• @Colt45554 99 income again? Annoying!.tsvg

        Research Technology - Russia
            Russia spend 10 on tech rolls
            Russia removing all Technology Tokens after successful research.
            Russia discover mobileWarfare
        Combat Move - Russia
            1 field_gun moved from Koryak to Magadan
            2 conscripts and 2 heavy_guns moved from Kazakhstan to Novosibirsk
            2 heavy_guns moved from Omsk to Novosibirsk
            3 cavalrys moved from Moscow to Kazakhstan
            1 fighter moved from Caucasus to Azerbaijan
            1 conscript and 1 infantry moved from Caucasus to Azerbaijan
            1 cavalry moved from Caucasus to Novosibirsk
            1 fighter moved from St. Petersburg to Kazan
            3 heavy_guns moved from Irkutsk to Bratsk
            2 field_guns and 1 infantry moved from Kiev to Odessa
            1 conscript moved from Belarus to Odessa
            4 conscripts and 1 field_gun moved from Latvia to Belarus
            1 heavy_gun and 4 infantry moved from Don to Caucasus
            2 heavy_guns and 1 infantry moved from Caucasus to Kazakhstan
            1 conscript moved from Caucasus to Kazakhstan
            1 heavy_gun moved from Caucasus to Kazakhstan
            2 conscripts moved from Ryazan to Kazakhstan
            9 conscripts and 1 field_gun moved from Smolensk to Don
            1 heavy_gun moved from Belarus to Don
            1 heavy_gun moved from Belarus to Don
            2 infantry moved from Minsk to Don
            1 infantry moved from Minsk to Belarus
            3 conscripts moved from Pskov to Smolensk
            5 conscripts moved from St. Petersburg to Novgorod
        Purchase Units - Russia
            Russia buy 1 Factory, 3 cavalrys, 2 conscripts, 3 field_guns, 2 gass, 3 heavy_guns, 3 infantry and 3 trenchs; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 techTokens; 
        Combat - Russia
            Battle in Azerbaijan
                Russia attack with 1 conscript, 1 fighter and 1 infantry
                Turkey defend with 1 infantry
                Russia win, taking Azerbaijan from Turkey with 1 fighter and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 1
                Casualties for Russia: 1 conscript
                Casualties for Turkey: 1 infantry
            Battle in Magadan
                Russia attack with 1 field_gun
                Communists defend with 1 conscript
                Russia win, taking Magadan from Communists with 1 field_gun remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                Casualties for Communists: 1 conscript
            Battle in Odessa
                Russia attack with 1 conscript, 2 field_guns and 1 infantry
                Austria defend with 2 infantry
                Russia win, taking Odessa from Austria with 2 field_guns remaining. Battle score for attacker is 1
                Casualties for Russia: 1 conscript and 1 infantry
                Casualties for Austria: 2 infantry
        Non Combat Move - Russia
            2 field_guns and 1 infantry moved from Dnieper to Don
            1 fighter moved from Azerbaijan to Kazakhstan
            1 conscript moved from Caucasus to Kazakhstan
        Place Units - Russia
            3 cavalrys placed in Moscow
            3 trenchs placed in Bratsk
            1 field_gun and 2 heavy_guns placed in Irkutsk
            2 gass placed in Omsk
            2 conscripts placed in St. Petersburg
            1 Factory placed in Volgograd
            1 heavy_gun and 2 infantry placed in Minsk
            2 field_guns and 1 infantry placed in Kiev
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Removing units owned by Russia from Don: 2 field_guns
            EDIT: Adding units owned by Russia to Dnieper: 2 field_guns
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Removing units owned by Russia from Kiev: 1 infantry
            EDIT: Adding units owned by Russia to Minsk: 1 infantry
            EDIT: Removing units owned by Russia from Minsk: 1 heavy_gun
            EDIT: Adding units owned by Russia to Kiev: 1 heavy_gun
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
        Activate Technology - Russia
            Russia activating mobileWarfare
            Trigger RussiaS: Russia met a national objective for an additional 1 techTokens; end with 1 techTokens
        Turn Complete - Russia
            Russia collect 94 PUs; end with 94 PUs
            Russia collect 5 PUs from War Bonds; end with 99 PUs

    Territory Summary for Russia :

    Azerbaijan : 1 infantry
    Belarus : 28 conscripts, 14 field_guns, 6 heavy_guns, 10 infantry and 5 trenchs
    Bratsk : 2 cavalrys, 28 conscripts, 5 field_guns, 9 heavy_guns, 9 infantry and 13 trenchs
    Buryatia : 1 trench
    Caucasus : 4 conscripts, 3 heavy_guns, 4 infantry and 10 trenchs
    Dnieper : 2 field_guns
    Don : 9 conscripts, 1 field_gun, 2 heavy_guns and 3 infantry
    Eastern Poland : 3 trenchs
    Evenkia : 1 trench
    Finland : 1 trench
    Irkutsk : 1 Factory, 1 field_gun, 2 heavy_guns and 4 trenchs
    Kazakhstan : 3 cavalrys, 4 conscripts, 1 fighter, 3 heavy_guns, 1 infantry and 1 trench
    Kazan : 1 fighter
    Khabarovsk : 1 conscript and 1 trench
    Kiev : 1 Factory, 2 field_guns and 1 heavy_gun
    Koryak : 3 trenchs
    Krasnoyarsk : 1 trench
    Latvia : 1 trench
    Lithuania : 1 conscript
    Magadan : 1 field_gun
    Minsk : 1 Factory and 3 infantry
    Moldavia : 1 conscript
    Novgorod : 5 conscripts
    Novosibirsk : 1 cavalry, 2 conscripts, 4 heavy_guns and 3 trenchs
    Odessa : 2 field_guns
    Omsk : 1 Factory and 2 gass
    Primorsky : 14 conscripts, 1 field_gun, 1 heavy_gun and 1 infantry
    Smolensk : 3 conscripts
    St. Petersburg : 1 Factory, 2 conscripts and 4 trenchs
    Turkmenistan : 6 conscripts, 2 infantry and 8 trenchs
    Vladivostok : 1 Factory
    Volgograd : 1 Factory
    Warsaw : 1 Factory, 3 conscripts, 2 infantry and 6 trenchs
    Western Siberian Lowlands : 5 trenchs
    Moscow : 1 flag, 1 Factory and 3 cavalrys
    Sea Zone 64 Sea of Azov : 1 battlecruiser and 1 cruiser
    Norway : 1 flag, 3 trenchs

