@Witt Wrong game, this is NML 1914 game 17. You’ll need to post this save game to another game feed.
Total World War 3.0 7 players
@dawgoneit said in Total World War 3.0 7 players:
@Avner I’m having a hard time reading the rules. is there another set with a clearer text?
Don’t have the pdf file?
@Avner I have the rules. I’m having a hard time reading the text.
@dawgoneit said in Total World War 3.0 7 players:
@Avner I have the rules. I’m having a hard time reading the text.
It’s strange… it’s quite clear.
At least the ones I have. (and which I have to translate being Italian :))
@Avner It is jumbled for me. I was just wondering any ways. thank you for the help.
Did you try downloading from here?https://github.com/triplea-maps/total_world_war_manual/blob/master/TWW_lossy_new.pdf
Also, sometimes if you don’t full screen a pdf, it can look jumbled. -
@surfer Thank you. I had to collapse the file tree to make it larger. that worked. Thank you all for the help.
Its been 3 days since Japan took its turn. If any of the allies want to take Chinas turn, that would be appreciated. @dawgoneit @surfer @Avner . We need to progress the game. If @Grinchveld wants to join us again, that would be awesome
@Avner i suggest you take the turn. China should coordinate with Russia and UK, but @dawgoneit (UK) has the toughest, and longest moves. So no need to make him work harder… unless he wants to.
@surfer I agree. I’m only on page 8 of the rules. a lot to take in.
Ok I’ll do the Chinese for this turn.
Game History
Round: 1 Combat Move - China Trigger chineseMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to chineseMech.Infantry Trigger chineseTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to chineseTank Trigger chineseTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to chineseTank Trigger chineseMecht4: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to chineseMech.Infantry Combat - China Non Combat Move - China Trigger chineseMecht1: Setting isLandTransport to true for unitAttachment attached to chineseMech.Infantry Trigger chineseMecht2: Setting isLandTransport to false for unitAttachment attached to chineseMech.Infantry 1 chineseInfantry moved from Yunnan to Eastern Szechwan 1 chineseInfantry moved from Kweichow to Eastern Szechwan 1 chineseInfantry moved from Kweichow to Eastern Szechwan 1 chineseTank moved from Hupeh to Chungking 1 chineseAlpineInfantry moved from Hupeh to Chungking 1 Truck moved from Eastern Szechwan to Kweichow 1 Truck and 1 chineseAntiAirGun moved from Kweichow to Eastern Szechwan 1 Truck moved from Chungking to Hupeh 1 Truck and 1 chineseAntiAirGun moved from Hupeh to Chungking 1 chineseInfantry moved from Hunan to Kweichow 1 chineseInfantry moved from Hunan to Hupeh 1 chineseInfantry moved from Western Szechwan to Chungking 1 chineseArtillery moved from Chungking to Eastern Szechwan 1 chineseInfantry moved from Chungking to Eastern Szechwan 1 chineseAntiTankGun moved from Chungking to Eastern Szechwan 1 chineseInfantry moved from Kansu to Northern China 1 chineseInfantry moved from Ningsia to Northern China 1 chineseInfantry moved from Ningsia to Northern China 1 chineseTank moved from Singkiang to Western Szechwan 1 Material and 1 Truck moved from Singkiang to Western Szechwan 1 chineseCombatEngineer moved from Singkiang to Tsinghai Purchase Units - China Trigger chinaRC1: Setting maxBuiltPerPlayer to 1 for unitAttachment attached to ResearchCenter China buy 2 chineseAlpineInfantrys, 1 chineseCombatEngineer, 1 chineseFortification and 2 chineseInfantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Place Units - China Units in Chungking being upgraded or consumed: 1 Material and 1 chineseEntrenchment 1 chineseFortification placed in Chungking 2 chineseAlpineInfantrys placed in Northern China 1 chineseCombatEngineer and 2 chineseInfantrys placed in Chungking Turn Complete - China China collect 24 PUs; end with 24 PUs Units generate 3 techTokens; China end with 3 techTokens
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Cool! thanks @Avner . The pressure is on UK. The most powerful nation at the start of the game. A lot of pressure on someone who hasnt read the rules yet ;)
@Guderian1 said in Total World War 3.0 7 players:
i, è importante che ognuno esegua il proprio turno il prima possibile, altrimenti potrebbero volerci settimane prima della mossa successiva. Se un giocatore non effettua un turno entro 3 giorni, incoraggio uno dei suoi compagni di squadra a svolgere il turno per lui.
