@Grinchveld you are next.
mechanized inf . can be used to transport materials, troops etc, just like trucks. As long as you do it in the non-combat phase
G40 multiplayer
TWW multiplayer
@Grinchveld you are next.
mechanized inf . can be used to transport materials, troops etc, just like trucks. As long as you do it in the non-combat phase
Thanks for taking it seriously, everybody. Things could easily stray away when 7 strangers play a slow complicated turn based game online. You all keep the game humming along steadily. Good job.
@surfer is up next
@TigerTankIncinerator Have you tried to play online? Im ready for a game if you still want to
@surfer I think you need a destroyer to be able to hit submarines (and spot them for airplanes) , but they can submerge after one turn. When you develop improved destroyers they are more powerful. No submerge, no first strike!
@dawgoneit I moved (Edit) your train from Calcutta to Rangoon. I assume you didnt realize you had a train there. Trains are not military units, but they are powerful in transporting other units up to five moves a turn.
@Caesar1 every building needs an engineer in the territory you want to place it. to build a barracks you need an engineer and 2 material in the same territory. research center needs the same. a railroad only needs an engineer
I Haven’t played for a few years, but I consider myself a good player nonetheless. I have played Total World War once, and Im looking for someone who would be interested to try it with me again.
Im eager to play a lot during the new years holiday, but I play approximately one turn a day afterwards. There are few players around. If you want to play something else, give me a suggestion
@Guderian1 dont add the dragoon. Im still learning. Its more educational if I get punished for my mistakes.
Please prioritize TWW over your next turn here. Its 7 people. if they dont get to take their turn within reasonable limit, they lose interest
There are 7 nations and I want everyone to pick one nation each. I roll 1 d100 for each player. the one with the highest picks nation first. the second highest picks second etc.
I have played the game once. I assume we are all noobs. Prioritize speed over perfection. with 7 players, its important that everyone takes their turn as soon as possible, otherwise it might take weeks before your next move. If one player doesnt take a turn within 3 days, I encourage one of his teammates to take the turn for him.
Good luck!
@Grinchveld [dice 1d100]
@Avner [dice 1d100]
@surfer [dice 1d100]
@Caesar1 [dice 1d100]
@MAINAH [dice 1d100]
@dawgoneit [dice 1d100]
@Guderian1 [dice 1d100]
@Guderian1 they upgraded after I did my buying phase… how annoying. Im doing it over
@Grinchveld hi. have you found anyone? whats the precise map name of the napoleon scenario?
@Avner we use 3.0
If you open the game notes in version 3.0 it says 2.7, so Im pretty sure they havent updated the rulebook
We use low luck - it is common and recommended for noobs because all the bonuses can make it hard to see the likely outcome of a battle
we use tech because its fun.
@Avner Lend&Lease?
why? does it make much of a difference?
I think we can identify Cairo as being a very important place on the map.
theres something strange about the battle calculator. When it calculates average TUV swing, I think it doesnt add the surviving planes, which leads you to believe it is very non beneficial to attack with planes.
you can only build 3 research centers, but they can be captured. This way you can have 4
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total World War: December 1941 3.0
Game History
Round: 6
Training Troops - Manchuria
Manchuria collect 0 PUs; end with 10 PUs
Consolidating - Thailand
Thailand collect 0 PUs; end with 9 PUs
Research Technology - Japan
Japan rolls : 2/1 hits, 0.00 expected hits
Japan removing all Technology Tokens after successful research.