    Production/PUs Summary :

    Germany : 111 / 115
    France : 76 / 84
    Serbia : 0 / 0
    Austria : 102 / 117
    Italy : 20 / 20
    Arabia : 0 / 0
    Turkey : 83 / 88
    Britain : 100 / 100
    Russia : 94 / 99
    Communists : 26 / 36
    USA : 76 / 76

  • Game History

    Round: 10
        Research Technology - Communists
            Communists spend 0 on tech rolls
                Communists roll 2,2 and gets 0 hits
        Combat Move - Communists
            3 cavalrys and 3 fighters moved from Yakutsk to Bratsk
            12 cavalrys, 30 conscripts, 27 field_guns and 4 infantry moved from Aldan to Bratsk
            1 cavalry moved from Amur to Bratsk
            1 conscript moved from Chita to Bratsk
            1 cavalry moved from Sakhe to Bratsk
            1 conscript moved from Tiksi to Bratsk
        Purchase Units - Communists
            Communists buy 6 conscripts, 6 field_guns and 1 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 2 techTokens; 
        Combat - Communists
            Battle in Bratsk
                Communists attack with 17 cavalrys, 32 conscripts, 27 field_guns, 3 fighters and 4 infantry
                Russia defend with 2 cavalrys, 28 conscripts, 5 field_guns, 9 heavy_guns, 9 infantry and 13 trenchs
                    Communists roll dice for 17 cavalrys, 32 conscripts, 27 field_guns, 3 fighters and 4 infantry in Bratsk, round 2 : 25/81 hits, 23.00 expected hits
                Units damaged: 13 trenchs owned by the Russia
                    Russia roll dice for 2 cavalrys, 28 conscripts, 5 field_guns, 9 heavy_guns, 9 infantry and 13 trenchs in Bratsk, round 2 : 18/66 hits, 19.33 expected hits
                    12 conscripts owned by the Russia and 18 conscripts owned by the Communists lost in Bratsk
                    Communists roll dice for 17 cavalrys, 14 conscripts, 27 field_guns, 3 fighters and 4 infantry in Bratsk, round 3 : 19/65 hits, 23.00 expected hits
                    Russia roll dice for 2 cavalrys, 16 conscripts, 5 field_guns, 9 heavy_guns, 9 infantry and 13 trenchs in Bratsk, round 3 : 13/54 hits, 17.33 expected hits
                    3 trenchs owned by the Russia, 16 conscripts owned by the Russia and 13 conscripts owned by the Communists lost in Bratsk
                    Communists roll dice for 17 cavalrys, 1 conscript, 27 field_guns, 3 fighters and 4 infantry in Bratsk, round 4 : 24/52 hits, 21.67 expected hits
                    Russia roll dice for 2 cavalrys, 5 field_guns, 9 heavy_guns, 9 infantry and 10 trenchs in Bratsk, round 4 : 13/35 hits, 14.17 expected hits
                    3 field_guns owned by the Russia, 9 infantry owned by the Russia, 10 trenchs owned by the Russia, 2 cavalrys owned by the Russia, 4 infantry owned by the Communists, 1 conscript owned by the Communists and 8 cavalrys owned by the Communists lost in Bratsk
                    Communists roll dice for 9 cavalrys, 27 field_guns and 3 fighters in Bratsk, round 5 : 15/39 hits, 17.50 expected hits
                    Russia roll dice for 2 field_guns and 9 heavy_guns in Bratsk, round 5 : 9/11 hits, 8.17 expected hits
                    2 field_guns owned by the Russia, 9 heavy_guns owned by the Russia and 9 cavalrys owned by the Communists lost in Bratsk
                Communists win, taking Bratsk from Russia with 27 field_guns and 3 fighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is 51
                Casualties for Communists: 17 cavalrys, 32 conscripts and 4 infantry
                Casualties for Russia: 2 cavalrys, 28 conscripts, 5 field_guns, 9 heavy_guns, 9 infantry and 13 trenchs
        Non Combat Move - Communists
            3 fighters moved from Bratsk to Aldan
            1 conscript moved from Yakutsk to Tiksi
        Place Units - Communists
            6 conscripts, 6 field_guns and 1 infantry placed in Yakutsk
        Activate Technology - Communists
            Trigger CommunistsS: Communists met a national objective for an additional 1 techTokens; end with 3 techTokens
        Turn Complete - Communists
            Communists collect 27 PUs; end with 27 PUs
            Communists collect 12 PUs from War Bonds; end with 39 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Communists regular : -2.17
    Russia regular : -6.00


  • @Dawg is up as USA

  • @Colt45554 Wow, hurrah. I hadn’t paid attention to Com situation lately and didn’t realize you had such high odds. And you rolled better than expected for a change (8 more survivors). Turks in Tobruk were right on what was expected. Too bad the one battle, Baluch) where the defender had a strong counterattack, was the one where the dice went horribly against you. You could have afforded poorer dice better in Tobruk. Well, at least now you can smash ahead against Russia and still hold off those newly arriving Americans. There is a ray of hope for us after all.

  • @FMErwinRommel yep, baluch was the really important one

  • @Colt45554 well dome. Adam wanted me to pull out , but I like to stay and see you weep, when it goes awry. I was going to move north out of Siberia too. Wish I had now .
    Need America’s to save the day.

