Thank you for your wisdom.
[1914] Working on a custom map!
Hello everyone,
My name is Sergeant gentlemen, and I wanted to show off the custom map that I’m working on.
I’m very new to Axis&, so if there is something that I’m missing in this post please let me know.I’m showing this off in order to get some feedback in any way possible.
The map itself is in it’s very early process.
Currently I’m done with all the landmass.
I’ll definitely add more details to the land, like lakes, rivers, trees, mountains, etc.
My custom map is gonna be a more realistic type of map.When all the land stuff is done I’ll begin to add the borders, provinces, etc.
I quickly did some coloring for the Central Powers to show off the colors that I might want to use.
Germany black as always, and as for Austria Hungary… well seeing Austria Hangary having a white color in the hoi4 game, surely made it interesting for me to try it out.
I also think the green color fits with the Ottoman Empire, maybe a red color would also work, but then again, I’m open for suggestions.I’ll be updating you guys on the map.
SGT. Gentlemen.
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