Folgore here (Dan)…Apologies for deleting the post of pics from yesterday. I had to resize them as they were a little too big and blurry…
We had another glorious event and it was an honor to play with these gents. We welcome our newest player – Tony! Hopefully we see Mark (AAgamer) and Carl get to join us next time, as-well-as anyone else who would like to join us.
For clarity, I added some brief captions to most pics to give you an idea of what was going on and who was controlling what country, etc. I am extremely happy with how the pics came out on my Nikon SLR. Hope you enjoy them, too!..
Japan and Germany discuss invasion strategies:
Tony carefully prepares Italy’s next move.
Ryan leads the British into battle!
Ray plots Japan’s strategy.
In the background: Japan (Ray, on the left) and USA (led by Mark, on the right) battle it out for control over the Pacific Islands.
USA dominates the islands as Japan makes inroads into China.
The seemingly formidable Atlantic Wall is later breached!
Italy makes purchases.
Battle for Moscow begins!
Dan prepares the Russian Army’s counter attack against Justin’s German Army Group Center.
German invasion force of Moscow!
Moscow’s glorious defenders!
Moscow falls to the German Blitzkrieg!
After the fall of Moscow, the British capture Tehran and link up with Russia’s Southern army in Georgia to secure the Middle East oil fields…

The last bastion of hope for the UK in Africa. The Italians ended up not attacking as Axis Victory drew near.

The General’s fuel for success on the battlefield.

Thought this was a cool close up shot, reminded me of an anti-Nazi WW2 propaganda poster.
Casualty Pegs

German spy, Sir Dudley, can easily be bribed with food or back scratches.