  • @Colt45554 390e0ae5-2fcf-4be0-98c5-77be74b9413e-USA 10.tsvg

    Game History

    Round: 10
        Research Technology - USA
            USA spend 5 on tech rolls
                USA rolls : 0/1 hits, 0.00 expected hits
        Combat Move - USA
            1 cruiser and 1 destroyer moved from Sea Zone 55 Western Mediterranean to Sea Zone 58 Tyrrhenian Sea
            1 submarine moved from Sea Zone 54 Alboran Sea to Sea Zone 58 Tyrrhenian Sea
            2 cruisers and 1 destroyer moved from Sea Zone 33 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 58 Tyrrhenian Sea
            1 destroyer moved from Sea Zone 29 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 33 Mid Atlantic
            2 field_guns and 2 infantry moved from Charleston to Sea Zone 30 Mid Atlantic
            2 field_guns, 2 infantry and 2 transports moved from Sea Zone 30 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 34 Mid Atlantic
            1 field_gun, 1 heavy_gun, 1 infantry and 2 transports moved from Sea Zone 32 Sargasso Sea to Sea Zone 34 Mid Atlantic
            2 field_guns and 2 infantry moved from San Francisco to Sea Zone 153 Pacific Ocean
            1 cruiser, 1 destroyer, 2 field_guns, 2 infantry and 2 transports moved from Sea Zone 153 Pacific Ocean to Sea Zone 151 Bering Sea
            4 transports moved from Sea Zone 151 Bering Sea to Sea Zone 153 Pacific Ocean
            2 field_guns and 2 infantry moved from Sea Zone 151 Bering Sea to Chukotka
            1 infantry moved from Chukotka to Sakhe
                  Russia take Sakhe from Communists
            4 field_guns and 3 infantry moved from Chukotka to Magadan
            7 field_guns, 1 fighter and 3 infantry moved from Guadalahara to Veracruz
            3 field_guns moved from Chihuahua to New Mexico
        Purchase Units - USA
            USA buy 1 battlecruiser, 2 cavalrys, 1 cruiser, 3 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns, 4 infantry and 1 transport; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 1 techTokens; 
        Combat - USA
            Battle in Veracruz
                USA attack with 7 field_guns, 1 fighter and 3 infantry
                Neutral defend with 4 infantry
                    USA roll dice for 7 field_guns, 1 fighter and 3 infantry in Veracruz, round 2 : 5/11 hits, 3.67 expected hits
                    Neutral roll dice for 4 infantry in Veracruz, round 2 : 2/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    4 infantry owned by the Neutral and 2 infantry owned by the USA lost in Veracruz
                USA loses 0 PUs for violating Veracruzs neutrality.
                USA win, taking Veracruz from Neutral with 7 field_guns, 1 fighter and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
                Casualties for USA: 2 infantry
                Casualties for Neutral: 4 infantry
        Non Combat Move - USA
            1 fighter moved from Veracruz to Guadalahara
        Place Units - USA
            1 heavy_gun placed in California
            2 field_guns and 2 infantry placed in San Francisco
            1 field_gun and 1 infantry placed in Oregon
            1 heavy_gun and 1 infantry placed in New York
            1 transport placed in Sea Zone 29 Mid Atlantic
            USA undo move 5.
            USA undo move 4.
            1 heavy_gun placed in New York
            1 infantry placed in Charleston
            1 battlecruiser, 1 cruiser and 1 transport placed in Sea Zone 29 Mid Atlantic
            2 cavalrys placed in Mexico City
        Turn Complete - USA
            USA collect 79 PUs; end with 79 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    USA regular : 1.33
    USA rolls : 0.00
    Neutral regular : 0.67

  • @Elrood 40124 Ger 11.tsvg

    Round: 11
        Research Technology - Germany
            Germany spend 5 on tech rolls
                Germany roll 2,4,6 and gets 1 hit
            Germany removing all Technology Tokens after successful research.
            Germany discover creepingBarage
        Combat Move - Germany
            1 stormtruppen moved from Rhine to Alsace
            1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Wurttemburg to Alsace
            4 cavalrys, 1 field_gun, 3 heavy_guns and 1 infantry moved from Switzerland to Rhone
            1 gas moved from Bavaria to Rhone
            2 cavalrys moved from Rhine to Rhone
        Purchase Units - Germany
            Germany buy 3 cavalrys, 11 field_guns, 3 heavy_guns, 9 infantry, 2 stormtruppens and 2 trenchs; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 techTokens; 
        Combat - Germany
            Battle in Rhone
                Germany attack with 6 cavalrys, 1 field_gun, 1 gas, 3 heavy_guns and 1 infantry
                France defend with 3 infantry and 1 trench
                    Germany roll dice for 1 gas in Rhone, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.83 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the France lost in Rhone
                    1 gas owned by the Germany lost in Rhone
                    Germany roll dice for 6 cavalrys, 1 field_gun, 3 heavy_guns and 1 infantry in Rhone, round 2 : 2/11 hits, 3.17 expected hits
                    France roll dice for 2 infantry and 1 trench in Rhone, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Germany and 1 trench owned by the France lost in Rhone
                1 field_gun owned by the Germany, 3 heavy_guns owned by the Germany and 6 cavalrys owned by the Germany retreated to Switzerland
                France win with 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is -1
                Casualties for France: 1 infantry and 1 trench
                Casualties for Germany: 1 gas and 1 infantry
            Battle in Alsace
                Germany attack with 1 field_gun, 1 infantry and 1 stormtruppen
                France defend with 2 infantry
                    Germany roll dice for 1 field_gun, 1 infantry and 1 stormtruppen in Alsace, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    France roll dice for 2 infantry in Alsace, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    Germany roll dice for 1 field_gun, 1 infantry and 1 stormtruppen in Alsace, round 3 : 3/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    France roll dice for 2 infantry in Alsace, round 3 : 2/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 stormtruppen owned by the Germany, 1 infantry owned by the Germany and 2 infantry owned by the France lost in Alsace
                Germany win, taking Alsace from France with 1 field_gun remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
                Casualties for Germany: 1 infantry and 1 stormtruppen
                Casualties for France: 2 infantry
        Non Combat Move - Germany
            4 field_guns and 5 infantry moved from Wurttemburg to Rhine
            5 infantry moved from Bavaria to Wurttemburg
            2 infantry and 3 stormtruppens moved from Westphalia to Rhine
            1 infantry moved from Hanover to Westphalia
            1 infantry and 1 stormtruppen moved from Mecklenburg to Hanover
            1 field_gun and 1 heavy_gun moved from Mecklenburg to Pomerania
            1 field_gun and 1 stormtruppen moved from Mecklenburg to Holstein
            1 gas moved from Berlin to Wurttemburg
            3 stormtruppens moved from Berlin to Saxony
            1 heavy_gun moved from Pomerania to West Prussia
            2 cavalrys moved from Brandenburg to Hanover
            1 heavy_gun moved from Bechuanaland to German Southwest Africa
            2 cavalrys moved from Brandenburg to Rhine
            1 submarine moved from Sea Zone 135 Pacific Ocean to Sea Zone 125 Sulu Sea
            1 stormtruppen moved from Brandenburg to Silesia
        Place Units - Germany
            1 trench placed in German East Africa
            1 trench placed in German Southwest Africa
            3 cavalrys placed in Dar es Salaam
            3 field_guns and 2 infantry placed in Stockholm
            2 heavy_guns and 4 infantry placed in Mecklenburg
            5 field_guns and 1 heavy_gun placed in Wurttemburg
            3 field_guns and 3 infantry placed in Bavaria
            2 stormtruppens placed in Berlin
        Activate Technology - Germany
            Germany activating creepingBarage
            Trigger GermanyP: Germany has 3 stormtruppens placed in Berlin
        Turn Complete - Germany
            Germany collect 114 PUs; end with 114 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Germany regular : 0.00
    France regular : 0.83