Japan discover Logistics
Combat Move - Japan
Trigger japaneseAirtraninfra1: Setting isInfrastructure to false for unitAttachment attached to japaneseAirTransport
Trigger japaneseAirtraninfra1: Setting attack to 1 for unitAttachment attached to japaneseAirTransport
Trigger japaneseAirtraninfra1: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy cleared for unitAttachment attached to japaneseAirTransport
Trigger japaneseTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to japaneseTank
Trigger japaneseMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to japaneseMech.Infantry
Trigger japaneseHvyTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to japaneseHeavyTank
Trigger japaneseTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to japaneseTank
Trigger japaneseHvyTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to japaneseHeavyTank
Trigger japaneseMecht4: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to japaneseMech.Infantry
1 japaneseInfantry moved from Khabarovskiy Kray to Yakut
2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys, 3 japaneseArtillerys, 3 japaneseInfantrys, 2 japaneseMech.Infantrys and 2 japaneseTanks moved from Far Eastern Republic to Yakut
3 japaneseArtillerys, 1 japaneseCombatEngineer, 6 japaneseInfantrys, 1 japaneseMech.Infantry, 1 japaneseStrategicBomber, 1 japaneseTacticalBomber and 1 japaneseTank moved from Northern Manchuria to Yakut
1 japaneseTacticalBomber moved from Suiyuan to Yakut
2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys moved from Tsinghai to Singkiang
1 japaneseInfantry moved from Kansu to Ningsia
2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys moved from Northern China to Ningsia
1 japaneseInfantry moved from Burma to Bengal
2 japaneseFighters moved from French Indochina to Bengal
1 japaneseStrategicBomber moved from Hupeh to Bengal
4 japaneseMarines moved from Phillippines to 128 Sea Zone
4 japaneseMarines and 2 japaneseTransports moved from 128 Sea Zone to 148 Sea Zone
4 japaneseMarines moved from 148 Sea Zone to Sumatra
4 japaneseNavalFighters moved from 128 Sea Zone to Sumatra
1 japaneseBattleship and 1 japaneseCruiser moved from 128 Sea Zone to 148 Sea Zone
2 japaneseCarriers and 2 japaneseDestroyers moved from 128 Sea Zone to 148 Sea Zone
2 japaneseMarines and 1 japaneseTransport moved from 102 Sea Zone to 103 Sea Zone
2 japaneseMarines moved from 103 Sea Zone to Aleutian Islands
2 japaneseFighters moved from Hupeh to Ningsia
Combat - Japan
Battle in Aleutian Islands
Battle in Sumatra
Japan attack with 4 japaneseMarines and 4 japaneseNavalFighters
ExiledAllies defend with 1 Flagpole; Britain defend with 2 britishInfantrys, 1 britishMarine and 1 britishTank
Japan roll dice for 1 japaneseBattleship and 1 japaneseCruiser in Sumatra, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.08 expected hits
Japan roll dice for 4 japaneseMarines and 4 japaneseNavalFighters in Sumatra, round 2 : 3/0 hits, 3.00 expected hits
ExiledAllies roll dice for 2 britishInfantrys, 1 britishMarine and 1 britishTank in Sumatra, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.75 expected hits
1 japaneseMarine owned by the Japan lost in Sumatra
2 britishInfantrys owned by the Britain, 1 britishMarine owned by the Britain and 1 britishTank owned by the Britain lost in Sumatra
Japan win, taking Aleutian Islands from Usa, taking Sumatra from ExiledAllies with 3 japaneseMarines and 4 japaneseNavalFighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is 12
Casualties for Japan: 1 japaneseMarine
Casualties for Britain: 2 britishInfantrys, 1 britishMarine and 1 britishTank
Battle in Bengal
Japan attack with 2 japaneseFighters, 1 japaneseInfantry and 1 japaneseStrategicBomber
Britain defend with 1 Flagpole and 1 britishInfantry
Japan roll dice for 2 japaneseFighters, 1 japaneseInfantry and 1 japaneseStrategicBomber in Bengal, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.83 expected hits
Britain roll dice for 1 britishInfantry in Bengal, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 britishInfantry owned by the Britain lost in Bengal
Japan win, taking Bengal from Britain with 2 japaneseFighters, 1 japaneseInfantry and 1 japaneseStrategicBomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Britain: 1 britishInfantry
Battle in Ningsia
Japan attack with 2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys, 2 japaneseFighters and 1 japaneseInfantry
China defend with 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail and 1 chineseAlpineInfantry
Japan roll dice for 2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys, 2 japaneseFighters and 1 japaneseInfantry in Ningsia, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.42 expected hits
