• 1942 Japanese strategy:

    Considerations: USA has a huge fleet and could start a naval war if Japan does not play a strong 1st turn. To get the cheapest fleet for the buck you basically dump out a huge paper fleet to scare away a possible US counter attack on Hawaii. You now have a counter of:

    1 CV, 2 fighters, 1 Bomber, 1 BB, 4 SS and any other fighters in range, plus the balance of the Hawaii fleet (1 SS, 1 CA, 1 DD).

    With 31 IPC Japan has no other means of fighting back w/o this fleet. Also, they must buy at least one Transport because all they have is one to start and have too many assets on islands.

    Builds: 4 Subs 1 transport. Also you can try 3 DD and transport or 1 CA, 2 Subs and transport. The idea is to show US that either: its not worth the fight and your ready to attack his fleet, or you need a fleet but don’t like attacking and need more defense so less subs defending on 1.

    SZ#35 with 1BB, 1 CV, 2 fighters  13v.9
    SZ#53 1 SS,1 fighter,1 Bomber,1 DD, 1 CA 14v.9

    CV and BB to Iwo Jima. If you buy 4 subs and Transport you need these in home waters to protect builds ( US bomber from west coast)

    Transport picks up 1 Inf in Okinawa and Tank from Japan to Manchuria to stop 3 Soviets from crossing.

    China attacks:
    Attack Yunnan with 3 fighters ( and 3 infantry –1 from Burma)…fighters from Formosa, FIC, and Manchuria.

    Attack Suiyan with 4 Infantry
    Attack Fukien with 1 infantry and 1 infantry from Kwangtung and 1 fighter from Japan

    modified: 11/23

  • 2007 AAR League

    I think a large naval build on J1 isn’t the best move. I wouldn’t build a bunch of “naval only” (SS, DD) shipping that I may never use if the US abandons the Pacific. I would rather wait until after the US makes the decision to go after Japan or not. Even after the sz53 and sz35 attacks the Japanese have 2 BB, 2 CV, 1 CA and probably more aircraft to USA’s 1 BB, 1 CV, 1 SS (and maybe sz20 DD). And personally, I think it is in the Axis’ best interest if the US decided to go full bore at Japan anyway so why try to discourage them from doing it?

    And I’m not as worried about the Chinese fighter as most everybody else are, apparently. The Japanese have it vastly outnumbered and using it to attack will expose and deplete the Chinese infantry that much quicker. The J1 primary objectives are sz35 and sz53.

    My J1 would be more like:

    Purchase $31
    1 DD
    1 TP
    1 IC (for manchuria. If the US goes KJF then this allows you to build units without having to worry about defending it like the TP’s, if the TP’s get sunk you can still build ground units, and it allows you to move the TP’s away from the home island, if need be, and still produce ground units in Asia. And again, if the US goes KJF you’ll have your hands full keeping any more than the IC and the 2 TP filled because most of your future builds will be naval or aircraft and this would be your last infrastructure build for probably the rest of the game so get it out of the way before it hurts to do it.)
    save $1

    sz53 (1 fig, 1 CV, 1 DD)
    1 bmb Japan
    1 fig, 1 DD sz51
    1 SS sz46
    1 fig sz48

    The sz48 fig is ALWAYS your second casualty because it allows you to move the sz51 CV away in case the battle goes worse than average. I’d rather sacrifice it instead of sending the CA into this battle for obvious reasons. In the event that you take zero casualties or 1 casualty and decide to lose the SS instead of the sz48 fig (optimal) and the CV is forced to stay in sz51, it will be safe from the US navy because of the blocking DD and it would be suicidal to attack a fully loaded CV with just the Haw fig and W US bmb. Plus the loaded CV in sz51 threatens a 1 bmb, 2 fig attack on sz53 in case the US foolishly decides to move the sz56 BB, CA there.

    sz35 (1 fig, 1 CV, 1 DD, 1 TP)
    1 BB, 1 CV, 1 fig sz48
    1 fig FIC
    1 fig For

    Sending only 2 fig here is asking for trouble. There’s nothing worse that watching the defender yahtzee and staring at having to retreat a CV/wounded BB against a fig/TP which would give the UK way too many options to hurt you or, more probably, the Italians. Make sure this one goes right for you. Any remaining figs except the Formosa one(first casualty) will land in Burma unless you like to do the “Japanese fighters to help Germany” thing which I personally think is wasteful, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

    Fukien (1 inf)
    1 inf Kwang
    1 BB, 1 TP sz62 load 1 art Japan to sz60 load 1 inf Oki to sz61 unload Fuk

    I only say to use the art instead of the arm in case the BB misses and you end up losing an inf. The Chinese player may decide to attack your 1 inf, 1 arm with 3 inf, 1 fig. Your mileage may vary and I wouldn’t hold it against you if you sent the arm and gambled that both inf and the arm remain after your attack.