  • @captainwalker Game History

    Round: 11
        Research Technology - France
                France roll 6,2,2 and gets 1 hit
            France removing all Technology Tokens after successful research.
            France discover creepingBarage
        Combat Move - France
            2 infantry moved from Champagne to Alsace
            1 fighter moved from Paris to Alsace
            1 fighter moved from Champagne to Alsace
            1 colonial moved from Algiers to Sea Zone 55 Western Mediterranean
            1 field_gun moved from Algeria to Sea Zone 55 Western Mediterranean
            1 colonial, 1 field_gun and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 55 Western Mediterranean to Sea Zone 58 Tyrrhenian Sea
            1 colonial and 1 field_gun moved from Sea Zone 58 Tyrrhenian Sea to Naples
        Purchase Units - France
            France buy 2 colonials, 14 field_guns, 2 fighters, 2 infantry and 3 trenchs; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 techTokens; 
        Combat - France
            Battle in Naples
                France attack with 1 colonial and 1 field_gun
                Austria defend with 1 infantry
                    France roll dice for 1 battlecruiser and 1 battleship in Naples, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 1,33 expected hits
                    Austria roll dice for 1 infantry in Naples, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Naples
                France win, taking Naples from Austria with 1 colonial and 1 field_gun remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
                Casualties for Austria: 1 infantry
            Battle in Alsace
                France attack with 2 fighters and 2 infantry
                Germany defend with 1 field_gun
                    France roll dice for 2 fighters and 2 infantry in Alsace, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1,33 expected hits
                    Germany roll dice for 1 field_gun in Alsace, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                    1 field_gun owned by the Germany lost in Alsace
                France win, taking Alsace from Germany with 2 fighters and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
                Casualties for Germany: 1 field_gun
        Non Combat Move - France
            2 fighters moved from Alsace to Champagne
            1 fighter moved from Brittany to Champagne
            1 field_gun moved from Burgundy to Champagne
            1 infantry moved from Marseilles to Piedmont
            1 field_gun moved from Piedmont to Marseilles
            7 field_guns moved from Paris to Champagne
            1 infantry moved from Burgundy to Champagne
            1 colonial moved from Algiers to Sea Zone 55 Western Mediterranean
            1 colonial and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 55 Western Mediterranean to Sea Zone 58 Tyrrhenian Sea
            1 colonial moved from Sea Zone 58 Tyrrhenian Sea to Tunisia
            3 field_guns moved from Algeria to Tunisia
            1 infantry moved from Tripolitania to Fezzan
            2 colonials moved from Tripolitania to Tunisia
            1 colonial moved from Tripoli to Tripolitania
            1 colonial, 1 field_gun and 2 infantry moved from Goa to Sea Zone 79 Arabian Sea
            1 colonial, 1 field_gun, 2 infantry and 2 transports moved from Sea Zone 79 Arabian Sea to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea
            1 colonial, 1 field_gun and 2 infantry moved from Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea to Baluchistan
            1 infantry moved from Rhone to Marseilles
        Place Units - France
            1 trench placed in Rhone
            1 field_gun, 2 infantry and 2 trenchs placed in Marseilles
            3 field_guns placed in Champagne
            8 field_guns placed in Paris
            2 field_guns and 1 fighter placed in Brittany
            2 colonials placed in Algiers
            France undo move 3.
            3 field_guns placed in Champagne
            France undo move 2.
            1 fighter and 2 infantry placed in Marseilles
            1 field_gun placed in Yanaon
            2 trenchs placed in Marseilles
        Activate Technology - France
            France activating creepingBarage
        Turn Complete - France
            France collect 76 PUs; end with 76 PUs
            France collect 5 PUs from War Bonds; end with 81 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Germany regular : -0,33
    France regular : -0,67
    Austria regular : -0,33