China roll dice for 1 chineseAlpineInfantry in Ningsia, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.42 expected hits
1 chineseAlpineInfantry owned by the China lost in Ningsia
Japan win, taking Ningsia from China with 2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys, 2 japaneseFighters and 1 japaneseInfantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
Casualties for China: 1 chineseAlpineInfantry
Battle in Singkiang
Japan attack with 2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys
China defend with 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 ResearchCenter, 1 chineseAirfield, 1 chineseAntiAirGun and 1 chineseBarracks
Japan roll dice for 2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys in Singkiang, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.83 expected hits
China roll dice for 1 chineseAntiAirGun in Singkiang, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.25 expected hits
1 chineseAntiAirGun owned by the China lost in Singkiang
Japan captures one of China capitals
Some non-combat units are destroyed:
Japan converts chineseBarracks into different units
Japan win, taking Singkiang from China with 2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
Casualties for China: 1 chineseAntiAirGun
Battle in Yakut
Japan attack with 2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys, 6 japaneseArtillerys, 1 japaneseCombatEngineer, 10 japaneseInfantrys, 3 japaneseMech.Infantrys, 1 japaneseStrategicBomber, 2 japaneseTacticalBombers and 3 japaneseTanks
Russia defend with 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 Train, 2 Trucks, 1 russianAirfield, 1 russianAlpineInfantry, 2 russianAntiAirGuns, 1 russianAntiTankGun, 2 russianArtillerys, 2 russianCombatEngineers, 1 russianFortification, 3 russianInfantrys, 1 russianMech.Infantry and 4 russianTanks
Russia roll AntiAircraftGun dice in Yakut : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
Russia roll AntiTankGun dice in Yakut : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
Japan roll dice for 2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys, 6 japaneseArtillerys, 1 japaneseCombatEngineer, 10 japaneseInfantrys, 3 japaneseMech.Infantrys, 1 japaneseStrategicBomber, 2 japaneseTacticalBombers and 3 japaneseTanks in Yakut, round 2 : 7/1 hits, 6.58 expected hits
Russia roll dice for 1 russianAlpineInfantry, 2 russianAntiAirGuns, 1 russianAntiTankGun, 2 russianArtillerys, 2 russianCombatEngineers, 1 russianFortification, 3 russianInfantrys, 1 russianMech.Infantry and 4 russianTanks in Yakut, round 2 : 6/1 hits, 5.92 expected hits
6 japaneseInfantrys owned by the Japan lost in Yakut
4 russianTanks owned by the Russia, 1 russianAntiTankGun owned by the Russia and 2 russianAntiAirGuns owned by the Russia lost in Yakut
Japan roll dice for 2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys, 6 japaneseArtillerys, 1 japaneseCombatEngineer, 4 japaneseInfantrys, 3 japaneseMech.Infantrys, 1 japaneseStrategicBomber, 2 japaneseTacticalBombers and 3 japaneseTanks in Yakut, round 3 : 5/1 hits, 5.58 expected hits
Russia roll dice for 1 russianAlpineInfantry, 2 russianArtillerys, 2 russianCombatEngineers, 1 russianFortification, 3 russianInfantrys and 1 russianMech.Infantry in Yakut, round 3 : 5/1 hits, 4.92 expected hits
1 japaneseArtillery owned by the Japan, 3 japaneseInfantrys owned by the Japan and 1 japaneseStrategicBomber owned by the Japan lost in Yakut
2 russianInfantrys owned by the Russia, 2 russianArtillerys owned by the Russia and 1 russianMech.Infantry owned by the Russia lost in Yakut
Japan roll dice for 2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys, 5 japaneseArtillerys, 1 japaneseCombatEngineer, 1 japaneseInfantry, 3 japaneseMech.Infantrys, 2 japaneseTacticalBombers and 3 japaneseTanks in Yakut, round 4 : 5/1 hits, 4.58 expected hits
Russia roll dice for 1 russianAlpineInfantry, 2 russianCombatEngineers, 1 russianFortification and 1 russianInfantry in Yakut, round 4 : 3/1 hits, 3.08 expected hits
2 japaneseArtillerys owned by the Japan and 1 japaneseInfantry owned by the Japan lost in Yakut
1 russianInfantry owned by the Russia, 2 russianCombatEngineers owned by the Russia, 1 russianAlpineInfantry owned by the Russia and 1 russianFortification owned by the Russia lost in Yakut
Some non-combat units are destroyed:
Japan win, taking Yakut from Russia with 2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys, 3 japaneseArtillerys, 1 japaneseCombatEngineer, 3 japaneseMech.Infantrys, 2 japaneseTacticalBombers and 3 japaneseTanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 27
Casualties for Japan: 3 japaneseArtillerys, 10 japaneseInfantrys and 1 japaneseStrategicBomber
