@Call77 and its not finished like I have said a few times
Custom Sheet of Roundels
Don’t know if you would know the answer to my question but maybe if you don’t you can direct me some one who might. In side of a copy of A & A 1986 I found a cardboard sheet of custom roundels that look pretty old. I have never seen these before they include: 4 yellow with the image of a zero, 6 yellow pill box, 12 jap control markers with numbers in the center, 12 USA control markers with numbers in the middle of them, 10 marines with eagle globe and anchor logo, 6 commando with skull and cross bones logo, 6 German SS with patch logo, 4 fighters unavailable this turn for duty with red circled a/c logo, 6 paratroopers with patch logo, 6 air transport with a/c art work, 6 troop carriers with truck art work, finally 2 with artillery art work. Any ideas as to who made them?
Kevin kcsl3@comcast.net
Could you please post a picture of these items? It may help in identification.
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Nov 25, 2020, 1:49 AM
I think that’s “Gamers Paradise”
Here is a picture of the sheet.
where is the pic?
What you (mostly likely) have are pieces from World War II Expansion 2. WWIIE2 was an expansion of old-school Axis & Allies from publisher Gamers Paradise. (All links go to BGG)
This is an expansion to another expansion - Gamers Paradise came out with World War II The Expansion first, in 1989. Expansion 2 followed in 1993. So, definitely not new.
The markers should look like those below: source
And if your makers don’t look like these, you will need to put up a picture as I can’t think of anything else (not homemade) that would resemble what you are describing.-Midnight_Reaper
Also, 4 out of your 10 marines are actually F4F Wildcat fighters. The Zeros and Wildcats have to do with a rule about carrier fighters with a reduced price tag and a reduced move (from 4 to 3, I seem to remember).
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