@Witt Wrong game, this is NML 1914 game 17. You’ll need to post this save game to another game feed.
NML 1914 game 13
good luck everyone!
Change in nation bonus for team game 13. Turkey keeps industry tech bonus but not the 3 starting infantry. France gains industry tech to balance things out.
Italy/Arabia are combined with USA for just 7 total players, as Colt is passing on this game.Player positions:
Ger Capt W
Fra/Serb Private P
Aus Entek
Ita/Arab/USA Elrood
Turk/Com Rommel
UK Witt
Rus DawgHave fun, good luck
Game HistoryRound: 1 Research Technology - Germany Turning on Edit Mode EDIT: Adding Technology industry for France EDIT: Adding Technology industry for Turkey EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode Germany spend 5 on tech rolls Combat Move - Germany 1 submarine moved from Sea Zone 5 Arctic Ocean to Sea Zone 16 North Sea 1 battlecruiser, 1 battleship and 1 cruiser moved from Sea Zone 11 Baltic Sea to Sea Zone 9 Gulf of Bothnia 1 submarine moved from Sea Zone 12 Baltic Sea to Sea Zone 9 Gulf of Bothnia 2 battlecruisers, 1 battleship and 2 cruisers moved from Sea Zone 12 Baltic Sea to Sea Zone 16 North Sea 1 submarine moved from Sea Zone 28 Sargasso Sea to Sea Zone 21 Gulf of St. Lawrence 1 submarine moved from Sea Zone 23 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 21 Gulf of St. Lawrence 1 submarine moved from Sea Zone 23 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 20 Labrador Sea 1 submarine moved from Sea Zone 4 Greenland Sea to Sea Zone 20 Labrador Sea 1 submarine moved from Sea Zone 48 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 50 Mid Atlantic 1 submarine moved from Sea Zone 52 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 50 Mid Atlantic 1 submarine moved from Sea Zone 34 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 42 Caribbean Sea 1 cavalry moved from German East Africa to British East Africa Germany take British East Africa from Britain 1 cavalry moved from British East Africa to Italian Somaliland Germany take Italian Somaliland from Italy 1 cruiser and 2 submarines moved from Sea Zone 76 Indian Ocean to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea 1 infantry moved from German Southwest Africa to Pretoria Germany take Pretoria from Britain 1 cavalry moved from Togo to Upper Volta Germany take Upper Volta from France 1 cavalry moved from Upper Volta to Mali Germany take Mali from France 1 cavalry moved from Kamerun to Chad Germany take Chad from France 1 cavalry moved from Chad to Fezzan Germany take Fezzan from France 1 infantry moved from Kamerun to Middle Congo Germany take Middle Congo from France 1 battlecruiser and 1 cruiser moved from Sea Zone 106 Pacific Ocean to Sea Zone 112 Pacific Ocean 1 field_gun moved from Caroline Islands to Sea Zone 122 Bismarck Sea 1 infantry moved from German New Guinea to Sea Zone 122 Bismarck Sea 1 battlecruiser and 1 cruiser moved from Sea Zone 122 Bismarck Sea to Sea Zone 121 Coral Sea 1 field_gun, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 122 Bismarck Sea to Sea Zone 112 Pacific Ocean 1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Sea Zone 112 Pacific Ocean to Tuamotu 1 submarine moved from Sea Zone 113 Pacific Ocean to Sea Zone 112 Pacific Ocean 1 submarine moved from Sea Zone 132 Pacific Ocean to Sea Zone 121 Coral Sea 2 field_guns and 4 infantry moved from Posen to Western Poland 5 infantry moved from Silesia to Western Poland 2 field_guns and 4 infantry moved from East Prussia to Eastern Poland 1 heavy_gun moved from West Prussia to Western Poland 3 cavalrys moved from Silesia to Eastern Poland 1 heavy_gun moved from Alsace to Champagne 5 infantry moved from Alsace to Champagne 2 field_guns and 5 infantry