Casualties for Russia: 1 russianAlpineInfantry, 2 russianAntiAirGuns, 1 russianAntiTankGun, 2 russianArtillerys, 2 russianCombatEngineers, 1 russianFortification, 3 russianInfantrys, 1 russianMech.Infantry and 4 russianTanks
Non Combat Move - Japan
Trigger japaneseMecht1: Setting isLandTransport to true for unitAttachment attached to japaneseMech.Infantry
Trigger japaneseAirtraninfra2: Setting isInfrastructure to true for unitAttachment attached to japaneseAirTransport
Trigger japaneseAirtraninfra2: Setting attack to 0 for unitAttachment attached to japaneseAirTransport
Trigger japaneseAirtraninfra2: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy to FROM:Japan for unitAttachment attached to japaneseAirTransport
Trigger japaneseMecht2: Setting isLandTransport to false for unitAttachment attached to japaneseMech.Infantry
1 japaneseTacticalBomber moved from Yakut to Suiyuan
1 japaneseTacticalBomber moved from Yakut to Northern Manchuria
1 japaneseBattleship-damaged moved from 102 Sea Zone to 100 Sea Zone
1 japaneseAntiAirGun moved from Japan to 98 Sea Zone
1 Material moved from Japan to 98 Sea Zone
1 japaneseCombatEngineer moved from Tokyo to 99 Sea Zone
3 japaneseMarines moved from Tokyo to 99 Sea Zone
1 Material, 1 japaneseAntiAirGun and 1 japaneseTransport moved from 98 Sea Zone to 127 Sea Zone
1 japaneseCombatEngineer, 3 japaneseMarines and 2 japaneseTransports moved from 99 Sea Zone to 127 Sea Zone
1 japaneseTransport moved from 103 Sea Zone to 101 Sea Zone
2 japaneseInfantrys moved from Kamchatka to 101 Sea Zone
2 japaneseInfantrys and 1 japaneseTransport moved from 101 Sea Zone to 103 Sea Zone
2 japaneseInfantrys moved from 103 Sea Zone to Alaska
1 japaneseNavalFighter moved from 103 Sea Zone to Alaska
2 japaneseTransports moved from 127 Sea Zone to 99 Sea Zone
1 japaneseCombatEngineer moved from 127 Sea Zone to Luzon
1 Material moved from 127 Sea Zone to Luzon
3 japaneseMarines moved from 127 Sea Zone to Luzon
1 japaneseAntiAirGun moved from 127 Sea Zone to Luzon
2 japaneseFighters moved from Ningsia to Hupeh
2 japaneseFighters moved from Bengal to French Indochina
1 japaneseStrategicBomber moved from Bengal to French Indochina
1 Material and 1 Truck moved from Northern China to Singkiang
1 Material and 1 Truck moved from Shensi to Hupeh
3 japaneseAlpineInfantrys moved from Shensi to Hupeh
1 japaneseArtillery moved from Shensi to Hupeh
2 Trains, 3 japaneseAlpineInfantrys and 1 japaneseArtillery moved from Shantung to Eastern Szechwan
1 Truck moved from Shantung to Inner Mongolia
1 japaneseCombatEngineer moved from Hupeh to Inner Mongolia
1 Material and 1 japaneseMech.Infantry moved from Korea to Northern Manchuria
1 japaneseTank moved from Korea to Northern Manchuria
2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys moved from Manchuria to Northern Manchuria
1 japaneseInfantry moved from Manchuria to Northern Manchuria
2 japaneseTransports moved from 97 Sea Zone to 98 Sea Zone
3 japaneseAlpineInfantrys moved from Kyushu Shikoku to 98 Sea Zone
1 japaneseArtillery moved from Japan to 98 Sea Zone
3 japaneseAlpineInfantrys, 1 japaneseArtillery and 2 japaneseTransports moved from 98 Sea Zone to 100 Sea Zone
3 japaneseAlpineInfantrys moved from 100 Sea Zone to Far Eastern Republic
1 japaneseArtillery moved from 100 Sea Zone to Far Eastern Republic
1 japaneseCruiser moved from 99 Sea Zone to 102 Sea Zone
1 japaneseInfantry moved from Western Szechwan to Kansu
1 japaneseAlpineInfantry, 2 japaneseArtillerys, 2 japaneseCombatEngineers, 4 japaneseInfantrys and 1 japaneseParatrooper moved from Burma to Eastern Szechwan
3 japaneseInfantrys moved from Thailand to Burma
1 Material and 1 Truck moved from Peking to Inner Mongolia
1 Truck moved from Shantung to Hupeh
4 japaneseNavalFighters moved from Sumatra to 148 Sea Zone
Purchase Units - Japan
Japan buy 4 japaneseAlpineInfantrys, 1 japaneseArtillery, 1 japaneseBarracks, 1 japaneseDestroyer, 1 japaneseHull, 3 japaneseInfantrys, 2 japaneseMarines, 2 japaneseMech.Infantrys, 1 japaneseStrategicBomber and 1 japaneseTank; Remaining resources: 1 PUs; 0 techTokens;
Place Units - Japan
Units in Hupeh being upgraded or consumed: 1 Material
1 Rail placed in Hupeh
2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys placed in Hupeh
2 japaneseMech.Infantrys and 1 japaneseTank placed in Korea
1 japaneseArtillery and 1 japaneseStrategicBomber placed in Japan
1 japaneseDestroyer placed in 99 Sea Zone
placed in 99 Sea Zone
1 japaneseHull placed in 99 Sea Zone
Units in Luzon being upgraded or consumed: 2 Materials
1 japaneseBarracks placed in Luzon
2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys and 1 japaneseInfantry placed in Kyushu Shikoku
2 japaneseInfantrys and 1 japaneseMarine placed in Tokyo
Japan undo move 5.