    Suiyuan (2 inf)
    2 inf, 1 fig Man
    1 inf Kia
    1 fig Japan

    Notice I sent the 2 inf from Man and only 1 from Kia instead of all 3 from Kia. This is just in case the battle goes badly you can retreat the remaining units back to Man. If they all came from Kia you would have to retreat them back to Kia where they would do no good helping defend the newly built Man IC. The 2 unused inf from Kia will reinforce Man in non-combat along with both fighters (2 inf, 2 fig should be enough to discourage the Russians from attacking with 3 inf, 1 bmb).

    Non-combat moves that I haven’t already detailed are few and easy.
    2 inf FIC to Burma doesn’t matter if you leave FIC empty because the Chinese can’t collect on it and you’ll retake it before the UK gets the NO money for it.

    1 CA sz50 to sz62 to help the DD protect the newly built TP in case you are unable or unwilling to move the sz51 CV to sz62. I left it out of combat for this reason. If you move the CV to sz62 then leave the CA where it is to threaten sz53 as well as a bombardment threat anywhere along the coast.

    There are also slight modifications to this strategy depending on your taste.

    1. You could use the CA in the sz53 attack instead of bringing the sz48 fig. This would free up an extra fighter to help with the China attacks and defense. In this case it means you must move the sz51 CV to defend sz62. It also allows you to build 2 TP’s,1 IC instead of 1 TP,1 DD,1 IC because the CV with 1 fig wouldn’t need the DD to help scare off the W US bomber.

    Another option is that you could send an extra inf from Kiangsu to Fukien to make an attack with the armor a safer bet. This would leave you with only 1 inf to defend the Man IC with the 2 fighters. This works better when packaged with option 1 as you would have the third Asian fighter to defend the Man IC with 1 inf, 3 fig.

    I think I got everything. I probably didn’t, but it seems solid enough for a first draft.

  • @U-505:

    sz53 (1 fig, 1 CV, 1 DD)
    1 bmb Japan
    1 fig, 1 DD sz51
    1 SS sz46
    1 fig sz48

    The sz48 fig is ALWAYS your second casualty because it allows you to move the sz51 CV away in case the battle goes worse than average. I’d rather sacrifice it instead of sending the CA into this battle for obvious reasons. In the event that you take zero casualties or 1 casualty and decide to lose the SS instead of the sz48 fig (optimal) and the CV is forced to stay in sz51, it will be safe from the US navy because of the blocking DD and it would be suicidal to attack a fully loaded CV with just the Haw fig and W US bmb. Plus the loaded CV in sz51 threatens a 1 bmb, 2 fig attack on sz53 in case the US foolishly decides to move the sz56 BB, CA there.

    Not so fast my friend. The UK has a fighter in Australia. If the UK takes out the DD, the USA can sweep in on that fully loaded carrier, and sink her fast.

  • I think a large naval build on J1 isn’t the best move.

    Japan plays before US, and with the US naval assets not cleared from the map, they have a great option to go after Japan. If you do not show a big stick to the dog the dog may want to fight. But if you scare him, you may avert a battle.

    I know you think you can just let him build, then follow him with a turn of your own builds…but if you build first you gain the advantage of tempo, both in respect that you raise him first and have the upper hand in actual pieces and second with these pieces you gain the control of being able to launch attacks first.

    Otherwise, the US player dictates your plan rather than the other way around.

    Also, note my proposed builds were changed to 3 destroyers and transport, due to the new sub/ASW rules.

  • What about 2 cruisers, 1 trannie? If USA flees from Pacific, at least you have the bombard ability

  • Its because you need the DD because you got lots of capital ships and US will buy subs to hunt them down with preemptive shots and you as japan wont be able to sink them unless you got destroyers.

    buy cruisers and see what he does.