moved from Rhine to Belgium 2 cavalrys moved from Wurttemburg to Belgium 1 gas moved from Saxony to Belgium 1 fighter moved from Wurttemburg to Champagne 1 fighter moved from Wurttemburg to Belgium 2 cavalrys moved from Westphalia to Belgium 1 infantry moved from Alsace to Champagne 1 heavy_gun moved from West Prussia to Western Poland Purchase Units - Germany Germany buy 1 Factory, 4 field_guns, 4 heavy_guns, 6 infantry, 4 stormtruppens and 3 trenchs; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 1 techTokens; Combat - Germany Battle in Sea Zone 42 Caribbean Sea Germany attack with 1 submarine Britain defend with 1 transport Germany win with 1 submarine remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7 Casualties for Britain: 1 transport Battle in Sea Zone 121 Coral Sea Germany attack with 1 battlecruiser, 1 cruiser and 1 submarine Britain defend with 1 battlecruiser, 1 cruiser and 1 transport Germany win with 1 battlecruiser, 1 cruiser and 1 submarine remaining. Battle score for attacker is 33 Casualties for Britain: 1 battlecruiser, 1 cruiser and 1 transport Battle in Sea Zone 112 Pacific Ocean Germany attack with 1 battlecruiser, 1 cruiser, 1 submarine and 1 transport France defend with 2 cruisers and 1 transport Germany win with 1 battlecruiser, 1 cruiser and 1 transport remaining. Battle score for attacker is 20 Casualties for Germany: 1 submarine Casualties for France: 2 cruisers and 1 transport Battle in Tuamotu Battle in Sea Zone 9 Gulf of Bothnia Germany attack with 1 battlecruiser, 1 battleship, 1 cruiser and 1 submarine Russia defend with 1 battlecruiser, 1 cruiser and 1 transport Units damaged: 1 battleship owned by the Germany Germany win, taking Tuamotu from France with 1 battlecruiser, 1 battleship, 1 cruiser and 1 submarine remaining. Battle score for attacker is 33 Casualties for Russia: 1 battlecruiser, 1 cruiser and 1 transport Battle in Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea Germany attack with 1 cruiser and 2 submarines Britain defend with 1 battlecruiser and 1 cruiser Germany win with 1 cruiser and 2 submarines remaining. Battle score for attacker is 26 Casualties for Britain: 1 battlecruiser and 1 cruiser Battle in Sea Zone 20 Labrador Sea Germany attack with 2 submarines Britain defend with 1 cruiser and 2 transports Germany win with 2 submarines remaining. Battle score for attacker is 24 Casualties for Britain: 1 cruiser and 2 transports Battle in Sea Zone 21 Gulf of St. Lawrence Germany attack with 2 submarines Britain defend with 1 cruiser and 2 transports Germany win with 2 submarines remaining. Battle score for attacker is 24 Casualties for Britain: 1 cruiser and 2 transports Battle in Sea Zone 50 Mid Atlantic Germany attack with 2 submarines France defend with 1 cruiser and 1 transport France win with 1 cruiser and 1 transport remaining. Battle score for attacker is -14 Casualties for Germany: 2 submarines Battle in Sea Zone 16 North Sea Germany attack with 2 battlecruisers, 1 battleship, 2 cruisers and 1 submarine Britain defend with 2 battlecruisers, 2 cruisers and 1 transport Units damaged: 1 battleship owned by the Germany Germany win with 2 battlecruisers, 1 battleship and 2 cruisers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 52 Casualties for Britain: 2 battlecruisers, 2 cruisers and 1 transport Casualties for Germany: 1 submarine Battle in Eastern Poland Germany attack with 3 cavalrys, 2 field_guns and 4 infantry Russia defend with 2 cavalrys, 2 conscripts and 3 infantry Germany win, taking Eastern Poland from Russia with 2 field_guns and 4 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 9 Casualties for Germany: 3 cavalrys Casualties for Russia: 2 cavalrys, 2 conscripts