poland if you control it.
-Place an additional free RTL during the Mobilize Units Phase of this TURN in Any Gray territory you control.
-During the first cycle of combat only, on Attack only, your RTL fire at 3 in the Conduct Opening Fire phase Casualties are removed at the end of Opening Fire. Attacking INF still get RTL support, but fire in the Attacking Units Fire Phase).
3. Panzerblitz - If your attacking forces destroy all defending units in a territory in one cycle of combat, any of your surviving ARM may move 1 territory during NCM. This NCM move applies even if: a) your ARM has already moved 2 spaces in Combat b) you invaded an empty territory c) you invaded a territory containing only an AAGun and/or IC d) your ARM arrived by amphibious assault
4. Afrika Korps – Place 1 free INF for immediate use this TURN in Libya if you control it.
-Place an additional free 1INF,1RTL and 1ARM during the Mobilize Units phase of this TURN in Libya if you control it. (These are German Units)
5. Wolf Packs -When declared, place 1 free SUB in either SZ 5 during the Mobilize Units phase of this turn only. You may place the SUB even if the SZ is enemy occupied.
-Your SUBs attack at 3 if there are at least two of them at the start of the combat cycle. The SUBs may come from different SZs, but must attack the same SZ. When there are less than two SUBs at the start of a combat cycle,
this ability is lost. The Wolf Packs NA does not improve defending SUBs.
-Your Convoy Raids do increased damage when there are at least two or more German SUBs in the same SZ. If the group of SUBs is within 2SZ of the enemy IC, the enemy subtracts an additional 1IPC from their collected income. If the group of SUBs is within 1SZ of the enemy IC, the enemy subtracts an additional 2IPC from their collected income.
-Your submarines detection value decreases by 1.
6. Luftwaffe Dive-Bombers - During the first cycle of combat, if there are no defending FTRs present, your FTRs hit on a roll of 4 or less (5 With Jet Fighters). In succeeding cycles of combat, the FTRs hit normally. If defending FTRs are present, this ability is cancelled. This NA applies to both Land and Naval Combat. Your FTRs are still subject to any AA Fire.
-Your FTRs cost 1IPC less
-Your 1st FTR purchased costs 5IPC less. (Hans-Ulrich Rudel Rule)
1. Colonial Garrison - Place 1 free IC and 1 free INF during the Mobilize Units Phase of this turn only in either [ECan, Egy, SAfr, Ind, or Aus] if you control it. Both units must be placed in the same territory. The IC cannot build until next turn.
2. The Commonwealth - Place 1 free INF/TURN during the Mobilize Units Phase in either [ECan, Egy, SAfr, Ind, or Aus] if you control it.
3. The Bitter End –Infantry and artillery defending in England defend at 3 or less.
4. Royal Navy - Place 1 free Destroyer and 1 free Cruiser off the coast of either [UK, ECan, Egy, SAfr, Ind, or Aus] if you own the land territory, during the Mobilize Units Phase of this turn only. You may place the DD even if the SZ is enemy-occupied.
-Your DDs cost 1IPC less.
5. Royal Air Force - Place 1 free FTR in either [UK, ECan, Egy, SAfr, Ind, or Aus] if you own it, or on an AC adjacent to these territories, during the Mobilize Units Phase of this turn only.
-Your FTRs cost 1IPC less.
6. UK Lend-Lease - When declared, UK is given a free 5IPC this turn only.
- During your Mobilize Units phase, you can convert up to 12IPC worth of USA units into UK units if they are in any of these territories: [UK, ECan, Egy, SAfr, Ind, or Aus]. These may be land or air units. Naval, air or land units in a SZ adjacent to these territories may also be converted assuming you control the territory. Remove the affected units from play and replace them with the same units of your own color. Any Tech or NA benefits from the previous owner are lost. Base costs are used for conversion (ie. not discounted costs)
-During your Purchase Units Phase, USA can lend UK up to 2 IPCs. The IPCs are removed from the USA income and are available for UK to spend immediately this turn. The total of Cash Converted + Units Converted this turn must be no more than 12IPC.
1. Fast Carriers - Your Escort and Normal Aircraft Carriers may move 3.
-Your 1st Escort Aircraft Carrier purchased costs 2IPC less
2. Pacific Divisions - Place 1 free INF/TURN during the Mobilize Units Phase in either [Sink, Chi, Kwa, Phi, Alaska, Haw, Mid, Wake or WUS] if you control it.
3. Marines – Unit placements are for the Mobilize Units Phase of declaration turn only.
- Place 1 free TN in either the [EUS, or WUS] sea-zone if you control territory.
- Place 2 free INF in either [EUS, CUS, WUS, Alaska, or Haw] if you control it. The Infantry may be placed in separate territories.
