• @dezrtfish:

    Blue Cheese and wine? :-o

    Hand in your papers your now Canadian

    FRENCH Canadian, to be exact!

  • '19 Moderator

    I should talk too much when CC visited me last year he brought me a bottle of Canadian Ice Wine, man that stuff is good.  Of course he also brought be a bottle of Crown and it was gone long before I tried the wine :-D

    On the test I said dark beer, probably got docked for that.

  • American beer is like sex in a canoe…

    F’ing close to water…

  • I got 61% with being completely honest.

    Most times you are proud to be an American.
    Though sometimes the good ole US of A makes you cringe
    Still, you know there’s no place better suited to be your home.
    You love your freedom and no one’s going to take it away from you!

  • @dezrtfish:

    Blue Cheese and wine? :-o

    Hand in your papers your now Canadian

    C’mon, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not canada! Damn send me to Uruguay or Tanzania instead anywhere but up there. been there a few times….It sucks!

  • @ncscswitch:

    American beer is like sex in a canoe…

    F’ing close to water…

    That was pretty funny for you switch!  :lol:

  • Moderator

    You Are 67% American
    Most times you are proud to be an American.
    Though sometimes the good ole US of A makes you cringe
    Still, you know there’s no place better suited to be your home.
    You love your freedom and no one’s going to take it away from you!

    They should make this more about what part of the country you “should” be from…


  • 80%

    7% off for not being in debt
    5% off for voting

    Makes me glad I ain’t 100% in their book.

  • 24%. Logical, because I’m Spanish  :-D

    But the test is bad done. Were is FD Roosevelt for best US president? And I don’t like cheese or drink alcoholics… But the worst is 2nd question… what is that Zed/Zee stuff? I voted Zed because it sounds a bit as Ned Flanders. A strange test…  :mrgreen:

  • Moderator

    Zed is the Canadian Pronunciation of the Letter “Z”. Most Americans say Zee…


  • 49% according to a biased questionarre.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    24%. Logical, because I’m Spanish  :-D

    But the test is bad done. Were is FD Roosevelt for best US president? And I don’t like cheese or drink alcoholics… But the worst is 2nd question… what is that Zed/Zee stuff? I voted Zed because it sounds a bit as Ned Flanders. A strange test…  :mrgreen:

    FD Roosevelt was not best.

    1–Thomas Jefferson (Refused to expand government, destroyed federal taxes, kept power in the hands of the working class citizens, doubled the size of America without firing a single shot)
    2–Teddy Roosevelt (Over came disease and physical infirmities, never asked a soldier to do what he had not already done himself, forced the snobby French ambassador to play “Point to Point”)
    3–Andrew Jackson (Killed the American Bank and put that power back in the hands of the people, deplored paper money, restored order to Florida)
    4–Ronald Reagan (Defeated communism, brought about the economic situation that created the boon in the 1980s and 1990s, created the environment that allowed for the technological age to begin, strengthened useful environmental protection policies fixing the whole in the ozone layer and cleaning up Mt. St. Helens; etc)
    5–George Washington (Figured out that a group of men in a century or two would attempt to become President for Life and set an example to leave the office after a maximum of two years.  Only violated by FD Roosevelt, the most imperial president in American history!)

    5 Best American Presidents out of the 43 we’ve had so far.

    Worst Presidents in History:

    1-- FDR (held three terms, in clear violation of precedent; increased taxes insanely, made the government the behemoth it is today, enslaved the black race making them dependent on the government tit, enslaved the people making them dependent on government hand outs to survive old age, started numerous programs that had to be shut down by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional; even his own mother did not like him and refused to pay his unconstitutional taxes forcing him to pay her share to keep her out of prison.)

    2-- Hoover (did nothing to help when banks were foreclosing on farmers and thus sending the price of food in inter-state commerce through the roof.  The one thing a president is SUPPOSED TO DO is to prevent inter-state commerce from adversely effecting the people or the nation as a whole, and he did not do it.)

    3-- LB Johnson (Again, created a massively expanding, imperialistic government which helped to enslave the black man even more and force the American citizen to suckle at the government tit to survive just enough to keep the government alive on the backs of the people.)

    4-- Jimmie Carter (was so bad at being the President, there were Congressional hearings to debate if the job of US President was too big for one man to handle; saw the second worst economic times in history with mortgage rates well into the double digits.)

    5-- Clinton (Single handedly destroyed the image of the president, perjuring himself before Congress, the Supreme Court and the American people; single handedly engaged the US Military in more wars (or police actions if you prefer) then any other president in history - none of which were in the interests of the American people, failed to take out terrorist threats when the opportunity presented itself, and single handedly destroyed the US Economy after riding the crest of the Reagan boom through the 80s and 90s.  All that, and did not stop companies like AT&T, Enron, Martha Stewart and Arther Anderson from cheating the people and the government resulting in President Bush Jr being forced to deal with all the troubles Clinton ignored in the 90s, all the troubles Clinton created in the 90s and having none of the benefits that Clinton squandered in the 90s.)