and 3 infantry Battle in Western Poland Germany attack with 2 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns and 9 infantry Russia defend with 2 field_guns and 5 infantry Germany win, taking Western Poland from Russia with 2 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns and 5 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 11 Casualties for Germany: 4 infantry Casualties for Russia: 2 field_guns and 5 infantry Battle in Champagne Germany attack with 1 fighter, 1 heavy_gun and 6 infantry France defend with 2 field_guns, 1 heavy_gun and 2 infantry Germany win, taking Champagne from France with 1 fighter, 1 heavy_gun and 3 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 10 Casualties for Germany: 3 infantry Casualties for France: 2 field_guns, 1 heavy_gun and 2 infantry Battle in Belgium Germany attack with 4 cavalrys, 2 field_guns, 1 fighter, 1 gas and 5 infantry Britain defend with 1 Factory, 2 cavalrys, 1 field_gun and 4 infantry Germany win, taking Belgium from Britain with 2 field_guns, 1 fighter and 4 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 1 Casualties for Britain: 2 cavalrys, 1 field_gun and 4 infantry Casualties for Germany: 4 cavalrys, 1 gas and 1 infantry Non Combat Move - Germany 1 fighter moved from Belgium to Rhine 1 fighter moved from Champagne to Rhine 1 infantry moved from Wurttemburg to Alsace 5 infantry moved from Wurttemburg to Rhine 4 infantry moved from Westphalia to Rhine 1 heavy_gun and 3 infantry moved from Nassau to Rhine 3 infantry moved from Munich to Wurttemburg 1 field_gun moved from Munich to Wurttemburg 1 cavalry moved from Bavaria to Rhine 4 infantry moved from Bavaria to Wurttemburg 1 field_gun, 1 heavy_gun and 4 infantry moved from Saxony to Nassau 2 field_guns and 5 infantry moved from Hanover to Westphalia 4 infantry moved from Mecklenburg to Hanover 1 fighter moved from Berlin to Rhine 1 infantry moved from West Prussia to East Prussia 2 infantry moved from West Prussia to Western Poland 1 infantry moved from West Prussia to Western Poland 1 field_gun and 4 infantry moved from Brandenburg to West Prussia 4 infantry moved from Berlin to Mecklenburg 3 infantry moved from Pomerania to Mecklenburg 1 submarine moved from Sea Zone 34 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 53 Mid Atlantic Place Units - Germany 1 Factory placed in Wurttemburg 1 heavy_gun, 1 infantry and 1 trench placed in German New Guinea 1 heavy_gun, 1 infantry and 1 trench placed in Dar es Salaam 1 trench placed in German East Africa Germany undo move 4. 1 trench placed in Dar es Salaam 1 field_gun, 1 heavy_gun and 4 infantry placed in Bavaria 1 field_gun and 1 heavy_gun placed in Mecklenburg 2 field_guns and 4 stormtruppens placed in Berlin Turn Complete - Germany Germany collect 133 PUs; end with 133 PUs 2 units repaired.
@captainwalker Nice shooting. Taking out Canadian fleet is very helpful. Above average success against Russia is a good start on eastern front, where I usually rolled poorly at the opening.
@captainwalker +236 TUV I think? Good opening turn for G. Unfortunately! I hope to get a chance to do F later today.
@FMErwinRommel This game seems awfully dependent on a good alpha strike…
I am unable to open in PBF. Can anyone else?
I can open as a local game, but no-one would see my dice rolls. Should I continue?
@Private-Panic I opened it in Local. Didn’t try it Live.
@Private-Panic If i try it with PBF, choose the right forum and enter topic ID and credentials I get this:
this version of TTA is slowly really fucked up.
@Private-Panic So… choose Play by email … that loaded the game for me and has MARTI rolls
@Elrood Thanks Seb. That is working for me I think …
@Entek I think you are Austria?