  • @Entek
    Game History

    Round: 11
        Research Technology - Austria
            Austria spend 5 on tech rolls
                Austria roll 1,4 and gets 0 hits
        Combat Move - Austria
            1 field_gun and 2 infantry moved from Bessarabia to Odessa
            1 fighter moved from Galicia to Odessa
            1 field_gun and 3 infantry moved from Apulia to Latium
            1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Greece to Sea Zone 61 Ionian Sea
            1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Sea Zone 61 Ionian Sea to Naples
            3 field_guns moved from Milan to Piedmont
            1 heavy_gun moved from Milan to Piedmont
            10 infantry moved from Milan to Piedmont
            2 infantry moved from Milan to Piedmont
            2 infantry moved from Milan to Piedmont
            1 heavy_gun moved from Milan to Piedmont
        Purchase Units - Austria
            Austria buy 1 destroyer, 4 field_guns, 3 heavy_guns, 21 infantry and 3 trenchs; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 2 techTokens; 
        Combat - Austria
            Battle in Latium
                Austria attack with 1 field_gun and 3 infantry
                Italy defend with 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
                    Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun and 3 infantry in Latium, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    Italy roll dice for 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Latium, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Italy lost in Latium
                    Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun and 3 infantry in Latium, round 3 : 1/4 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    Italy roll dice for 1 field_gun in Latium, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 field_gun owned by the Italy lost in Latium
                Austria win, taking Latium from Italy with 1 field_gun and 3 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
                Casualties for Italy: 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
            Battle in Naples
                Austria attack with 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
                France defend with 1 colonial and 1 field_gun
                    Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Naples, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    Italy roll dice for 1 colonial and 1 field_gun in Naples, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Austria and 1 colonial owned by the France lost in Naples
                    Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun in Naples, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    Italy roll dice for 1 field_gun in Naples, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun in Naples, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    Italy roll dice for 1 field_gun in Naples, round 4 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 field_gun owned by the Austria lost in Naples
                Italy win with 1 field_gun remaining. Battle score for attacker is -4
                Casualties for Austria: 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
                Casualties for France: 1 colonial
            Battle in Piedmont
                Austria attack with 3 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns and 14 infantry
                Italy defend with 1 Factory and 6 trenchs; France defend with 1 infantry
                    Austria roll dice for 3 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns and 14 infantry in Piedmont, round 2 : 6/19 hits, 4.83 expected hits
                Units damaged: 6 trenchs owned by the Italy
                    Italy roll dice for 1 infantry and 6 trenchs in Piedmont, round 2 : 0/7 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    Austria roll dice for 3 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns and 14 infantry in Piedmont, round 3 : 2/19 hits, 4.83 expected hits
                    Italy roll dice for 1 infantry and 6 trenchs in Piedmont, round 3 : 3/7 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    2 trenchs owned by the Italy and 3 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Piedmont
                    Austria roll dice for 3 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns and 11 infantry in Piedmont, round 4 : 5/16 hits, 4.33 expected hits
                    Italy roll dice for 1 infantry and 4 trenchs in Piedmont, round 4 : 1/5 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    4 trenchs owned by the Italy, 1 infantry owned by the Austria and 1 infantry owned by the France lost in Piedmont
                Austria win, taking Piedmont from Italy with 3 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns and 10 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 9
                Casualties for Austria: 4 infantry
                Casualties for Italy: 6 trenchs
                Casualties for France: 1 infantry
            Battle in Odessa
                Austria attack with 1 field_gun, 1 fighter and 2 infantry
                Russia defend with 2 field_guns
                    Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun, 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Odessa, round 2 : 0/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    Russia roll dice for 2 field_guns in Odessa, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Odessa
                    Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun, 1 fighter and 1 infantry in Odessa, round 3 : 1/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    Russia roll dice for 2 field_guns in Odessa, round 3 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 field_gun owned by the Russia and 1 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Odessa
                    Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun and 1 fighter in Odessa, round 4 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    Russia roll dice for 1 field_gun in Odessa, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun and 1 fighter in Odessa, round 5 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    Russia roll dice for 1 field_gun in Odessa, round 5 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 field_gun owned by the Austria lost in Odessa
                1 fighter owned by the Austria retreated
                Russia win with 1 field_gun remaining. Battle score for attacker is -6
                Casualties for Austria: 1 field_gun and 2 infantry
                Casualties for Russia: 1 field_gun
        Non Combat Move - Austria
            1 fighter moved from Odessa to Galicia
            2 infantry moved from Romania to Bessarabia
            2 infantry moved from Romania to Bessarabia
            1 field_gun, 1 heavy_gun and 3 infantry moved from Transylvania to Galicia
            4 infantry moved from Belgrade to Romania
            1 field_gun, 1 heavy_gun and 5 infantry moved from Hungary to Transylvania
            1 heavy_gun and 2 infantry moved from Greece to Sea Zone 61 Ionian Sea
            1 heavy_gun and 2 infantry moved from Sea Zone 61 Ionian Sea to Apulia
            6 infantry moved from Trieste to Venice
            4 infantry moved from Venice to Milan
            1 gas moved from Vienna to Tyrol
            1 destroyer moved from Sea Zone 61 Ionian Sea to Sea Zone 59 Central Mediterranean
        Place Units - Austria
            1 destroyer placed in Sea Zone 61 Ionian Sea
            2 trenchs placed in Galicia
            1 trench placed in Galicia
            1 heavy_gun and 3 infantry placed in Greece
            4 infantry placed in Belgrade
            3 field_guns and 1 infantry placed in Venice
            6 infantry placed in Trieste
            1 field_gun, 1 heavy_gun and 5 infantry placed in Hungary
            Austria undo move 6.
            2 field_guns, 1 heavy_gun and 1 infantry placed in Venice
            1 field_gun and 2 infantry placed in Vienna
        Turn Complete - Austria
            Austria collect 105 PUs; end with 105 PUs
            Austria collect 8 PUs from War Bonds; end with 113 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Italy regular : 0.00
    Austria regular : -4.00
    Russia regular : 1.00

    Territory Summary for Austria :

    Albania : 1 flag
    Belgrade : 1 flag, 1 Factory and 4 infantry
    Greece : 1 flag, 1 Factory, 2 field_guns, 1 heavy_gun and 5 infantry
    Macedonia : 1 flag
    Montenegro : 1 flag
    Serbia : 1 flag
    Galicia : 8 field_guns, 1 fighter, 10 heavy_guns, 38 infantry and 18 trenchs
    Hungary : 1 Factory, 1 field_gun, 1 heavy_gun and 5 infantry
    Transylvania : 1 field_gun, 1 heavy_gun, 5 infantry and 1 trench
    Trieste : 1 Factory and 6 infantry
    Tyrol : 1 cavalry and 10 gass
    Vienna : 1 Factory, 1 field_gun and 2 infantry
    Apulia : 1 flag, 2 heavy_guns and 4 infantry
    Latium : 1 flag, 1 field_gun and 3 infantry
    Milan : 1 flag, 1 heavy_gun, 10 infantry and 3 trenchs
    Piedmont : 1 flag, 1 Factory, 3 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns and 10 infantry
    Venice : 1 flag, 1 Factory, 8 field_guns, 4 heavy_guns, 20 infantry and 6 trenchs
    Bessarabia : 1 flag, 4 infantry
    Sea Zone 59 Central Mediterranean : 1 battlecruiser, 3 cruisers, 3 destroyers and 3 submarines
    Sea Zone 61 Ionian Sea : 1 destroyer and 3 transports
    Romania : 1 flag, 4 infantry