  • '11

    Well, I’ve scored one of the lowest so far.

    You are 48% American:
    America: You don’t love it or want to leave it.
    But you wouldn’t mind giving it an extreme make over.
    On the 4th of July, you’ll fly a freak flag instead…

    I don’t own any freak flags, but according to the questionnaire, I should invest in one. Go figure.

  • Relax, Jen. The test talked about 20th century presidents, and I think FDR were better than Reagan, Clinton or Carter. A option for “another president” in the test would be more impartial.

    And sure, Whashington would cualify for the best of all times. Maybe Lincoln also. For the worst, I add G.W. Bush and I agree with Hoover.

    Interesting the z pronunciation… another biased issue in a biased test. If you are USA citizen, you are “american” (what about Mexicans and Brazilians?), no matter if you like FDR or not, or if you like NASCAR or not. Is as telling for being Spanish you have to like bullfighting (I don’t like it). A laughable test, I think  :-D

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Actually, if we were limited to ONLY 20th Century Presidents, I chose Teddy Roosevelt.

    I don’t like Lincoln, actually.  Yes, he ended up freeing the slaves, but he did it to establish superiority of the federal government at the expense of the liberties of the state governments.  This nation went from being the States who are United to being the Americans.  We lost our true identity and became an Empire from an Alliance because of Abraham Lincoln.

    Any president who pushes the Federal Government’s strength upon the states (and FDR is the BIGGEST example of that with his Raw, ere I mean New Deal) is not only a bad president, but I think a traitor to the cause our fore fathers fought for when they established our nation.

    Any president who fights to reduce federal government power and relinquish control back to the states is a better president and true to the ideas of our founders and to the will of the people.

  • FDR has to get props for being one of the greatest wartime leaders weve had. His legacy of big federal govt, though, keeps him out of the top 5.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I disagree.  He was a s*itty wartime leader.  His Generals had to run over him to get things done.  In fact, they had to keep in the dark a lot to prevent him from causing us to lose.

  • 2007 AAR League

    the yalta conference he sold out the freedom of countless millions.

    he didnt do anything to stop the slaughter of innocents until we were attacked.

  • @balungaloaf:

    the yalta conference he sold out the freedom of countless millions.

    he didnt do anything to stop the slaughter of innocents until we were attacked.

    Totally agree, this noob actually offered Stalin to have Northern-Norway as a present for his war effort. Luckily to me Stalin rejectet this too kind sacrifice.

  • @Smacktard:

    FDR has to get props for being one of the greatest wartime leaders weve had. His legacy of big federal govt, though, keeps him out of the top 5.

    Now I am from Norway and I will smite you every day as long as this is your opinion. Now this sit would give Northern Norway to Stalin, but luckily Stalin declined the kind offer. This sit also denied that Stalin had GULag camps where he killed his own people. This s*itty leader let Stalin have most of Europe after the war just to please the big military industrial complex in Jew$ofA, because they needed some antagonist to justifie their existence.

    There where no great leaders in WW II.

    Hitler was a noob, a brainless killer who loved to bully his fellow man just for fun.

    Stalin too was an badas*, and he actually killed five times more people in his GULag-camps than Hitler did in his KZ-camps. He killed half the village from wich he came from, and let his friend Berija rape little girls from Moscow, one every day, contesting Hitlers reputation as a badas*. Now what kind of leader kills his own people ?

    Mussolini was a badas*

    The French leaders were racist’s, and French women could not vote in elections before after WWII. First thing the bloodmongler deGaulle did after WWII was to start the Vietnam-war and Algeria-war against the colored native people.

    Churchill was a good leader ? Using soldiers against his own civilan striking workers in 1920, promise his Royal Navy would defend Norway and then let the Germans occupie Norway just to get another front, and then abandon Norway, and then stratecically bombard Norwegian cities killing a lot of innocent norwegians including my granny. Isnt this a warcrime ? Stratecically bombard civilian cities, killing more then 4 million german civilian women and children ? He was a racist too, when the Declaration of human Rights, Resolution 217 by UN in New York 10 december 1948 was made, Churchill insistet that it should only apply to white people, not black natives in the colonies.

    Hirohito of Japan was a badas*, killing and raping, you dont run a country like that if you wanna be taken seriously.

    And then we have FDR, the badas* who actually gave Norway to Stalin as a gift. He also was a war criminal, using a-bombs against civilian cities. Cicilian are never legal targets during a war, not even when you are americans and God’s chosen people as Bush claims.

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