  • 2007 AAR League



    sz53 (1 fig, 1 CV, 1 DD)
    1 bmb Japan
    1 fig, 1 DD sz51
    1 SS sz46
    1 fig sz48

    The sz48 fig is ALWAYS your second casualty because it allows you to move the sz51 CV away in case the battle goes worse than average. I’d rather sacrifice it instead of sending the CA into this battle for obvious reasons. In the event that you take zero casualties or 1 casualty and decide to lose the SS instead of the sz48 fig (optimal) and the CV is forced to stay in sz51, it will be safe from the US navy because of the blocking DD and it would be suicidal to attack a fully loaded CV with just the Haw fig and W US bmb. Plus the loaded CV in sz51 threatens a 1 bmb, 2 fig attack on sz53 in case the US foolishly decides to move the sz56 BB, CA there.

    Not so fast my friend. The UK has a fighter in Australia. If the UK takes out the DD, the USA can sweep in on that fully loaded carrier, and sink her fast.

    Good call. I’m still getting the ‘41 art and the 42’ fig mixed up in Australia.

    Well, then there are 2 solutions. Take the fighter as the first casualty no matter what or go with my 1st optional move and bring the CA instead of the sz48 fighter.

    Looking at it I don’t know if I would drastically change the strategy. As long as you take the fig as the first casualty, the CV is free to move away from danger. The only time it wouldn’t be able to move is if you take zero casualties which is fairly rare but not unheard of.

    But let’s assume that you haven’t taken any casualties and the CV is stuck in sz51. There is still 1 DD, 1 SS in sz53.

    First, 1 fig vs. 1 DD is no gimme. Yes, you don’t need the fighter to survive. All you need is to sink the DD even if you lose the fighter but it still doesn’t guarantee victory. 25% of the time the UK loses the fighter for nothing.

    Second, that would also mean that an SS remains so the only unit to be able to get past it is the US SS so that makes an attack there 1 bmb, 1 fig, 1 SS vs. 2 fig, 1 CV. That still favors the Japanese. The only thing that you have to worry about is the SS sinking the CV in opening fire. But, I think it’s balanced out by the fact that while the chances that one side hits 2 to 1 or better over the other are not probable, they are more probable for the Japanese than the US. Assuming the US gets 1 hit and not by the SS, just lose the CV anyway. You can pretty much expect (roughly 92-93%) at least 1 hit back and by the Japanese aircraft so the US would have to lose the fighter at least. Only a 4 IPC loss, which is acceptable. And assuming 2 hits each, which is what you probably expect, if both of the Japanese hits are from their fighters (most likely) then the SS can’t be used as fodder so you’re looking at 1 bmb, 1 fig for 1 CV, 1 fig. Again, an acceptable 2 IPC loss.

    In this particular scenario, I see the Japanese coming away with enough acceptable or favorable outcomes that it’s worth the risk to me to save the CA over the sz48 fighter and set it up for a bombardment or a naval counterattack on J2. Besides, how often would the Japanese take zero casualties in a sz53 attack? Maybe 1 in 15 games. Slightly less? Is it worth it to scrap a strategy because every 15th time you play the Japanese there’s a roughly 50/50 shot(after factoring in the fig/DD battle) for you to lose a CV in a negative IPC value unit trade?

    CV’s being discounted in AA50 makes me less worried about losing 1 especially if I kill something in return for it.


    Its because you need the DD because you got lots of capital ships and US will buy subs to hunt them down with preemptive shots and you as japan wont be able to sink them unless you got destroyers.

    buy cruisers and see what he does.

    If the US buys subs then why can’t you just buy subs, too. As long as the US and Japanese fleets dance around 3 sea zones away from each other it is in Japan’s favor. The US has to come to the Japanese, not the other way around and the first guy to move his fleet within 2 sea zones of the other is the one who puts his subs at the disadvantage of defending at 1. That guy is almost always the US player.

    My strategy for the Japanese is to wait until the US player chooses to fight in the Pacific before I build any large amounts of non-TP navy and if he does build for the Pacific then I will match him ship for ship only when his fleet begins to rival mine because I start out with more capital ships and he has to take at least one turn to get to me.