Game History
Round: 1 Research Technology - France France spend 10 on tech rolls France roll 3,4 and gets 0 hits Combat Move - France 1 gas moved from Toulouse to Champagne 1 fighter moved from Burgundy to Champagne 2 cavalrys moved from Normandy to Paris 2 cavalrys moved from Paris to Champagne 1 field_gun moved from Picardy to Champagne 1 field_gun moved from Paris to Champagne 1 cavalry moved from Cyrenaica to Chad France take Chad from Germany 1 cavalry moved from Chad to Fezzan 1 cavalry moved from Algeria to Fezzan 1 cavalry moved from Tunisia to Fezzan 1 cavalry moved from Senegal to Upper Volta France take Upper Volta from Germany 1 cavalry moved from Timbuktu to Mali 1 colonial moved from Timbuktu to Mali 1 infantry moved from French Guinea to Sea Zone 50 Mid Atlantic 1 cruiser, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 50 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 100 Gulf of Guinea 1 infantry moved from Ivory Coast to Sea Zone 100 Gulf of Guinea 1 colonial moved from Dahome to Togo France take Togo from Germany 2 infantry moved from Sea Zone 100 Gulf of Guinea to Kamerun France take Kamerun from Germany 1 infantry moved from Gabon to Congo 1 infantry moved from Yanaon to Sea Zone 81 Bay of Bengal 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 81 Bay of Bengal to Sea Zone 84 Andaman Sea 1 infantry moved from Sea Zone 84 Andaman Sea to Singapore 1 colonial moved from Cambodia to Sea Zone 127 Gulf of Thailand 1 colonial moved from Cochinchina to Sea Zone 127 Gulf of Thailand 1 colonial moved from Annam to Cochinchina 2 colonials, 1 cruiser and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 127 Gulf of Thailand to Sea Zone 131 Pacific Ocean 2 colonials moved from Sea Zone 131 Pacific Ocean to Palau France take Palau from Germany 1 field_gun moved from Shanghai 4 to Shanghai 1 1 infantry moved from Shanghai 4 to Shanghai 1 1 cruiser moved from Sea Zone 60 Central Mediterranean to Sea Zone 71 Eastern Mediterranean Purchase Units - France France buy 2 colonials, 4 heavy_guns and 8 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 2 techTokens; Combat - France Battle in Sea Zone 71 Eastern Mediterranean France attack with 1 cruiser Turkey defend with 1 cruiser and 1 transport France roll dice for 1 cruiser in Sea Zone 71 Eastern Mediterranean, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits Turkey roll dice for 1 cruiser and 1 transport in Sea Zone 71 Eastern Mediterranean, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits 1 cruiser owned by the France and 1 cruiser owned by the Turkey lost in Sea Zone 71 Eastern Mediterranean Turkey win with 1 transport remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0 Casualties for France: 1 cruiser Casualties for Turkey: 1 cruiser Battle in Shanghai 1 France attack with 1 field_gun and 1 infantry Germany defend with 1 infantry France roll dice for 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Shanghai 1, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits Germany roll dice for 1 infantry in Shanghai 1, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the France lost in Shanghai 1 France roll dice for 1 field_gun in Shanghai 1, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Germany roll dice for 1 infantry in Shanghai 1, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits France roll dice for 1 field_gun in Shanghai 1, round 4 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Germany roll dice for 1 infantry in Shanghai 1, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Germany lost in Shanghai 1 France win, taking Shanghai 1 from Germany with 1 field_gun remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0 Casualties for France: 1 infantry Casualties for Germany: 1 infantry Battle in Mali France attack with 1 cavalry and 1 colonial Germany defend with 1 cavalry France roll dice for 1 cavalry and 1 colonial in Mali, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.50 expected hits Germany roll dice for 1 cavalry in Mali, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits