I would stick with 2 dice (or maybe 2@3). This pick best is just ridiculous. Seriously, the more and more errata (and “FAQ” - lol) they add, the worse the game becomes.
Killing Fleets with Bombers
I see everybody saying bombers were used to hurt enemy shipping… is there even any enemy shipping in Axis and Allies?
Were they used extensively in all out naval warfare, to the extent where they wouldn’t have been just an accessory to a fighter squadron but a significant force?
I don’t know, I always pictured the bombers in Axis and Allies as carpet-bombing land machines, not things that go after boats.
I have to agree with Rakeman. I always pictured fighters as both fighters and scout planes and small/medium bombers while bombers were the big nasties that flew way up in the sky, had belly gunners and generally made life a living hell for anyone living in a city either through firebombing or other means.
I never really pictured them being a machine used for sinking ships. That’s why I always figured they had a defense value of 1, not 2 or 3, because they were not equipped to handle being attacked, only to bring death to the enemy from way up in the clouds.
But don’t take that to mean I don’t ever want to see bombers in naval combat. I have no problem with them in all the other major editions of the game (AAR, Classic, etc) they just seem over powered with the huge cost reduction they got.
I guess an alternative would be 2 hit Aircraft Carriers to force the enemy to build that many more bombers to sink a fleet and thus restore the cost. /shrug
Not an adequate fix. Many times, 12 IPC bombers are used to terrorize small fleets that don’t have CVs. I like the “no bomber attacks on naval” fix.
I am somewhat torn on this issue, 12 IPC bombers for Germany keeps atlantic shipping honest, it is almost like it represents the real effect of u-boats in the war: transports need protection. On the other hand, cheap air tends to stunt naval tactics which is a shame considering how much of the board is ocean, especially the Pacific side. I ould like to see some form of AA defence for fleets, either certain ships each get a shot at incoming air or you can use an AA from a transport or some such thing.
Interesting discussion. One thing to note about bombers is they are effective for both Allies and Axis so they don’t actually throw off game balance unless some power researches heavies.
This game seems meant to have a more historical feel than previous versions, and it succeeds in that Western Axis navies are no match for Allied air. And while Germany can use air to effectively ward off Allied fleets, there is always a trade-off between using air to deadzone Western sea zones and using them air to wear down Russia.
Solutions? I’d like to see some changes to subs…. Either lower the price to 5, or boost it back up to 7-8 and give them the ability to do economic damage.
For me, SBR is a big reason I buy bombers. If I didn’t SBR I’d probably buy way more fighters and less bombers. SBR gives the bomber something to do every turn, which makes it a much better investment than naval units. If naval units also had the ability to do economic damage (as they should, if they are in an enemy convoy zone) then buying them would be more logical.
I really do not see bombers as a problem, rather, the tech that bombers can get is broken. Destroyers always smash bombers IPC for IPC, as do loaded carriers. Cruisers are another problem all together as I feel there cost is way outta line to begin with, but if you need fleet defense on the cheap avoid them. Heavy bombers are still the most overpowered insane tech in the game. It is almost back to classic levels with the price reduction on the bomber. Add in LRA and/or paratroopers, and bombers are broken. I play on tripleA though and usually avoid tech so this is typically not a problem for me. The best alternative is to grant a tech, say radar, to improve boats vs air. Perhaps with radar you get 1 aa shot for free with boats vs air, or maybe just cruisers or something. Shipyards is not enough, or let shipyards reduce destroyers down to 6 IPCs, as 2 destroyers would then stand some chance against a heavy bomber I think.
The only buying bombers with Uk and such is pretty evil for Germany and Italy espescially if you throw in Heavy Bombers and long-range aircraft it gets worse but Radar and Aircraft carriers would help defeat the bomber menece.