  • @Colt45554

    Game History

    Round: 11
        Research Technology - Italy
                Italy rolls : 0/1 hits, 0.00 expected hits
        Combat Move - Italy
            5 field_guns, 14 heavy_guns and 10 infantry moved from Tuscany to Piedmont
            1 infantry moved from Tuscany to Latium
            2 infantry moved from Rome to Latium
            2 heavy_guns moved from Rome to Latium
        Purchase Units - Italy
            Italy buy 1 heavy_gun and 5 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 1 techTokens; 
        Combat - Italy
            Battle in Latium
                Italy attack with 2 heavy_guns and 3 infantry
                Austria defend with 1 field_gun and 3 infantry
                    Italy roll dice for 2 heavy_guns and 3 infantry in Latium, round 2 : 2/5 hits, 1.50 expected hits
                    Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun and 3 infantry in Latium, round 2 : 0/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    2 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Latium
                3 infantry owned by the Italy and 2 heavy_guns owned by the Italy retreated to Tuscany
                Austria win with 1 field_gun and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
                Casualties for Austria: 2 infantry
            Battle in Piedmont
                Italy attack with 5 field_guns, 14 heavy_guns and 10 infantry
                Austria defend with 1 Factory, 3 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns and 10 infantry
                    Italy roll dice for 5 field_guns, 14 heavy_guns and 10 infantry in Piedmont, round 2 : 9/29 hits, 9.67 expected hits
                    Austria roll dice for 3 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns and 10 infantry in Piedmont, round 2 : 10/15 hits, 5.67 expected hits
                    10 infantry owned by the Italy and 9 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Piedmont
                14 heavy_guns owned by the Italy and 5 field_guns owned by the Italy retreated to Tuscany
                Austria win with 3 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is -3
                Casualties for Italy: 10 infantry
                Casualties for Austria: 9 infantry
        Non Combat Move - Italy
        Place Units - Italy
            1 heavy_gun and 5 infantry placed in Rome
        Turn Complete - Italy
            Italy collect 17 PUs; end with 17 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Italy regular : -0.17
    Austria regular : 3.00
    Italy rolls : 0.00