France roll dice for 1 cavalry and 1 colonial in Mali, round 3 : 0/2 hits, 0.50 expected hits Germany roll dice for 1 cavalry in Mali, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits France roll dice for 1 cavalry and 1 colonial in Mali, round 4 : 0/2 hits, 0.50 expected hits Germany roll dice for 1 cavalry in Mali, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits France roll dice for 1 cavalry and 1 colonial in Mali, round 5 : 0/2 hits, 0.50 expected hits Germany roll dice for 1 cavalry in Mali, round 5 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits France roll dice for 1 cavalry and 1 colonial in Mali, round 6 : 1/2 hits, 0.50 expected hits Germany roll dice for 1 cavalry in Mali, round 6 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits 1 cavalry owned by the Germany lost in Mali France win, taking Mali from Germany with 1 cavalry and 1 colonial remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4 Casualties for Germany: 1 cavalry Battle in Fezzan France attack with 3 cavalrys Germany defend with 1 cavalry France roll dice for 3 cavalrys in Fezzan, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 0.50 expected hits Germany roll dice for 1 cavalry in Fezzan, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits France roll dice for 3 cavalrys in Fezzan, round 3 : 1/3 hits, 0.50 expected hits Germany roll dice for 1 cavalry in Fezzan, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits 1 cavalry owned by the Germany lost in Fezzan France win, taking Fezzan from Germany with 3 cavalrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4 Casualties for Germany: 1 cavalry Battle in Champagne France attack with 2 cavalrys, 2 field_guns, 1 fighter and 1 gas Germany defend with 1 heavy_gun and 3 infantry France roll dice for 1 gas in Champagne, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Germany lost in Champagne 1 gas owned by the France lost in Champagne France roll dice for 2 cavalrys, 2 field_guns and 1 fighter in Champagne, round 2 : 2/5 hits, 1.67 expected hits Germany roll dice for 1 heavy_gun and 2 infantry in Champagne, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1.33 expected hits 2 infantry owned by the Germany and 1 cavalry owned by the France lost in Champagne 1 fighter owned by the France retreated 2 field_guns owned by the France and 1 cavalry owned by the France retreated to Paris Germany win with 1 heavy_gun remaining. Battle score for attacker is 1 Casualties for Germany: 3 infantry Casualties for France: 1 cavalry and 1 gas Non Combat Move - France 1 fighter moved from Champagne to Paris 2 infantry moved from Picardy to Paris 1 infantry moved from Normandy to Paris 1 infantry moved from Burgundy to Paris 1 infantry moved from Franche-Comte to Burgundy 2 infantry moved from Brittany to Burgundy 1 infantry moved from Aquitaine to Burgundy 1 infantry moved from Auvergne to Burgundy 1 field_gun moved from Rhone to Burgundy 1 infantry moved from Rhone to Burgundy 1 infantry moved from Marseilles to Piedmont 1 infantry moved from Languedoc to Rhone 1 infantry moved from Toulouse to Auvergne 1 battlecruiser, 1 cruiser and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 25 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 15 English Channel 1 battleship, 1 cruiser and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 56 Gulf of Lyon to Sea Zone 55 Western Mediterranean 2 colonials moved from Algiers to Sea Zone 55 Western Mediterranean 1 battleship, 2 colonials, 1 cruiser and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 55 Western Mediterranean to Sea Zone 57 Ligurian Sea 2 colonials moved from Sea Zone 57 Ligurian Sea to Piedmont 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 60 Central Mediterranean to Sea Zone 70 Eastern Mediterranean Place Units - France 2 colonials placed in Tobruk 4 heavy_guns and 6 infantry placed in Paris 2 infantry placed in Brittany Turn Complete - France France collect 72 PUs; end with 72 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Germany regular : -1.50 France regular : -0.67 Turkey regular : 0.50