    IL, I think where our mindsets are fundamentally different is that I think the US going head to head with Japan is a good thing and you think it is a bad thing. You want to scare the US away and I want to encourage the US to come after Japan because I personally think that Germany/Italy vs. UK/Rus is favorable to the Axis. And if the US splits it’s income between the Atlantic and the Pacific then Japan can easily hold off the US and at the same time make territory gains with whatever income they have left over.

    It’s the same mindset that I have in AAR and I will continue to think that way until someone proves conclusively that it is flawed.

  • IL, I think where our mindsets are fundamentally different is that I think the US going head to head with Japan is a good thing and you think it is a bad thing. You want to scare the US away and I want to encourage the US to come after Japan because I personally think that Germany/Italy vs. UK/Rus is favorable to the Axis. And if the US splits it’s income between the Atlantic and the Pacific then Japan can easily hold off the US and at the same time make territory gains with whatever income they have left over.

    I would invite the US when its to the Japanese advantage. IN 1942 they have too many ships and can easily overpower Japan, unless Japan basically just buys naval. IN 1941 i would love US to start something, but not in 42. Id rather show them my resolve and watch them bother somebody else so i can quickly get my IPC’s. I think if you don’t show your hand the US player will buy all pacific because that’s where her strength is. But if i can force them to move back i waste their time.

    It’s the same mindset that I have in AAR and I will continue to think that way until someone proves conclusively that it is flawed.

    I think using ideas from AAR is a big mistake in AA50. AA50 was designed to force different conclusions and stop these ideas. The entire dynamic is different and if it was the same the game would be a mistake to design in this manner. Tactics are one thing but not strategy.

  • 2007 AAR League


    I would invite the US when its to the Japanese advantage. IN 1942 they have too many ships and can easily overpower Japan, unless Japan basically just buys naval. IN 1941 i would love US to start something, but not in 42. Id rather show them my resolve and watch them bother somebody else so i can quickly get my IPC’s. I think if you don’t show your hand the US player will buy all pacific because that’s where her strength is. But if i can force them to move back i waste their time.

    I agree with your 41’ assessment. Not so much in 42’. Assuming that Japan loses roughly 2 fighters on J1 and that the SS/DD(if they survived that attack) in sz53 are toast, that still leaves 2 BB, 2 CV, 1 CA, 5 fig, 1 bmb(142 IPC’s value) vs. 1 BB, 1 CA, 1 SS, 1 DD(or 2 if you count the one in sz10), 3 fig, 2 bmb (100 IPC’s value). You could leave the New Guinea BB/CV to conduct operations in the south Pacific and still outnumber the US with what’s left.

    Had to edit I made a math error.


    I think using ideas from AAR is a big mistake in AA50. AA50 was designed to force different conclusions and stop these ideas. The entire dynamic is different and if it was the same the game would be a mistake to design in this manner. Tactics are one thing but not strategy.

    I don’t doubt you. I just think that my Revised strategy provides me with a solid baseline to work from. I won’t be inflexible if it proves unmanageable.

  • @U-505:

    Second, that would also mean that an SS remains so the only unit to be able to get past it is the US SS so that makes an attack there 1 bmb, 1 fig, 1 SS vs. 2 fig, 1 CV. That still favors the Japanese. The only thing that you have to worry about is the SS sinking the CV in opening fire. But, I think it’s balanced out by the fact that while the chances that one side hits 2 to 1 or better over the other are not probable, they are more probable for the Japanese than the US. Assuming the US gets 1 hit and not by the SS, just lose the CV anyway. You can pretty much expect (roughly 92-93%) at least 1 hit back and by the Japanese aircraft so the US would have to lose the fighter at least. Only a 4 IPC loss, which is acceptable. And assuming 2 hits each, which is what you probably expect, if both of the Japanese hits are from their fighters (most likely) then the SS can’t be used as fodder so you’re looking at 1 bmb, 1 fig for 1 CV, 1 fig. Again, an acceptable 2 IPC loss.

    That rule changed….

    Submarines: Subs still have that powerful first strike ability. Destroyers are still a subs primary nemesis. So what’s new? Well to begin with subs can now pass through enemy occupied sea zones. At the same time your ships can pass through (ignore) an enemy sea zone containing only enemy submarines and lowly transports. The fact is, if you want to conduct an amphibious assault and the enemy has subs and or transports in the sea zone, you don’t have to attack them! Use those big battleships and cruisers to bombard the territory instead of having to clear the sea zone first.

