Ralph is still very much in business.
U-Boats in this game come in two sizes.
Coastal and Ocean.
Coastal must stick to the coastline and move only one sea zone per turn. they attack at a two for the first round of combat, then at a one for the others(if any) they defend on a two or less. they cost 10 I.P.C., and take just one turn to be produced.
Ocean subs may go out to the deeper water to hunt! they attack and defend the same as Coastal’s. but can move two sea zones. they cost 18 I.P.C.
special rules for Germany only!
you may build three subs per turn per shipyard production space(this is a whole other area to this game. you now produce ships in shipyards. and certain types take longer to be build than others)
also with Germany and Itlay you may earn “IRON CROSSES”!!!
there is a special British transport that must begin in specific seazones on the american side of the atlantic.
if it can make it to a certain port in britian the brits recieve an extra 30 I.P.C. that turn.
if the germans can sink it they are rewarded an “IRON CROSS” that is worth 2 I.P.C. and they get to collect this extra money each turn for the rest of the game.
theres more but i’ll cut this short.
their are rail stations, rail lines, some area’s even produce “supply” this is an optional rule that use’s one of Ralph’s first expansions.
go to his web site and check them out.