    Ita-Arabs 11.tsvg

  • Game History

    Round: 11
        Research Technology - Turkey
            Turkey spend 5 on tech rolls
                Turkey roll 1,3,4 and gets 0 hits
        Combat Move - Turkey
            1 infantry moved from Sistan to Baluchistan
            1 late_fighter moved from Khurasan to Baluchistan
            3 cavalrys and 1 late_fighter moved from Fars to Baluchistan
            5 cavalrys moved from Baghdad to Baluchistan
            1 field_gun, 4 heavy_guns and 12 infantry moved from Georgia to Azerbaijan
            2 field_guns moved from Tobruk to Sea Zone 70 Eastern Mediterranean
            4 infantry moved from Cairo-Suez to Sea Zone 70 Eastern Mediterranean
            2 field_guns, 4 infantry and 3 transports moved from Sea Zone 70 Eastern Mediterranean to Sea Zone 59 Central Mediterranean
            2 infantry moved from Sea Zone 59 Central Mediterranean to Naples
            2 field_guns and 2 infantry moved from Sea Zone 59 Central Mediterranean to Tripoli
                  Turkey take Tripoli from Italy
            1 battlecruiser moved from Sea Zone 70 Eastern Mediterranean to Sea Zone 59 Central Mediterranean
            1 cavalry moved from Tobruk to Kamerun
                  Turkey take Chad from France
                  Germany take Kamerun from France
            1 cavalry moved from Tobruk to Tripolitania
            3 cavalrys moved from Tobruk to Fezzan
            1 fighter moved from Cyrenaica to Tripolitania
            1 fighter moved from Cyrenaica to Fezzan
            1 late_fighter moved from Cairo-Suez to Tripolitania
        Purchase Units - Turkey
            Turkey buy 13 cavalrys, 5 infantry, 1 late_fighter and 2 trenchs; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 3 techTokens; 
        Combat - Turkey
            Battle in Tripolitania
                Turkey attack with 1 cavalry, 1 fighter and 1 late_fighter
                France defend with 1 colonial
                    Turkey roll dice for 1 cavalry, 1 fighter and 1 late_fighter in Tripolitania, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1.17 expected hits
                    Italy roll dice for 1 colonial in Tripolitania, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 cavalry owned by the Turkey and 1 colonial owned by the France lost in Tripolitania
                Turkey win with 1 fighter and 1 late_fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is -1
                Casualties for Turkey: 1 cavalry
                Casualties for France: 1 colonial
            Battle in Azerbaijan
                Turkey attack with 1 field_gun, 4 heavy_guns and 12 infantry
                Russia defend with 1 infantry
                    Turkey roll dice for 1 field_gun, 4 heavy_guns and 12 infantry in Azerbaijan, round 2 : 4/17 hits, 4.67 expected hits
                    Russia roll dice for 1 infantry in Azerbaijan, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Russia lost in Azerbaijan
                Turkey win, taking Azerbaijan from Russia with 1 field_gun, 4 heavy_guns and 12 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
                Casualties for Russia: 1 infantry
            Battle in Fezzan
                Turkey attack with 3 cavalrys and 1 fighter
                France defend with 1 infantry
                    Turkey roll dice for 3 cavalrys and 1 fighter in Fezzan, round 2 : 0/4 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    France roll dice for 1 infantry in Fezzan, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    Turkey roll dice for 3 cavalrys and 1 fighter in Fezzan, round 3 : 0/4 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    France roll dice for 1 infantry in Fezzan, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 cavalry owned by the Turkey lost in Fezzan
                    Turkey roll dice for 2 cavalrys and 1 fighter in Fezzan, round 4 : 0/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
                    France roll dice for 1 infantry in Fezzan, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    Turkey roll dice for 2 cavalrys and 1 fighter in Fezzan, round 5 : 0/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
                    France roll dice for 1 infantry in Fezzan, round 5 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    Turkey roll dice for 2 cavalrys and 1 fighter in Fezzan, round 6 : 1/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
                    France roll dice for 1 infantry in Fezzan, round 6 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 cavalry owned by the Turkey and 1 infantry owned by the France lost in Fezzan
                Turkey win, taking Fezzan from France with 1 cavalry and 1 fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is -5
                Casualties for Turkey: 2 cavalrys
                Casualties for France: 1 infantry
            Battle in Naples
                Turkey attack with 2 infantry
                France defend with 1 field_gun
                    Turkey roll dice for 1 battlecruiser and 1 battleship in Naples, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    Italy roll dice for 1 field_gun in Naples, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 field_gun owned by the France and 1 infantry owned by the Turkey lost in Naples
                Turkey win, taking Naples from Italy with 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 1
                Casualties for Turkey: 1 infantry
                Casualties for France: 1 field_gun
            Battle in Baluchistan
                Turkey attack with 8 cavalrys, 1 infantry and 2 late_fighters
                Britain defend with 1 Factory, 1 colonial, 3 field_guns and 1 infantry; France defend with 1 colonial, 1 field_gun and 2 infantry
                    Turkey roll dice for 8 cavalrys, 1 infantry and 2 late_fighters in Baluchistan, round 2 : 2/11 hits, 2.83 expected hits
                    Britain roll dice for 2 colonials, 4 field_guns and 3 infantry in Baluchistan, round 2 : 2/9 hits, 3.00 expected hits
                    2 cavalrys owned by the Turkey and 2 infantry owned by the France lost in Baluchistan
                    Turkey roll dice for 6 cavalrys, 1 infantry and 2 late_fighters in Baluchistan, round 3 : 3/9 hits, 2.50 expected hits
                    Britain roll dice for 2 colonials, 4 field_guns and 1 infantry in Baluchistan, round 3 : 2/7 hits, 2.33 expected hits
                    1 colonial owned by the Britain, 1 infantry owned by the Britain, 2 cavalrys owned by the Turkey and 1 colonial owned by the France lost in Baluchistan
                    Turkey roll dice for 4 cavalrys, 1 infantry and 2 late_fighters in Baluchistan, round 4 : 1/7 hits, 2.17 expected hits
                    Britain roll dice for 4 field_guns in Baluchistan, round 4 : 1/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    1 cavalry owned by the Turkey and 1 field_gun owned by the Britain lost in Baluchistan
                    Turkey roll dice for 3 cavalrys, 1 infantry and 2 late_fighters in Baluchistan, round 5 : 2/6 hits, 2.00 expected hits
                    Britain roll dice for 3 field_guns in Baluchistan, round 5 : 2/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    2 cavalrys owned by the Turkey and 2 field_guns owned by the Britain lost in Baluchistan
                    Turkey roll dice for 1 cavalry, 1 infantry and 2 late_fighters in Baluchistan, round 6 : 2/4 hits, 1.67 expected hits
                    Britain roll dice for 1 field_gun in Baluchistan, round 6 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 field_gun owned by the France lost in Baluchistan
                Turkey win, taking Baluchistan from Britain with 1 cavalry, 1 infantry and 2 late_fighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
                Casualties for Turkey: 7 cavalrys
                Casualties for France: 1 colonial, 1 field_gun and 2 infantry
                Casualties for Britain: 1 colonial, 3 field_guns and 1 infantry
        Non Combat Move - Turkey
            2 late_fighters moved from Baluchistan to Khurasan
            2 infantry moved from Arabia to Mesopotamia
            1 infantry moved from Khurasan to Fars
            1 field_gun and 2 infantry moved from Khurasan to Sistan
            8 field_guns and 3 infantry moved from Tobruk to Cyrenaica
            1 late_fighter moved from Tripolitania to Cyrenaica
            1 fighter moved from Fezzan to Cyrenaica
            1 fighter moved from Tripolitania to Cyrenaica
            2 submarines moved from Sea Zone 68 Aegean Sea to Sea Zone 60 Central Mediterranean
        Place Units - Turkey
            1 trench placed in Georgia
            1 trench placed in Cairo-Suez
            4 infantry placed in Cairo-Suez
            3 cavalrys and 1 late_fighter placed in Khurasan
            Turkey undo move 1.
            1 trench placed in Khurasan
            Turkey undo move 1.
            1 trench placed in Khurasan
            5 cavalrys placed in Baghdad
            5 cavalrys placed in Damascus
            1 infantry placed in Tobruk
        Turn Complete - Turkey
            Turkey collect 94 PUs; end with 94 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Italy regular : 1.33
    France regular : 0.33
    Russia regular : -0.33
    Turkey regular : -5.83
    Britain regular : -1.00


  • @Colt45554 @Private-Panic Please wait for GB turn so CP can discuss possible edit

  • Man, those French Foreign Legionaires are tough. Each one fighting alone in 3 different battles, took down a Turk or 2 with him. It also helped that the Turks couldn’t fire straight, or perhaps were too terrified by the reputation of the Legionaires.

  • @Private-Panic go ahead as is, no change to Turks.
    And may the fleas from a thousand camels infest your armpits.

  • @FMErwinRommel said in NML 1914 Team Game 11:

    @Private-Panic go ahead as is, no change to Turks.
    And may the fleas from a thousand camels infest your armpits.

    Great, now I lost my breakfast :-(

  • Darn it! I had 95% on Baluchistan!