Possibly… for a couple of turns i can do the UK (and Russia) and Dagonwait the China… while he reads the rules… waiting for Grinchweld
@Avner I will do my turn tomorrow. have prior plans for today.
TripleA Manual Gamesave Post: Britain round 1
TripleA Manual Gamesave Post for game: Total World War: December 1941 3.0
Game History
Round: 1 Research Technology - Britain Note to players Britain: <body><img src="startbritain.png"/></body> Trigger Starttechtokens: Britain met a national objective for an additional 5 techTokens; end with 5 techTokens Britain spend 4 on tech rolls Britain rolls : 0/1 hits, 0.00 expected hits Note to players Britain: <body><img src="thailand.png"/></body> Combat Move - Britain Trigger britishMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to britishMech.Infantry Trigger britishTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to britishTank Trigger britishHvyTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to britishHeavyTank Trigger britishAirtraninfra1: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy cleared for unitAttachment attached to britishAirTransport Trigger ArchangelLLBritain1: Britain takes ownership of territory Archangel Trigger EasternIranLLBritain1: Britain takes ownership of territory Eastern Iran Trigger MurmanskLLBritain1: Britain takes ownership of territory Murmansk Trigger SovietFarEastLLBritain1: Britain takes ownership of territory Soviet Far East Trigger EasternSzechwanLLBritain1: Britain takes ownership of territory Eastern Szechwan Trigger LLquLL: Britain has 1 Pg placed in Queensland Trigger LLabLL: Britain has 1 Pg placed in Labrador Some non-combat units are destroyed: Trigger britishMecht4: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to britishMech.Infantry Trigger britishTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to britishTank Trigger britishHvyTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to britishHeavyTank 1 britishDestroyer moved from 10 Sea Zone to 24 Sea Zone 1 britishSubmarine moved from 10 Sea Zone to 24 Sea Zone 1 britishNavalFighter moved from 10 Sea Zone to 24 Sea Zone 1 britishDestroyer moved from 7 Sea Zone to 21 Sea Zone 1 britishDestroyer moved from 19 Sea Zone to 39 Sea Zone 1 britishDestroyer moved from 42 Sea Zone to 59 Sea Zone 1 britishTacticalBomber moved from Scotland to 39 Sea Zone 1 britishCruiser moved from 42 Sea Zone to 59 Sea Zone 1 britishNavalFighter moved from Central Britain to 21 Sea Zone 1 britishStrategicBomber moved from London to 24 Sea Zone 1 britishFighter moved from London to 21 Sea Zone 1 britishCruiser moved from 10 Sea Zone to 24 Sea Zone 1 britishBattleship moved from 10 Sea Zone to 24 Sea Zone 1 britishInfantry moved from Exiled Allies to Southern Britain 1 britishMarine moved from Exiled Allies to Southern Britain 1 britishDestroyer moved from 48 Sea Zone to 53 Sea Zone 1 britishTransport moved from 48 Sea Zone to 53 Sea Zone 1 britishInfantry moved from Iraq to Trans Jordan 1 britishInfantry moved from Southern Iran to Iraq 1 britishArtillery and 1 britishInfantry moved from Bombay to 75 Sea Zone 1 britishArtillery, 1 britishInfantry and 1 britishTransport moved from 75 Sea Zone to 74 Sea Zone 1 britishSubmarine moved from 75 Sea Zone to 72 Sea Zone 1 britishInfantry and 1 britishMarine moved from Calcutta to 85 Sea Zone 1 britishDestroyer, 1 britishInfantry, 1 britishMarine and 1 britishTransport moved from 85 Sea Zone to 75 Sea Zone 1 britishArtillery and 1 britishCombatEngineer moved from Western Bengal to Bengal 1 britishInfantry moved from New Dehli to Eastern Madras 1 britishInfantry moved from Eastern Madras to Western Madras 1 britishMech.Infantry moved from Baluchistan to Iraq 1 britishDestroyer moved from 151 Sea Zone to 161 Sea Zone 1 britishCruiser and 1 britishTransport moved from 161 Sea Zone to 162 Sea Zone 1 britishNavalFighter and 1 britishStrategicBomber moved from New South Wales to Southwestern Australia 1 britishSubmarine