Game History
Round: 1 Combat Move - Serbia 1 cruiser moved from Sea Zone 69 Sea of Crete to Sea Zone 71 Eastern Mediterranean 1 fighter moved from Greece to Bulgaria 3 infantry moved from Macedonia to Bulgaria 1 cavalry moved from Albania to Bulgaria 1 heavy_gun and 2 infantry moved from Serbia to Bulgaria 1 field_gun and 3 infantry moved from Belgrade to Bulgaria Purchase Units - Serbia Serbia buy 1 field_gun and 7 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat - Serbia Battle in Sea Zone 71 Eastern Mediterranean Serbia attack with 1 cruiser Turkey defend with 1 transport 1 transport owned by the Turkey lost in Sea Zone 71 Eastern Mediterranean Serbia win with 1 cruiser remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7 Casualties for Turkey: 1 transport Battle in Bulgaria Serbia attack with 1 cavalry, 1 field_gun, 1 fighter, 1 heavy_gun and 8 infantry Austria defend with 4 infantry and 2 trenchs Serbia roll dice for 1 cavalry, 1 field_gun, 1 fighter, 1 heavy_gun and 8 infantry in Bulgaria, round 2 : 4/12 hits, 3.00 expected hits Austria roll dice for 4 infantry and 2 trenchs in Bulgaria, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits 1 cavalry owned by the Serbia and 2 trenchs owned by the Austria lost in Bulgaria 1 fighter owned by the Serbia retreated 1 heavy_gun owned by the Serbia, 8 infantry owned by the Serbia and 1 field_gun owned by the Serbia retreated to Belgrade Austria win with 4 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2 Casualties for Serbia: 1 cavalry Casualties for Austria: 2 trenchs Non Combat Move - Serbia 1 fighter moved from Bulgaria to Belgrade 1 field_gun and 3 infantry moved from Greece to Macedonia 1 infantry moved from Montenegro to Serbia 1 field_gun moved from Montenegro to Albania 1 infantry moved from Montenegro to Albania Place Units - Serbia 1 field_gun and 3 infantry placed in Belgrade 4 infantry placed in Greece Turn Complete - Serbia Serbia collect 19 PUs; end with 19 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Serbia regular : 1.00 Austria regular : -0.33
French Channel fleet under British orders as usual
The British also want to take command of my Med fleet!!!
As it’s a non-com I presume it’s okay to edit in a move?
If so, can @Entek please move the F BB and BC to sz58.
@Private-Panic fine with me. I’m in the process of moving house so it’ll probably be tomorrow until I can do it.
Sorry for the continued delay guys, moving house is no fun. I’ll get it done this weekend.
@Entek remove the wheels and it should remain immobile !
Man… 8 days is a loooong time
@Elrood Sorry about the wait.
Game History
Round: 1 Research Technology - Austria Austria spend 5 on tech rolls Austria rolls : 1/1 hits, 0.00 expected hits Austria removing all Technology Tokens after successful research. Austria discover creepingBarage Combat Move - Austria Turning on Edit Mode EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode 1 heavy_gun and 4 infantry moved from Trieste to Venice 1 field_gun and 4 infantry moved from Tyrol to Milan 1 cavalry moved from Carinthia to Milan 1 infantry moved from Croatia to Montenegro Austria take Montenegro from Serbia 3 infantry moved from Bosnia to Serbia 1 heavy_gun moved from Baranya to Serbia 2 infantry moved from Baranya to Serbia 2 heavy_guns and 6 infantry moved from Galicia to Odessa 1 fighter moved from Carpathia to Odessa 3 infantry moved from Carinthia to Venice EDIT: 1 battleship and 1 cruiser moved from Sea Zone 57 Ligurian Sea to Sea Zone 59 Central Mediterranean Purchase Units - Austria Austria buy 1 Factory, 1 cruiser, 6 field_guns, 1 heavy_gun, 2 infantry, 1 transport and 1 trench; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 techTokens; Combat - Austria Battle in Milan Austria attack with 1 cavalry, 1 field_gun and 4 infantry Italy defend with 2 infantry Austria roll dice for 1 cavalry, 1 field_gun and 4 infantry in Milan, round 2 : 3/6 hits, 1.33 expected hits Italy roll dice for 2 infantry in