1 japaneseMarine placed in Tokyo
1 japaneseDestroyer placed in 99 Sea Zone
Activate Technology - Japan
Japan activating Logistics
Trigger japaneseL1: Setting isAirBase to true for unitAttachment attached to japaneseCarrier
Trigger japaneseL1: Setting maxScrambleCount to 2 for unitAttachment attached to japaneseCarrier
Turn Complete - Japan
Japan collect 91 PUs; end with 92 PUs
Units generate 12 techTokens; Japan end with 12 techTokens
Units Change Ownership
Some Units in Northern Manchuria change ownership: 1 Material
Some Units in Yakut change ownership: 1 japaneseCombatEngineer
Purchase Units - Manchuria
Manchuria repair damage of 2x Train; Remaining resources: 8 PUs;
Manchuria buy 2 japaneseInfantrys; Remaining resources: 2 PUs;
Place Units - Manchuria
2 japaneseInfantrys placed in Manchuria
Turn Complete - Manchuria
Manchuria collect 11 PUs; end with 13 PUs
Units Change Ownership
Some Units in Manchuria change ownership: 2 japaneseInfantrys
Some Units in Northern Manchuria change ownership: 1 Material
Some Units in Yakut change ownership: 1 Train, 2 Trucks and 1 japaneseCombatEngineer
Purchase Units - Thailand
Thailand buy 3 japaneseInfantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Place Units - Thailand
3 japaneseInfantrys placed in Thailand
Turn Complete - Thailand
Thailand collect 9 PUs; end with 9 PUs
Some Units in Thailand change ownership: 3 japaneseInfantrys
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Japan regular : 0.08
China regular : -0.67
ExiledAllies regular : -0.75
Russia AntiAircraftGun : -0.17
Japan rolls : 2.00
Russia AntiTankGun : -0.17
Russia regular : 0.08
Britain regular : -0.33
TripleA Manual Gamesave Post for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition
Game History
Round: 9
Purchase Units - ANZAC
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
@Caesar1 no problem. Ive been taking some long breaks myself lately
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Napoleonic Empires
Game History
Round: 2
Combat Move - OttomanEmpire
2 Fusilierss moved from Anatolia to Smyrna
1 Artillery, 1 Dragoons, 1 Fusiliers and 1 Horse_Artillery moved from Edessa to Syria
Purchase Units - OttomanEmpire
Trigger OttomanEmpireSpecial: OttomanEmpire has their production frontier changed to: productionOttomanEmpireSpecial
OttomanEmpire buy 1 Chasseurs, 1 Frigate, 2 Fusilierss, 1 Howitzer and 1 Marines; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Combat - OttomanEmpire
Battle in Smyrna
OttomanEmpire attack with 2 Fusilierss
UnitedKingdom defend with 1 Marines
OttomanEmpire roll dice for 2 Fusilierss in Smyrna, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
UnitedKingdom roll dice for 1 Marines in Smyrna, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 Fusiliers owned by the OttomanEmpire lost in Smyrna
1 Marines owned by the UnitedKingdom lost in Smyrna
OttomanEmpire win, taking Smyrna from UnitedKingdom with 1 Fusiliers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for OttomanEmpire: 1 Fusiliers
Casualties for UnitedKingdom: 1 Marines
Battle in Syria
OttomanEmpire attack with 1 Artillery, 1 Dragoons, 1 Fusiliers and 1 Horse_Artillery
Neutral defend with 2 Chasseurss
OttomanEmpire roll dice for 1 Artillery, 1 Dragoons, 1 Fusiliers and 1 Horse_Artillery in Syria, round 2 : 2/1 hits, 1.33 expected hits
Neutral roll dice for 2 Chasseurss in Syria, round 2 : 1/0 hits, 1.00 expected hits
1 Fusiliers owned by the OttomanEmpire lost in Syria
2 Chasseurss owned by the Neutral lost in Syria
OttomanEmpire loses 0 PUs for violating Syrias neutrality.