moved from 145 Sea Zone to 161 Sea Zone 1 britishInfantry moved from Northern Territory to Northwestern Australia 1 britishCombatEngineer moved from Southern Australia to Southwestern Australia 1 britishTank moved from New South Wales to Southwestern Australia 1 britishFighter moved from New South Wales to Southwestern Australia 1 britishTransport moved from 143 Sea Zone to 153 Sea Zone 1 britishInfantry moved from Fiji to 153 Sea Zone 1 britishInfantry and 1 britishTransport moved from 153 Sea Zone to 159 Sea Zone 1 britishCruiser moved from 51 Sea Zone to 53 Sea Zone 1 britishInfantry and 1 britishMarine moved from Eastern South Africa to 79 Sea Zone 1 britishDestroyer, 1 britishInfantry, 1 britishMarine and 1 britishTransport moved from 79 Sea Zone to 73 Sea Zone 1 britishInfantry moved from Anglo Egyptian Sudan to Central Egpyt 1 britishCombatEngineer, 1 britishInfantry, 1 britishMarine, 1 britishNavalFighter and 1 britishTank moved from Cairo to Western Egypt 1 britishArtillery moved from Manitoba to Ontario 1 britishTransport moved from 14 Sea Zone to 15 Sea Zone 1 britishArtillery moved from Quebec to Labrador 1 britishInfantry moved from Nigeria to Gold Coast ExiledAllies take Gold Coast from VichyFrance 1 britishArtillery, 1 britishCombatEngineer and 1 britishInfantry moved from Cape Town to Eastern South Africa 1 britishMech.Infantry moved from Western South Africa to Rhodesia 1 britishInfantry moved from Queensland to Northern Territory 1 britishInfantry moved from South Island to 159 Sea Zone 1 britishFighter moved from Calcutta to Oman 1 britishInfantry moved from British Columbia to Alaska 1 britishAntiTankGun and 1 britishInfantry moved from Rangoon to Bengal 1 britishCombatEngineer moved from Ontario to Quebec 1 britishNavalFighter moved from Java to Southwestern Australia 1 britishMarine moved from Northwestern Australia to Southwestern Australia 1 britishMech.Infantry moved from Tanganyika to Italian Somaliland 1 britishFighter moved from Malta to Western Egypt 1 britishAntiTankGun moved from Western Egypt to 53 Sea Zone 1 britishInfantry moved from Western Egypt to 53 Sea Zone 1 britishAntiTankGun, 1 britishInfantry and 1 britishTransport moved from 53 Sea Zone to 72 Sea Zone 1 britishDestroyer moved from 104 Sea Zone to 101 Sea Zone 1 britishTank moved from Western Egypt to Cairo 1 britishFighter and 1 britishNavalFighter moved from Western Egypt to Cairo Combat - Britain Battle in 21 Sea Zone Britain attack with 1 britishDestroyer, 1 britishFighter and 1 britishNavalFighter Germany defend with 2 germanSubmarines Britain roll DepthChargeAttack dice in 21 Sea Zone : 0/1 hits, 0.08 expected hits 2 germanSubmarines owned by the Germany submerged Battle in 39 Sea Zone Britain attack with 1 britishDestroyer and 1 britishTacticalBomber Italy defend with 1 italianSubmarine Britain roll DepthChargeAttack dice in 39 Sea Zone : 1/1 hits, 0.08 expected hits 1 italianSubmarine owned by the Italy lost in 39 Sea Zone Britain winBritain winBritain win, taking 21 Sea Zone from Neutral with 1 britishDestroyer, 1 britishFighter and 1 britishNavalFighter remaining with 1 britishDestroyer, 1 britishFighter and 1 britishNavalFighter remaining, taking 39 Sea Zone from Neutral with 1 britishDestroyer and 1 britishTacticalBomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7 Casualties for Italy: 1 italianSubmarine Battle in 24 Sea Zone Britain attack with 1 britishBattleship, 1 britishCruiser, 1 britishDestroyer, 1 britishNavalFighter, 1 britishStrategicBomber and 1 britishSubmarine Germany defend with 1 germanDestroyer and 2 germanSubmarines Britain roll DepthChargeAttack dice in 24 Sea Zone : 1/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits 1 germanSubmarine owned by the Germany lost in 24 Sea Zone 1 britishSubmarine owned by the Britain submerged 1 germanSubmarine owned by the Germany submerged Britain roll dice for 1 britishBattleship, 1 britishCruiser, 1 britishDestroyer, 1 