Milan, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits 2 infantry owned by the Italy lost in Milan Austria win, taking Milan from Italy with 1 cavalry, 1 field_gun and 4 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6 Casualties for Italy: 2 infantry Battle in Serbia Austria attack with 1 heavy_gun and 5 infantry Serbia defend with 1 infantry Austria roll dice for 1 heavy_gun and 5 infantry in Serbia, round 2 : 1/6 hits, 1.33 expected hits Serbia roll dice for 1 infantry in Serbia, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Serbia lost in Serbia Austria win, taking Serbia from Serbia with 1 heavy_gun and 5 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3 Casualties for Serbia: 1 infantry Battle in Odessa Austria attack with 1 fighter, 2 heavy_guns and 6 infantry Russia defend with 3 conscripts, 1 heavy_gun and 2 infantry Austria roll dice for 1 fighter, 2 heavy_guns and 6 infantry in Odessa, round 2 : 1/9 hits, 2.50 expected hits Russia roll dice for 3 conscripts, 1 heavy_gun and 2 infantry in Odessa, round 2 : 2/6 hits, 1.83 expected hits 1 conscript owned by the Russia and 2 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Odessa Austria roll dice for 1 fighter, 2 heavy_guns and 4 infantry in Odessa, round 3 : 1/7 hits, 2.17 expected hits Russia roll dice for 2 conscripts, 1 heavy_gun and 2 infantry in Odessa, round 3 : 2/5 hits, 1.67 expected hits 1 conscript owned by the Russia and 2 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Odessa Austria roll dice for 1 fighter, 2 heavy_guns and 2 infantry in Odessa, round 4 : 0/5 hits, 1.67 expected hits Russia roll dice for 1 conscript, 1 heavy_gun and 2 infantry in Odessa, round 4 : 3/4 hits, 1.50 expected hits 2 infantry owned by the Austria and 1 heavy_gun owned by the Austria lost in Odessa 1 fighter owned by the Austria retreated 1 heavy_gun owned by the Austria retreated to Galicia Russia win with 1 conscript, 1 heavy_gun and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is -19 Casualties for Austria: 1 heavy_gun and 6 infantry Casualties for Russia: 2 conscripts Battle in Venice Austria attack with 1 heavy_gun and 7 infantry Italy defend with 1 Factory, 1 field_gun and 3 infantry Austria roll dice for 1 heavy_gun and 7 infantry in Venice, round 2 : 1/8 hits, 1.67 expected hits Italy roll dice for 1 field_gun and 3 infantry in Venice, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Italy and 1 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Venice Austria roll dice for 1 heavy_gun and 6 infantry in Venice, round 3 : 3/7 hits, 1.50 expected hits Italy roll dice for 1 field_gun and 2 infantry in Venice, round 3 : 0/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits 2 infantry owned by the Italy and 1 field_gun owned by the Italy lost in Venice Austria win, taking Venice from Italy with 1 heavy_gun and 6 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 10 Casualties for Austria: 1 infantry Casualties for Italy: 1 field_gun and 3 infantry Non Combat Move - Austria 4 infantry moved from Carpathia to Galicia 1 fighter moved from Odessa to Galicia 4 infantry moved from Hungary to Baranya 1 heavy_gun moved from Croatia to Baranya 2 infantry moved from Croatia to Baranya 1 field_gun and 2 infantry moved from Austria to Trieste 2 cavalrys moved from Bohemia to Galicia 1 infantry moved from Bohemia to Galicia 2 cavalrys moved from Vienna to Galicia 1 cavalry moved from Hungary to Baranya 2 field_guns and 4 infantry moved from Vienna to Carpathia Place Units - Austria 1 trench placed in Bulgaria 1 Factory placed in Galicia 6 field_guns placed in Trieste 1 heavy_gun and 2 infantry placed in Hungary Austria undo move 3. 1 cruiser and 1 transport placed in Sea Zone 62 Adriatic Sea 4 field_guns placed in Trieste 2 field_guns placed in Hungary Activate Technology - Austria Austria activating creepingBarage Turn Complete - Austria Austria collect 81 PUs; end with 81 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Italy regular : -2.00 Serbia regular : -0.33 Austria rolls : 1.00 Austria regular : -2.17 Russia regular : 2.00