Bit late to the party, but I find this intriguing. GI Joe was pretty good so I have hope for this. I hope they’ll keep doing this and I’m curious what other IPs they’ll do this for next (I think a Transformers-themed one would be great, depending on how they handle the pieces).
Axis and Allies North Africa announced!
If that’s what the game would be like, I would be very happy though it should be renamed Mediterranean instead of North Africa if it includes the naval war and Malta.
@superbattleshipyamato said in Axis and Allies North Africa announced!:
If that’s what the game would be like, I would be very happy though it should be renamed Mediterranean instead of North Africa if it includes the naval war and Malta.
obviously I have no idea, but the Mediterranean naval situation was inextricably interwoven with the North African campaigns… so unless they’re zooming waaaaaay in on just the desert warfare at an almost tactical level - in which case they would still need to at least abstract the naval situation for things like supply, etc - then I think they have to include the Mediterranean and the naval and air campaigns therein as well.
Yeah, I can’t wait for the naval war. Italy and the Mediterranean, especially the Reiga Marina, are rather underrated. For all their faults, the Littorio class have a soft spot in my heart (so do the French battleships). Speaking of which it’ll be cool if there’s an optional version with Vichy joining the Axis.
@reloader-1 not Stalingrad, as I like Tanks; not a static defence battle. Although, the nasty Russians did smash the Italian 8th and Hungarian 2nd Armies, so if that were to be represented, that would have swayed me somewhat. And who wouldn’t want to try (as Manstein) and save Paulus?
Would have to say : Eastern Front .
I love the whole Market Garden op too.
Good and hard choices. -
Ooh, Market Garden. Not really a favourite of mine though. Kinda weird to have Eastern Front and Stalingrad in the same poll. Should’ve had Kursk as well.
I hope if they did Stalingrad it would be more like Case Blue. The Italian, Romanian, and Hungarian armies are quite neat for some reason. I also wanna see Army Group A get more representation.
Actually, what would be cool is if the historical formations (brigades, divisions, etc.) were represented on the board, like at D-Day. There could be a bonus for keeping the unit together.
They should mark each unit though corresponding to each formation they were part of to make it easier to track. Just a different coloured stripe will help.
Yes, I think at least a sizeable portion of the Med should be part of the map of this new Axis and Allies game.
See also various others in this other thread:
@thrasher1 If you turn the board sideways, you get a Barbarossa game which is what the thing should have been!
I’m pretty excited about this too! (and I got on a the pre-order list for the 1914 reprint).
North Africa was my first choice, but I guess it depends on the kind of game they’re going for. If it’s like the conventional A&A games (classic, 1941, 1942, Global, etc.) then I think North Africa is a fun way to go. Taking Tunis serving as the Axis “capital”, and Cairo as the Allies “capital”, or something like that.
If it’s going to be more like Guadalcanal, Bulge, and D-Day though, I think a Stalingrad or Market Garden would have been the better approach. But curious to see what it’s like.
North Africa is so interesting too. Do you do a pre-US entry into the war game, or post? I assume post, but it’s almost two distinctly different games whichever way you go!
Good point. Tunisia is an underappreciated campaign but the 1940-1941 period is legendary and awesome. Alam El Hafa is a novel battle to me.
I’m 99% certain they would do a pre-US involvement start, there’s too much that you miss by starting so late.
@reloader-1 I probably should have clarified my post. 100% agree there would be too much missed. I guess the real crux to my question would be if there would be a mechanic to then have the U.S. join the game later. Like, would it be like the 1940 games, where the US will enter the war on a certain turn? If so, awesome! Part of me had just wondered if with a focused theater like this they might not want to introduce the complexities there, but I hope they do, to be clear!
All speculation at this point obviously, just excited to see how it pans out!
I hope so. It’s a better idea to have this game have Operation Torch and the Tunisia Campaign than to have a separate game for those.
@superbattleshipyamato Oh absolutely. I’ll be curious if in a game like this the French are somehow worked in, or if they’ll just make the French African territories Axis for the sake of game play. Definitely a lot in this campaign that’ll need to be looked at!
I hope they do a Kursk scenario in this new game…
Me too.
@imperious-leader I don’t think it would work very well with base A&A mechanics because it would majorly be decided on dice rolls, right?
Maybe, although it probably wouldn’t be more random than D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, or Guandacanal.
@chris_henry said in Axis and Allies North Africa announced!:
@superbattleshipyamato Oh absolutely. I’ll be curious if in a game like this the French are somehow worked in, or if they’ll just make the French African territories Axis for the sake of game play.
I always like at least some randomness in a game. I hope the French areas will be assigned to Vichy / Free French randomly.
Maybe a die roll for each area: Morrocco / Algeria / Tunesia.I even like a small chance (say 1/6) in which an area will join the Axis proper.
What I also would like to see is at least some ‘off board’ area which represents French West Africa and French Equatorial Africa.
If such an area becomes Vichy then basically nothing will happen - it is off-board!
If such an area becomes Free French it will supply the Allied player with some IPCs and maybe some free infantry.