britishNavalFighter and 1 britishStrategicBomber in 24 Sea Zone, round 2 : 2/1 hits, 2.33 expected hits Germany roll dice for 1 germanDestroyer in 24 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.25 expected hits 1 germanDestroyer owned by the Germany lost in 24 Sea Zone Britain win, taking 24 Sea Zone from Germany with 1 britishBattleship, 1 britishCruiser, 1 britishDestroyer, 1 britishNavalFighter and 1 britishStrategicBomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 15 Casualties for Germany: 1 germanDestroyer and 1 germanSubmarine Battle in 59 Sea Zone Britain attack with 1 britishCruiser and 1 britishDestroyer Italy defend with 1 italianSubmarine Britain roll DepthChargeAttack dice in 59 Sea Zone : 0/1 hits, 0.08 expected hits 1 italianSubmarine owned by the Italy submerged Non Combat Move - Britain Trigger britishMecht1: Setting isLandTransport to true for unitAttachment attached to britishMech.Infantry Trigger IncomeRegulationEA1: Setting switch to true for conditionAttachmentYesEA attached to ExiledAllies Trigger britishMecht2: Setting isLandTransport to false for unitAttachment attached to britishMech.Infantry Trigger britishAirtraninfra2: Setting isInfrastructure to true for unitAttachment attached to britishAirTransport Trigger britishAirtraninfra2: Setting attack to 0 for unitAttachment attached to britishAirTransport Trigger britishAirtraninfra2: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy to FROM:Britain for unitAttachment attached to britishAirTransport Trigger ArchangelLLBritain2: Russia takes ownership of territory Archangel Trigger EasternIranLLBritain2: Russia takes ownership of territory Eastern Iran Trigger SovietFarEastLLBritain2: Russia takes ownership of territory Soviet Far East Trigger MurmanskLLBritain2: Russia takes ownership of territory Murmansk Trigger UnitsEAPoland: ExiledAllies has 1 britishInfantry placed in Gold Coast 1 britishTacticalBomber moved from 39 Sea Zone to Azores 1 britishFighter and 1 britishNavalFighter moved from 21 Sea Zone to Southern Britain 1 britishCarrier moved from 10 Sea Zone to 24 Sea Zone 1 britishStrategicBomber moved from 24 Sea Zone to Central Britain 2 britishTransports moved from 10 Sea Zone to 3 Sea Zone 1 britishInfantry moved from Labrador to 19 Sea Zone 1 britishInfantry moved from Newfoundland to 19 Sea Zone 2 britishInfantrys and 1 britishTransport moved from 19 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone 2 britishInfantrys moved from 36 Sea Zone to Florida Peninsula 1 britishInfantry moved from Carribean Islands to 37 Sea Zone 1 britishInfantry and 1 britishTransport moved from 37 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone 1 britishInfantry moved from 36 Sea Zone to Florida Peninsula 1 britishAntiTankGun and 1 britishInfantry moved from 72 Sea Zone to Sinai 1 britishArtillery and 1 britishInfantry moved from 74 Sea Zone to Iraq 1 britishInfantry and 1 britishMarine moved from 75 Sea Zone to Oman 1 britishInfantry and 1 britishMarine moved from 73 Sea Zone to Oman 1 Truck moved from New South Wales to Southwestern Australia 1 britishTransport moved from 42 Sea Zone to 59 Sea Zone Purchase Units - Britain
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Germany regular : -0.25 Britain DepthChargeAttack : 1.58 Britain rolls : 0.00 Britain regular : -0.33
IllegalStateException; purchase delegate not found
Im getting this. Please help. -
@Guderian1 said in Total World War 3.0 7 players:
I have downloaded the same version as someone else who have used the game flawlessly. version 2.6.14526. I hope it will work flawlessly for the rest of you as well. (I have had minor issues with version 2.6.14607 & 2.5.22294)
this is the same error I had. I didnt get the error with version 2.6.14526
@dawgoneit -
I’m using the 526 in fact.
If the error prevents purchases, perhaps you should at least edit…
@Guderian1 I’m using 2.6.14615
@dawgoneit just download 2.6.14526 and you should be good to go