OttomanEmpire win, taking Syria from Neutral with 1 Artillery, 1 Dragoons and 1 Horse_Artillery remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
Casualties for OttomanEmpire: 1 Fusiliers
Casualties for Neutral: 2 Chasseurss
Non Combat Move - OttomanEmpire
1 General moved from Bulgaria to Constantinople
1 Barque, 1 Battleship, 1 Brigantine and 1 Cutter moved from SZ93 to SZ84
1 Cuirassiers, 3 Fusilierss and 1 Marines moved from Bulgaria to Constantinople
Place Units - OttomanEmpire
1 Chasseurs, 2 Fusilierss, 1 Howitzer and 1 Marines placed in Constantinople
1 Frigate placed in SZ84
Turn Complete - OttomanEmpire
OttomanEmpire collect 33 PUs; end with 33 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
UnitedKingdom regular : 0.67
OttomanEmpire regular : 1.33
Neutral regular : 0.00
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition
Game History
Round: 9
Purchase Units - Japanese
Japanese buy 3 armour, 2 artilleries, 1 carrier, 6 infantry and 2 mech_infantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 6 SuicideAttackTokens;
Combat Move - Japanese
2 fighters and 2 tactical_bombers moved from French Indo China to India
3 artilleries moved from West India to Eastern Persia
2 artilleries moved from India to West India
1 armour and 2 mech_infantrys moved from India to Eastern Persia
2 armour moved from French Indo China to Burma
1 mech_infantry moved from French Indo China to Burma
1 armour moved from Szechwan to Shensi
Japanese take Shensi from Chinese
1 armour moved from Shensi to Sikang
2 mech_infantrys moved from Szechwan to Sikang
1 armour moved from Szechwan to Sikang
1 armour moved from Yakut S.S.R. to Evenkiyskiy
Japanese take Yenisey from Russians
Japanese take Evenkiyskiy from Russians
1 infantry moved from Yakut S.S.R. to Yenisey
3 armour moved from Korea to Manchuria
3 infantry moved from Korea to Manchuria
1 infantry moved from Hunan to Kweichow
Japanese take Kweichow from Chinese
1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from French Indo China to Yunnan
1 bomber moved from French Indo China to Sikang
1 bomber moved from French Indo China to Sikang
Combat - Japanese
Battle in Sikang
Japanese attack with 2 armour, 2 bombers and 2 mech_infantrys
Chinese defend with 1 infantry
Japanese roll dice for 2 armour, 2 bombers and 2 mech_infantrys in Sikang, round 2 : 2/6 hits, 2.67 expected hits
Chinese roll dice for 1 infantry in Sikang, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Chinese lost in Sikang
Japanese win, taking Sikang from Chinese with 2 armour, 2 bombers and 2 mech_infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Chinese: 1 infantry
Non Combat Move - Japanese
2 bombers moved from Sikang to India
1 armour and 2 artilleries moved from Japan to 6 Sea Zone
3 infantry moved from Japan to 6 Sea Zone
1 armour, 2 artilleries, 3 infantry and 3 transports moved from 6 Sea Zone to 19 Sea Zone
3 infantry moved from 19 Sea Zone to Manchuria
2 artilleries moved from 19 Sea Zone to Manchuria
1 armour moved from 19 Sea Zone to Manchuria
1 fighter, 1 submarine and 1 tactical_bomber moved from 6 Sea Zone to 19 Sea Zone
1 carrier moved from 6 Sea Zone to 19 Sea Zone
1 destroyer moved from 36 Sea Zone to 19 Sea Zone
Place Units - Japanese
2 armour and 1 mech_infantry placed in India
2 infantry placed in French Indo China
1 armour, 2 artilleries, 4 infantry and 1 mech_infantry placed in Japan
1 carrier placed in 36 Sea Zone
Turn Complete - Japanese
Japanese collect 62 PUs; end with 62 PUs
Objective Japanese 3 Control Honolulu Or Sydney Or Calcutta Or Western United States: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 67 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Chinese regular : -0.33
Japanese regular : -0.67
@dawgoneit If you have a dock, you can load it right in. If you dont, you need to drive it in with the help of a truck. I think the truck need to stay on the boat
@Grinchveld you are next.
