@simon-tressel is up as Germany
NML 1914 Team Game 8
@fmerwinrommel what if its not germany that gets the complex but austria instead.
@dawgoneit makes sense!
@elrood in galicia
@dawgoneit and give them the 3 men your talking about there or a trench or 2
I’m in for another
@dawgoneit although I like to add sth that is not a must have for either party and breaks up the usual frontlines that are establishing themselves after a few turns in. But is tough to do. A careless player will squander that advantage swiftly while a seasoned veteran might exploit it to more effect it was intended for in the first place.
@entek well, what else am I gonna do. I am in as well.
Wow this talk progressed quickly, even more so than after other matches.
I’ve been on the winning side since I joined 3 games ago and I’ve pretty much picked the faction that I thought would win. It was a no-brainer for me to go Turks twice with that buff then abandon them for France when turkey got nerfed.
Now we are talking about buffing turkey AND another CP?
Very interesting -
@colt45554 yeah well, it seems somewhat imbalanced and that additional dimension of tech dice increases the uncertainty the game gives. I do not know if CP buffs are the way to go, but what is the method we all understand.
You have a stance on it after some consideration?
@elrood … that is a method we all…
Personality also has strong influence on the game I think.
E.g. it is important for UK to align their moves with its Allies, hence Leo is best for the job because he is networked with all of us and like to talk strategy -
I think the CP need a bid but I don’t know how much that would be. I prefer a proper bidding phase like players do in Global
Not sure if the rotation suggestion means rotating each round or rotating at end of each game. I like our current procedure for country selection
@dawgoneit I’m definitely against Austria getting any bid. A’s only serious threat is R, and R is not in a position to overwhelm A at the start. A can choose which opponent or two that it wants to pursue first. Austria doesn’t need to build a fleet, unlike its allies, and it has good income, most of it secure along is friendly border.
@Colt45554 Bidding works when you have already chosen sides or play 1-on-1. It doesn’t work with random or rotating positions,
I’m open to suggestions on how to implement bidding for each individual game. -
I’ve mentioned it before but the top two dice rollers would be captains and do the 1v1 bidding
And then the other players would pick their countries as normal. Captain of CP then confers with team and applies bid
I prefer current random method because some powers like Ger & UK are much more complex, require more time to plan, have multiple fronts with more active units and more battles than other powers. Those who don’t have the time or don’t want to take on the complexity, stress and pressure of making 40 moves and 10 battles and risk disappointing their teammates by messing up, would do better without rotating.
@fmerwinrommel only suggestions.
@colt45554 said in NML 1914 Team Game 8:
I’ve mentioned it before but the top two dice rollers would be captains and do the 1v1 bidding
G40 bidding seemed to be fairly predictable within a limited range. Based on the discussions for 1914, there was a lot of opposition to giving certain strong powers like G, too much advantage. If it’s a strait X # of P.U.s, to any power on your side for anything they chose, it would be the Wild West. Even with the restrictions in G40. Also, a monetary bid excludes granting tech.
@colt45554 said in NML 1914 Team Game 8:
And then the other players would pick their countries as normal. Captain of CP then confers with team and applies bid
I like the idea of the other players choosing their side, rather than the captains choosing.
Perhaps with a few limitations or exclusions, bidding might work, since the size of the bid will likely be small. But with no bid experience for 1914, I don’t know.