    SS and transports no longer prevent movement. Only defensive 'surface ships" do so.

    So the sub will not prevent the US fleet from moving through the zone.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Well, that’s what I get for not reading the rules.  :lol:

    It’s kinda funny that, at the very least, a bunch of undefended TP’s can pass through sub infested waters without being interdicted or suffering an attack. Seems like some of the things they changed were only done so that they could say they changed something.

    My only intention was to preserve the CA because it is clearly more valuable than a fighter. But, it appears that my strategy would  require that the CA be used in the sz53 attack. It’s not really so bad, though. The extra fighter freed up to attack China gives me more flexibility there. Six of one half a dozen of the other, I guess.

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    I think I like a factory build. Maybe with 2 transports, and 2 ipc saved for the following round.

    Manchuria is still only 5 spaces away from Moscow and Stalingrad, if you push threw the center instead of the north. A full force blitz into Suiyuan could be the ticket to putting early pressure on Russia and stacking Kazakh or Novos. Indochina also has a certain appeal, even if it has been nerfed down to 2 ipcs, but its not nearly as easy to set up a troop train out of Indo as it is out of Manchuria. The latter is just much closer to home and easier to defend from the Americans. I don’t know though. Will have to play more games to see what works best.

    Right now I think its probably safer for the Jap fleet to rush west. Kill the British fleet and drive towards India, rather than going East to start a cascading trade of ships with USA. ;)

    If you go to sz 38, you can put like 5 fighters on the British fleet, though I’m sure thats a bit overkill. You probably only need four fighters, and could still come out of it with a full carrier deck, so you don’t even need 38. Also, I think it might be a decent option to just forgo the attack into Hupeh, in order to concentrate your airpower on the more critical battles.  Unless you want to just keep the transport at home to unload in Manchukuo.  If you leave a dude to defend Kiangsu, then you also have an option to go north to defend the Manchuria factory and just trade Kiangsu for a round, should one of the battles go disastrously wrong. Or you could go light on one of the other battles and try to knock out all 4 spaces in the opening round, which really isn’t all that difficult to do.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Actually you hit on something when you mentioned Indochina. An IC in Burma might be worth a look. The fact that it takes 2 turns to get a TP down there makes it economical to put one there. And a second one in India, once you take it, would provide you with more production than one in East Indies and 2 TP’s.

    That way your Japan based TP’s can handle the north/center routes and the IC’s can take the southern route. With Japan making huge amounts of cash in the midgame you might end up with an IC in manchuria as well but I think you’d be better off with the first one being in Burma to keep your TP’s close enough to Japan to constantly be landing troops every turn.

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    mmmm Burma
    That is intriguing isn’t it :-D
    If it comes down to a production race, that would definitely put more pressure on Caucasus.

    What do you guys think about avoiding sz 53 attack to bait the Americans into a Pacific war?

    Since Japan starts in 42, they have this option (which has traditionally gone to the Russians and British) to set off the Pacific game. By conserving 100% of the Jap fleet you can pretty much redirect all your air against China, Russia, or the British in India. And if you pull down a Pacific purchase from USA in the first round, then at least you can temp the Allies away from an all out KGF.

    I get the feeling that Germany and Italy will need all the help they can get in the first two rounds, and 30-60 Allied IPCs in the Pacific instead of the Atlantic might be a little easier for the Axis to work with. What do you guys think of it? Will the USA player just pull the carrier and fighter back, and throw them at Germany? Or will they press the attack in the Pacific? And if Pacific, wouldn’t it be better to set this up on Japan’s terms, with a plan in place? Just a thought :)

  • I would not bait US into anything. Id hope they buzz off and once i am stronger, i attack them and make them run back to me but not until i am at near 45 IPC and control of India.

  • 2007 AAR League


    What do you guys think about avoiding sz 53 attack to bait the Americans into a Pacific war?

    Well, if you look at it from a purely IPC standpoint you’re usually trading 1 CA, 1 DD, 1 SS(26 IPC’s) for 1 CV, 1 fig, 1 SS(30 IPC’s). With all the aircraft you free up you can make some pretty strong attacks in China or Bury. I think I’ll try that in my next game.


    I would not bait US into anything. Id hope they buzz off and once i am stronger, i attack them and make them run back to me but not until i am at near 45 IPC and control of India.