    Great Britain.tsvg

    Game History

    Round: 11
        Research Technology - Britain
            Britain spend 5 on tech rolls
                Britain rolls : 0/1 hits, 0.00 expected hits
        Combat Move - Britain
                Britain loses 0 PUs for violating Majorcas neutrality.
            1 colonial moved from Madras to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea
            1 field_gun moved from Madras to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea
            1 colonial, 1 field_gun and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea to Sea Zone 72 Persian Gulf
            2 infantry moved from Goa to Sea Zone 79 Arabian Sea
            2 infantry and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 79 Arabian Sea to Sea Zone 72 Persian Gulf
            1 battleship moved from Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea to Sea Zone 72 Persian Gulf
            3 battlecruisers moved from Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea to Sea Zone 72 Persian Gulf
            1 colonial moved from Sea Zone 72 Persian Gulf to Sistan
            1 field_gun moved from Sea Zone 72 Persian Gulf to Sistan
            2 infantry moved from Sea Zone 72 Persian Gulf to Sistan
            1 field_gun moved from Bombay to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea
            2 infantry moved from Bombay to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea
            1 field_gun moved from Goa to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea
            1 field_gun and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea to Sea Zone 72 Persian Gulf
            1 field_gun moved from Sea Zone 72 Persian Gulf to Sistan
            1 infantry moved from Goa to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea
            1 field_gun moved from Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea to Baluchistan
            3 infantry moved from Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea to Baluchistan
            1 colonial moved from Madeira to Sea Zone 33 Mid Atlantic
            1 colonial and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 33 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 54 Alboran Sea
            1 colonial moved from Sea Zone 54 Alboran Sea to Majorca
                  Britain take Majorca from Neutral
        Purchase Units - Britain
            Britain buy 2 colonials, 2 destroyers, 4 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns, 13 infantry and 3 trenchs; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 1 techTokens; 
        Combat - Britain
            Battle in Sistan
                Britain attack with 1 colonial, 2 field_guns and 2 infantry
                Turkey defend with 1 field_gun, 2 infantry and 2 trenchs
                    Britain roll dice for 3 battlecruisers and 1 battleship in Sistan, round 2 : 3/4 hits, 2.67 expected hits
                Units damaged: 1 trench owned by the Turkey
                    Britain roll dice for 1 colonial, 2 field_guns and 2 infantry in Sistan, round 2 : 2/5 hits, 1.67 expected hits
                    Turkey roll dice for 1 field_gun, 2 infantry and 2 trenchs in Sistan, round 2 : 2/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Turkey, 2 infantry owned by the Britain and 2 trenchs owned by the Turkey lost in Sistan
                    Britain roll dice for 1 colonial and 2 field_guns in Sistan, round 3 : 1/3 hits, 1.17 expected hits
                    Turkey roll dice for 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Sistan, round 3 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Turkey lost in Sistan
                    Britain roll dice for 1 colonial and 2 field_guns in Sistan, round 4 : 2/3 hits, 1.17 expected hits
                    Turkey roll dice for 1 field_gun in Sistan, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 field_gun owned by the Turkey lost in Sistan
                Britain win, taking Sistan from Turkey with 1 colonial and 2 field_guns remaining. Battle score for attacker is 10
                Casualties for Britain: 2 infantry
                Casualties for Turkey: 1 field_gun, 2 infantry and 2 trenchs
            Battle in Baluchistan
                Britain attack with 1 field_gun and 3 infantry
                Turkey defend with 1 Factory, 1 cavalry and 1 infantry
                    Britain roll dice for 1 field_gun and 3 infantry in Baluchistan, round 2 : 0/4 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    Turkey roll dice for 1 cavalry and 1 infantry in Baluchistan, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.50 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Britain lost in Baluchistan
                    Britain roll dice for 1 field_gun and 2 infantry in Baluchistan, round 3 : 0/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
                    Turkey roll dice for 1 cavalry and 1 infantry in Baluchistan, round 3 : 1/2 hits, 0.50 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Britain lost in Baluchistan
                    Britain roll dice for 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Baluchistan, round 4 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    Turkey roll dice for 1 cavalry and 1 infantry in Baluchistan, round 4 : 2/2 hits, 0.50 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Britain, 1 cavalry owned by the Turkey and 1 field_gun owned by the Britain lost in Baluchistan
                Turkey win with 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is -9
                Casualties for Britain: 1 field_gun and 3 infantry
                Casualties for Turkey: 1 cavalry
        Non Combat Move - Britain
            2 infantry moved from Calcutta to Sea Zone 81 Bay of Bengal
            2 infantry moved from Sea Zone 81 Bay of Bengal to Madras
            1 submarine moved from Sea Zone 79 Arabian Sea to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea
            1 infantry moved from Cape Town to Cape Colony
            1 field_gun moved from Cape Town to Cape Colony
            2 cavalrys, 1 colonial and 3 infantry moved from Western Sudan to Congo
            3 field_guns and 2 infantry moved from Uganda to Congo
            1 infantry moved from British East Africa to Uganda
            2 colonials moved from Singapore to Sea Zone 84 Andaman Sea
            2 colonials and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 84 Andaman Sea to Sea Zone 81 Bay of Bengal
            2 colonials moved from Sea Zone 81 Bay of Bengal to Madras
            1 submarine moved from Sea Zone 114 Pacific Ocean to Sea Zone 120 Arafura Sea
            1 battleship moved from Sea Zone 33 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 54 Alboran Sea
            4 cruisers moved from Sea Zone 55 Western Mediterranean to Sea Zone 58 Tyrrhenian Sea
            1 cruiser moved from Sea Zone 22 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 32 Sargasso Sea
            1 transport moved from Sea Zone 25 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 22 Mid Atlantic
            2 colonials moved from Normandy to Picardy
            4 transports moved from Sea Zone 13 Skagerrak to Sea Zone 16 North Sea
            1 fighter moved from London to Sweden
            3 field_guns and 2 infantry moved from London to Sea Zone 16 North Sea
            3 infantry moved from England to Sea Zone 16 North Sea
            3 field_guns, 5 infantry and 4 transports moved from Sea Zone 16 North Sea to Sea Zone 13 Skagerrak
            3 field_guns and 5 infantry moved from Sea Zone 13 Skagerrak to Sweden
            1 transport moved from Sea Zone 126 Java Sea to Sea Zone 84 Andaman Sea
            1 infantry moved from Champagne to Belgium
        Place Units - Britain
            2 heavy_guns, 1 infantry and 3 trenchs placed in Belgium
            2 infantry placed in Cape Town
            1 field_gun and 1 infantry placed in Bombay
            2 field_guns placed in Goa
            2 infantry placed in Calcutta
            2 destroyers placed in Sea Zone 126 Java Sea
            1 field_gun placed in London
            3 infantry placed in England
            2 colonials placed in Nova Scotia
            4 infantry placed in London
        Turn Complete - Britain
            Britain collect 98 PUs; end with 98 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Britain rolls : 0.00
    Turkey regular : 2.50
    Britain regular : -0.17

  • @Private-Panic it’s about time Colt got a break on the dice. Small battles are really unpredictable and when critically important, it’s worth an extra unit or two, just for the hit points. This gives him a fighting chance.

  • Colt loved his bad luck; it keeps him playing .

12 / 22

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