mechanized inf . can be used to transport materials, troops etc, just like trucks. As long as you do it in the non-combat phase
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total World War: December 1941 3.0
Game History
Round: 5
Training Troops - Manchuria
Manchuria collect 0 PUs; end with 11 PUs
Consolidating - Thailand
Thailand collect 0 PUs; end with 9 PUs
Research Technology - Japan
Trigger japaneseaTASW: Japan gains access to AdvancedSpecialWarfare
Japan spend 0 on tech rolls
Japan rolls : 0/1 hits, 0.00 expected hits
Combat Move - Japan
Trigger japaneseAirtraninfra1: Setting isInfrastructure to false for unitAttachment attached to japaneseAirTransport
Trigger japaneseAirtraninfra1: Setting attack to 1 for unitAttachment attached to japaneseAirTransport
Trigger japaneseAirtraninfra1: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy cleared for unitAttachment attached to japaneseAirTransport
Trigger japaneseTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to japaneseTank
Trigger japaneseMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to japaneseMech.Infantry
Trigger japaneseHvyTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to japaneseHeavyTank
Trigger japaneseTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to japaneseTank
Trigger japaneseHvyTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to japaneseHeavyTank
Trigger japaneseMecht4: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to japaneseMech.Infantry
2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys moved from Kansu to Northern China
3 japaneseAlpineInfantrys and 1 japaneseArtillery moved from Inner Mongolia to Northern China
2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys moved from Western Szechwan to Tsinghai
Japan take Tsinghai from China
2 japaneseMarines and 1 japaneseTransport moved from 100 Sea Zone to 103 Sea Zone
2 japaneseMarines moved from 103 Sea Zone to Alaska
Combat - Japan
Battle in Alaska
Some non-combat units are destroyed:
Battle in Northern China
Japan attack with 5 japaneseAlpineInfantrys and 1 japaneseArtillery
China defend with 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 chineseAirfield, 3 chineseAlpineInfantrys, 1 chineseAntiAirGun, 1 chineseBarracks and 1 chineseInfantry
Japan roll dice for 5 japaneseAlpineInfantrys and 1 japaneseArtillery in Northern China, round 2 : 2/1 hits, 2.33 expected hits
China roll dice for 3 chineseAlpineInfantrys, 1 chineseAntiAirGun and 1 chineseInfantry in Northern China, round 2 : 2/1 hits, 1.75 expected hits
1 japaneseArtillery owned by the Japan and 1 japaneseAlpineInfantry owned by the Japan lost in Northern China
1 chineseInfantry owned by the China and 1 chineseAntiAirGun owned by the China lost in Northern China
Japan roll dice for 4 japaneseAlpineInfantrys in Northern China, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 1.67 expected hits
China roll dice for 3 chineseAlpineInfantrys in Northern China, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 1.25 expected hits
1 japaneseAlpineInfantry owned by the Japan lost in Northern China
1 chineseAlpineInfantry owned by the China lost in Northern China
Japan roll dice for 3 japaneseAlpineInfantrys in Northern China, round 4 : 2/1 hits, 1.25 expected hits
China roll dice for 2 chineseAlpineInfantrys in Northern China, round 4 : 1/1 hits, 0.83 expected hits
1 japaneseAlpineInfantry owned by the Japan lost in Northern China
2 chineseAlpineInfantrys owned by the China lost in Northern China
Some non-combat units are destroyed:
Japan converts chineseBarracks into different units
Japan win, taking Alaska from Usa, taking Northern China from China with 2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Japan: 3 japaneseAlpineInfantrys and 1 japaneseArtillery
Casualties for China: 3 chineseAlpineInfantrys, 1 chineseAntiAirGun and 1 chineseInfantry
Non Combat Move - Japan
Trigger japaneseMecht1: Setting isLandTransport to true for unitAttachment attached to japaneseMech.Infantry
Trigger japaneseAirtraninfra2: Setting isInfrastructure to true for unitAttachment attached to japaneseAirTransport
Trigger japaneseAirtraninfra2: Setting attack to 0 for unitAttachment attached to japaneseAirTransport
Trigger japaneseAirtraninfra2: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy to FROM:Japan for unitAttachment attached to japaneseAirTransport
Trigger japaneseMecht2: Setting isLandTransport to false for unitAttachment attached to japaneseMech.Infantry
1 japaneseTank moved from Khabarovskiy Kray to Northern Manchuria
1 japaneseArtillery and 1 japaneseMech.Infantry moved from Korea to Northern Manchuria
3 japaneseInfantrys moved from Manchuria to Northern Manchuria
1 japaneseStrategicBomber and 1 japaneseTacticalBomber moved from Japan to Northern Manchuria
1 Material and 1 Truck moved from Peking to Shensi
3 japaneseAlpineInfantrys and 1 japaneseArtillery moved from Shantung to Shensi