-During Amphibious Assaults, your INF attack at 2 for the first cycle of combat only. Marines may be matched 1:1 with supporting RTL, and thus attack at 3 on the first cycle of combat
4. Naval Industry - All your Naval Units (TRN,SUB,DD,AC,BB) cost 1IPC less
5. Reinforced Carriers - Your ACs require 2 hits to destroy, just like BBs.
-Your 1st Aircraft Carrier purchased costs 5IPC less
6. Tech Investment - Your attempts at Tech succeed automatically with 4 rolls instead of 6.
-When declared, US is given a free 5IPC to spend towards developing Minor Tech. IPCs not spent, or unable to be spent this TURN, may be carried over, but must still be used for Minor Tech.
1. Banzai Attacks -When declared, place 1 free INF in either [Man, Kwa, or FIC] if you control it, during the Mobilize Units phase of this turn only.
-Your INF attack at 2 for the first cycle of combat only. There are no restrictions on what units may accompany your Banzais.
Banzai INF may be matched 1:1 with supporting RTL, and thus attack at 3 on the first cycle of combat.
2. Tokyo Express - Your Destroyers and Cruisers gain limited transport capability. Maximum carrying capacity is 2INF per ship. Each ship can be used during either Combat or NCM, but not
i) COMBAT - Your ships can load and/or unload only 1 INF during Combat. As per LHTR rules, a unit loaded in Combat must be unloaded in Combat on the same TURN (unless ship is sunk or forced to retreat). If the SZ is hostile, your ship must first participate in Naval Combat (at full strength). If your ship survives, it may then unload 1INF into the Amphibious Assault.
ii) NON-COMBAT - Your ships not participating in Combat can load and/or unload 1 INF during NCM. INF loaded during NCM do not need to be unloaded the same TURN, and may remain aboard the ship. A loaded ship does not suffer any combat penalties
3. Yamato Class Battleships - Your BBs attack, defend, and bombard on a 5.
-Your 1st Battleship purchased costs 5IPC less.
4. Tech Advantage - When declared, Japan is given a free 16IPC which must ALL be used towards developing Minor Tech. IPCs not spent, or unable to be spent this TURN, may be carried over, but must still be used for Minor Tech.
5. Kaiten Torpedoes -When declared, place 1 free SUB in either SZ 60 or SZ 61 during the Mobilize Units phase of this turn only. You may place the SUB even if the SZ is enemy-occupied.
-Japan may designate up to 2 SUBs/TURN as Kaitens. Kaitens can only be used for attack.
-At the start of Combat, Japan must declare a “primary target” if using just 1 Kaiten in a SZ, and a “primary and secondary target” if using 2 Kaitens in a SZ (Enemy SUBs cannot be targeted). Enemy BBs still require 2 hits, and would thus need to be targeted twice.
-Kaitens are subject to detection but their DD-to-detect values decrease by 1 (Kaitens and regular SUBs will have different DD-to-detect values, so it’s possible for defending DDs to detect regular SUBs, but not Kaitens).
-If “undetected”, Kaitens roll against their primary target first, and only move on to the secondary target (with a 2nd Kaiten) if the primary is destroyed.
-If “detected”, Kaitens must roll against an enemy DD first, and only move on to the primary target (with a 2nd Kaiten) if the DD is destroyed.
-Kaitens hit in the first cycle of combat on Opening Fire on a 3 or less (4 with Super Subs). Kaitens cannot be hit by enemy units. Instead, they die automatically at the end of Opening Fire, whether they have hit or not. Kaiten casualties are also removed at the end of Opening Fire, regardless of whether the Kaiten was detected or not.
-Your SUBs cost 1IPC less.
6. Kamikaze Attacks - Japan may designate up to 2 FTRs/TURN as Kamikazes. Kamis can only be used for attack against naval units and may use their full range of movement to reach the SZ without needing a friendly territory to land.
-At the start of Combat, Japan must declare a “primary target” if using just 1 Kami in a SZ, and a “primary and secondary target” if using 2 Kamis in a SZ (Enemy SUBs cannot be targeted). Enemy BBs still require 2 hits, and would thus need to be targeted twice. If Kamis and Kaitens are used together, you would declare up to 4 targets in total. The Kaitens would roll first, with the Kamis continuing in sequence. Kamis do not have to kill an enemy DD first if the Kaitens are detected and fail to hit the DD.
-Kamis are subject to any AA Fire (land-based AAGuns or BBs with Combined Arms), or “intercepting” FTRs (ie. with UK Radar or Jet Fighters) and are removed IMMEDIATELY if hit. If Japan has Jet Fighters, they may lower enemy AA-to-hit values (but not “intercept” values)
-Kamis hit in the first cycle of combat on Opening Fire on a 4 or less. Kamis cannot be hit by enemy units (except AA and interceptors). Instead, they die automatically at the end of Opening Fire, whether they have hit or not. Kami casualties are also removed at the end of Opening Fire.
-Your FTRs cost 1IPC less.
-Your 1st FTR purchased costs 5IPC less.