    Once they’re gone, the US rarely comes back. The best you can do is take Hawaii and trade Alaska every turn, but as long as they have the shuck train (W US to W Can to E Can) in place, it’s only a partial disruption of their troop movements that will be adjusted for in 1 turn and they won’t need to build a Pacific navy at all.

    The way it looks to me is that if the US doesn’t go into the Pacific on US1, they never will; no matter how much pressure you try to put on them.

  • i don’t know about that. i mean, if i was USA and JAPAN was knocking on my door with a large fleet, i’d suddenly become very interested in the pacific. the USA player can afford to take two theatres at once. i guess it just comes down to personal player preference

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    The way it looks to me is that if the US doesn’t go into the Pacific on US1, they never will; no matter how much pressure you try to put on them.

    Yeah, that was my thinking exactly. :)

    The only problem I could see with the idea, would be if you don’t attack sz 53 and then the USA player just pulls out and sends everything to the Atlantic anyway. Of course, if that happens, then at least you’d be in a better position to race towards Africa and meet them in the center of the board.

    By concentrating on India/China/Russia instead of sz 53, and offering a little trash talk to the Americans in the process, you have a pretty good chance of drawing the US player into a Pacific purchase. If nothing else, it would be a sporting challenge to the Allies, to play the game in a more entertaining and historically sensible way.


  • @Black_Elk:

    mmmm Burma
    That is intriguing isn’t it :-D
    If it comes down to a production race, that would definitely put more pressure on Caucasus.

    What do you guys think about avoiding sz 53 attack to bait the Americans into a Pacific war?

    I like your thinking.

    I’ve only ever played the '41 scenario, but let me tell you… the game has changed.  Now it’s setup so that America HAS to contend with Germany and devote resources there.  Let America come, I wouldn’t even factor it into your first turn’s build.  If they come for you then you’ve already won the game, because Germany will steamroll Russia without American assisstance.

    You have to look at the big picture, scaring USA off is doing a disservice to your team.

  • @Alair:


    mmmm Burma
    That is intriguing isn’t it :-D
    If it comes down to a production race, that would definitely put more pressure on Caucasus.

    What do you guys think about avoiding sz 53 attack to bait the Americans into a Pacific war?

    I like your thinking.

    I’ve only ever played the '41 scenario, but let me tell you… the game has changed.  Now it’s setup so that America HAS to contend with Germany and devote resources there.  Let America come, I wouldn’t even factor it into your first turn’s build.  If they come for you then you’ve already won the game, because Germany will steamroll Russia without American assisstance.

    You have to look at the big picture, scaring USA off is doing a disservice to your team.

    Agreed 100 %.
    And if we are going by that picture….Has anyone ever considered an IC buy on one of the two 4-IPC islands?
    I did it in yesterday’s 41 game, but the Allies gave up after that round, so I never got to use it, and I had 3 transports laying there already, so I might be abit biased.

    If you place it on East Indies on J1, you can set up invading forces at J2, targeting Australia (NO, plus -2 for UK, an even bigger help for Germany, along with the distracted USA), or set up for India (NO, plus -3 for UK), or set up for 5/6 territories in Africa (French-Madagascar, It. Africa, Anglo-Egypt Sudan, Egypt, Trans-Jordan, Persia, no explanation for benefits needed), or replenish the forces that go for China, opening Russia’s backdoor.

    There you go, with one IC, you are targeting for 4 possible goals, which all help you, and Germany & Italy.
    If you retreat your initial fleet into that area aswell, leaving only some protection for your 2 transports (I bought one aswell) at Japan, USA won’t be able to hit you on USA1, and needs to enter the pacific theatre himself, giving you the defense position, which isn’t a bad thing, as the entire theatre is yours already.

    Let him come, and strike him with a bunch of subs, or planes, or whatever. Even if you are busy with just USA (which is easy, having both Japan and East Indies feeding the navy, striking him from two sides), that’s a good thing. No combined allied attack in Europe.

    I’m looking at it now, and out of Japan’s limited '42 options, this seems kinda interesting.
    Not good, but interesting  :-D

    Possible purchase? IC, TP, 1 art (so you can fill both your TP’s on J2), and a research token. Then pray to god for Improved shipyard  :wink:

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