1 japaneseCombatEngineer moved from Hunan to Hupeh
2 japaneseInfantrys moved from Eastern Szechwan to Western Szechwan
2 japaneseInfantrys moved from Burma to Eastern Szechwan
1 japaneseFighter moved from Bengal to French Indochina
1 japaneseAlpineInfantry, 1 japaneseArtillery, 2 japaneseCombatEngineers, 1 japaneseInfantry and 1 japaneseParatrooper moved from Bengal to Burma
1 japaneseArtillery and 2 japaneseInfantrys moved from Thailand to Burma
2 japaneseInfantrys moved from French Indochina to Burma
1 japaneseStrategicBomber moved from French Indochina to Hupeh
1 Material and 1 Truck moved from Korea to Peking
2 japaneseTransports moved from 97 Sea Zone to 98 Sea Zone
1 japaneseArtillery moved from Japan to 98 Sea Zone
3 japaneseAlpineInfantrys moved from Kyushu Shikoku to 98 Sea Zone
3 japaneseAlpineInfantrys, 1 japaneseArtillery and 2 japaneseTransports moved from 98 Sea Zone to 97 Sea Zone
3 japaneseAlpineInfantrys and 1 japaneseArtillery moved from 97 Sea Zone to Shantung
2 Trains moved from Inner Mongolia to Shantung
1 japaneseTransport moved from 95 Sea Zone to 98 Sea Zone
2 japaneseMarines and 1 japaneseTransport moved from 122 Sea Zone to 127 Sea Zone
2 japaneseMarines moved from 127 Sea Zone to Phillippines
4 japaneseMarines moved from Tokyo to 99 Sea Zone
2 japaneseMarines and 1 japaneseTransport moved from 99 Sea Zone to 102 Sea Zone
1 japaneseBattleship-damaged moved from 101 Sea Zone to 102 Sea Zone
1 japaneseCarrier, 1 japaneseDestroyer, 2 japaneseNavalFighters and 1 japaneseSubmarine moved from 101 Sea Zone to 103 Sea Zone
1 japaneseBattleship moved from 99 Sea Zone to 127 Sea Zone
1 japaneseTransport moved from 127 Sea Zone to 99 Sea Zone
2 japaneseMarines and 1 japaneseTransport moved from 99 Sea Zone to 127 Sea Zone
2 japaneseMarines moved from 127 Sea Zone to Phillippines
1 japaneseBattleship, 2 japaneseCarriers, 1 japaneseCruiser, 2 japaneseDestroyers, 4 japaneseNavalFighters and 2 japaneseTransports moved from 92 Sea Zone to 128 Sea Zone
1 japaneseSubmarine moved from 93 Sea Zone to 127 Sea Zone
1 japaneseNavalFighter moved from Japan to Marianas Island
1 Truck moved from Hupeh to Northern China
2 Trucks moved from Hupeh to Shantung
1 japaneseMech.Infantry moved from Khabarovskiy Kray to Far Eastern Republic
2 japaneseInfantrys moved from Khabarovskiy Kray to Far Eastern Republic
1 japaneseArtillery moved from Khabarovskiy Kray to Far Eastern Republic
1 japaneseAlpineInfantry moved from Eastern Evenki to Far Eastern Republic
1 japaneseArtillery moved from Eastern Evenki to Far Eastern Republic
1 japaneseInfantry moved from Northern Manchuria to Khabarovskiy Kray
1 japaneseInfantry moved from Far Eastern Republic to Eastern Evenki
1 japaneseInfantry moved from Hupeh to Kansu
Purchase Units - Japan
Japan repair damage of 1x Rail, 1x Rail; Remaining resources: 81 PUs; 9 techTokens;
Japan buy 2 Materials, 5 japaneseAlpineInfantrys, 1 japaneseArtillery, 1 japaneseCombatEngineer, 1 japaneseCruiser, 3 japaneseMarines, 1 japaneseMech.Infantry, 1 japaneseTank and 1 japaneseTransport; Remaining resources: 1 PUs; 9 techTokens;
Place Units - Japan
3 japaneseAlpineInfantrys placed in Kyushu Shikoku
1 japaneseCombatEngineer and 3 japaneseMarines placed in Tokyo
1 Material and 1 japaneseArtillery placed in Japan
1 Material, 1 japaneseMech.Infantry and 1 japaneseTank placed in Korea
1 japaneseCruiser and 1 japaneseTransport placed in 99 Sea Zone
2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys placed in Hupeh
Turn Complete - Japan
Japan collect 87 PUs; end with 88 PUs
Units generate 9 techTokens; Japan end with 18 techTokens
Units Change Ownership
Some Units in Burma change ownership: 2 japaneseCombatEngineers
Some Units in Northern Manchuria change ownership: 1 japaneseCombatEngineer
Purchase Units - Manchuria
Manchuria buy 2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys and 1 japaneseInfantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Place Units - Manchuria
2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys and 1 japaneseInfantry placed in Manchuria
Turn Complete - Manchuria
Manchuria collect 10 PUs; end with 10 PUs
Units Change Ownership
Some Units in Manchuria change ownership: 2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys and 1 japaneseInfantry
Some Units in Northern Manchuria change ownership: 1 japaneseCombatEngineer
Purchase Units - Thailand
Thailand buy 3 japaneseInfantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Place Units - Thailand
3 japaneseInfantrys placed in Thailand
Turn Complete - Thailand
Thailand collect 9 PUs; end with 9 PUs
Units Change Ownership
Some Units in Burma change ownership: 2 japaneseCombatEngineers
Some Units in Thailand change ownership: 3 japaneseInfantrys
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Japan regular : -0.25
China regular : 0.17
Japan rolls : 0.00