4. Convoy Raids as Standard
-Due to their heavier dependence on convoys for shipping, UK, US, and Japan are subject to Convoy Raids (CR). These are economic attacks, conducted by SUBs, close to enemy shipping lanes (ie. near an IC). Russian and German, Russian and Italian ICs are not subject to such attacks.
-On the UK, US, and Japan Collect Income Phases, for every Enemy SUB within 1 SZ of (ie. directly adjacent to) an IC owned by that respective country, subtract 2IPC from their collected income. For every Enemy SUB within 2 SZ of an IC, subtract 1IPC. If a SUB became submerged during this TURN’s Conduct Combat Phase, it does not do ANY economic damage.
-Multiple SUBs may affect a single IC, with damage capped at the Territory’s IPC value. Any individual SUB, can only affect one IC/TURN, but may affect multiple ICs/ROUND (eg. a German SUB in SZ 9 cannot affect UK ICs in both UK and Canada on the same TURN. It can however, affect the UK IC on UK’s Collect Income Phase, and then the EUS IC on US’s Collect Income Phase later in the ROUND)
-The combined total of all economic attacks (CR,SBR,Rockets) on a territory, is limited to double that territory’s IPC value per TURN. Note that Convoy Raid damage occurs on the defender’s TURN, while SBR and Rocket damage occur on the attacker’s TURN
(Therefore, Germany can theoretically do 16 IPC damage to UK with a combination of SBR and Rockets on G2, followed by another16 IPC damage to UK with Convoy Raids on UK2)
5. D-Day Invasion as Standard
-Once during the game, at the start of UK’s turn, you may declare a D-Day Invasion, a combined attack of UK and US forces which occurs on the US turn. D-Day may only target France, and all attacking land and sea units MUST amphibious assault from SZ 7 (with the rare exception of land units already in Germany, NW Europe or Italy, which can attack France as per regular rules). Air units may come in from any territory provided they have enough movement points.
-On the UK turn, conduct Combat and NCM as normal for any units you do not anticipate participating in the D-Day invasion. Any units being used on UK’s turn, be it Combat or NCM, cannot be used on the US turn. Newly purchased UK units cannot be used either.
-On the US turn, the US player uses the remaining eligible UK units in his Combat and NCM together with his own units. US TRNs can transport UK land units and vice versa. Any UK units used MUST be involved in Combat, and in France ONLY. The only exception to this is loaded UK TRNs (and any UK land unit cargo) which can be involved in combat in SZ 7 as part of the amphibious assault. UK BBs and Cruisers not used on UK’s turn can bombard France but only if SZ 7 was empty at the start of the US turn.
-The UK and US must agree on casualties, otherwise the defender chooses. AAGun fire is rolled separately against each nation. Techs or National Advantages (NAs) still only apply to the units of the power that has them. D-Day may not be called off once declared.
-If France ever becomes controlled by Allies prior to D-Day, Allies can no longer conduct D-Day
6. Price Changes, New Units And New Abilities
-Industrial Complex is now 12IPC
-Battlecruiser (BC) Cost 14, Attack 4, Defend 4, Bombard 4, they take one hit to sink and do not have anti-aircraft abilities
-Destroyer is now 8 IPC, Attack 2, Defend 2, Detects Submarines
-Bomber is now 14IPC
-Aircraft Carrier is now 14IPC, Attack 0, Defend 3, Carries 2 Fighters
-Escort Carrier is now 8 IPC, Attack 0, Defend 1, Carries 1 Fighter
-Battleship is now 20IPC and is equipped with an Anti-Aircraft Gun. (Battleships with Rockets may NOT fire rockets. Radar tech is applied to battleships. As per AA Gun rules, only one AA Gun may fire in a territory per combat sequence.)
-Artillery no longer advances into the area attack, Artillery fires from an adjacent territory in opening fire. Artillery that fired this round cannot move (similar to AA Guns.) You may not have more than 10 artillery pieces on the board at any given time. (Per nation.)
-Submarines can no longer engage enemy submarines without a destroyer first detecting the submarines.
7. SUB Detection
A. SUB Detection Rolls and DD-to-detect values
-All attacking and defending SUBs are “Undetected” at the start of Combat. Each SUB has a DD-to-detect value, which is 3 at baseline, and represents the likelihood of being detected (a higher value means more likely to be detected)
-Only DDs can “Detect” SUBs. In the first cycle of combat, prior to Opening Fire, EACH DD in the attacking and/or defending force rolls a SUB Detection Roll. If at least ONE SUB Detection Roll is less than or equal to an opposing SUB’s DD-to-detect value, that SUB is considered “Detected”. If none of the rolls are less than or equal to a SUB’s DD-to-detect value, that SUB remains “Undetected.” If there are no opposing DDs, then all SUBs would remain “Undetected”.
B. Detected vs. Undetected SUBs
-“Detected” SUBs have their special abilities cancelled by opposing DDs as per regular rules and combat resumes as normal.
-“Undetected” SUBs have 3 major benefits on the first cycle of combat:
1. Any enemy units hit by “Undetected” SUBs in Opening Fire are removed at the end of Opening Fire, even if an enemy DD is present.
2. “Undetected” SUBs gain the ability to submerge IMMEDIATELY after Opening Fire and thus avoid further combat. If an
“Undetected” SUB chooses not to submerge at this time, it now becomes considered “Detected” for the remainder of Combat (including having its special abilities cancelled by opposing DDs). Combat resumes as normal.
3. “Undetected” SUBs gain the ability to call their shots if they are the only units attacking that sea zone. If there are ANY other units, aerial or naval, attacking that same sea zone or flying over that sea zone, or sailing through that sea zone, this ability is cancelled. (Reflects the inordinate amount of time submarine captains spent lining up shots on juicy targets.)
This ability cannot be used to sink escorted transports.
C. Modifiers for DD-to-detect values
-The SUB’s baseline DD-to-detect value of 2 can be increased (positive modifier) or decreased (negative modifier) by multiple modifiers
i) AIR Modifier (+1 to all opposing SUB’s DD-to-detect value) - Applies whenever there are any FTRs or BMBRs in the SZ of the same nationality as opposing DDs
ii) LRA Tech (increases the AIR modifier above to +2) - no effect if no AIR present
iii) Radar/Sonar (+1 to all opposing SUB’s DD-to-detect value)
iv) Super Destroyers (+1 to all your Super Subs’ DD-to-detect value)
v) Improved Shipyards (-1 to all your Subs’ DD-to-detect value)
-Usually SUB detection will be straightforward, but because of modifiers, there are a couple of situations that can get tricky.
- Groups of DDs with different positive modifiers - this can happen when defending with DDs from different nations. Roll each nation’s DDs separately if the values differ (eg. 5 Ger SUBs attack SZ containing 2UK DD, 1US DD, 1US AC, 1 US FTR. Assume US has LRA. UK DDs have no modifiers. US DDs modify enemy SUB DD-to-detect values by +2. In this case, roll their SUB detection rolls separately, ie. 2UK DD @ 3, 1US DD @ 5)