The Official "Looking for AA50 Opponents" Thread

  • 2007 AAR League

    how many boards are there in this aa50 game?  do they sell the actual board?  i’ll move on to aa50, but i can’t give up my board man.  :mrgreen:

    anyone up for a game of revised?

  • 2007 AAR League

    check the aa50 section on the threads, has a lot of info and yes the game is on sale now at your local retailers

  • Ok, I’ve downloaded the .GIMs for battlemap and I’ve read the instructions online.  I’ve got no freakin’ clue how to approach this game, but I’m willing to give it a shot while waiting for league to start back up.

    I would definitely want to try the NOs, and I wouldn’t mind trying with techs.  I haven’t looked at it enough to have a real preference for starting year or side.

    Anyone interested?

    You can send a PM

  • Interested am PM sent, Tim

  • Looking for a battlemap AA50 game. With NOs, tech can go either way. It can be '41 or '42. I am online generally only on weekends but will be online daily from Christmas through New Years and maybe a bit afterwords.

  • Hey big dog I’ll play, however I cannot post my first move until Monday. I’d say '42 because it appears that '41 has serious problems. NOs seem interesting, but tech makes things too funky.

    If you’re interested you can start the thread and pick whichever side you would like.

  • After getting destroyed in my first AA50 game, I’m willing to attempt another with someone. I’m willing to play anyone setup.

  • Macro  I would like to play '41 NO’s and tech as the Allies. I have some things I want to test. Seeing how we just played if you want to wait on another opponent I understand.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I’m open for a '41 scenario, NO’s and Techs.  Shoot me a PM if you are interested.

  • Moderator

    Looking for a '41 game, with NOs but no tech.
    I’d like to be the Axis since I haven’t played as them yet.

    PM me or reply here.

  • Hi.  New to Boards here.  I’m looking for a game of AA50 '41 with NO’s (prefer Tech, but will play w/o).  I have the modules for ABattlemap but first time using it.  I have played the actual AA50 board game once and have done PBEM with AAE and AAP.

  • Hi guys !

    I’d like to play a '41 game without NO’s, and with or without Techs. Also, I’d use ABattleMap and site dicey. Anyone interested ??

    If nobody wants to play a game without NO’s, I guess i’ll change my mind and play one with NO’s… So, pm me or email me at

  • Hey I’m looking to play AA50-41 with NOs and techs.  I have not played AA50 but for 3-4 rounds as Japan, however I have read the rules thoroughly over the past few days and am excited to play. I’ve played AAR quite a bit but never online.

    I should be free most of the day… but after today that just off and on hopefully that is okay.  Thanks!

    Also, I prefer to play toward complete victory, until surrender, which usually doesn’t take much longer than the default victory condition.

    Also Also I want to try Axis, but can go either way.

  • Email sent, Stoney !

  • Hey guys, I’d also be interested to play a '41 game (NOs + Techs) with LowLuck. I think it would be great, and even easier to roll with the forum dicey (well, it’d take less time to type the battles  :lol:).

    The usual rules would apply… Roll subs separatly with surprise attack or with the other units but with no surprise attack… SBR do 3 or 4 dmg… etc

    Anyone interested ?? pm or email or reply !

  • Looking for a 41 game. Tech junkies welcome. Let me know.

  • I’m up for one, but may be a little erratic towards end of the week.  I prefer using NOs and would like Allies, if possible.  Shoot me an email to confirm.

  • Looking for a '41 game with all techs & NO. This would be my 4th game I believe so I’m not super experienced yet with the AA50 setups.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    With A44 on haitus during the week, I have three game slots open.

  • Hi, I’m looking for someone to play AA50- 1941, with or without NOs, but no tech.  I know how to input the dice roller now, but what do I do about a map?  Do I just use my board at home or is there a Battlemap for AA50 I use or what?  Need some help getting started.  Thanks


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