• 27C5FBD5-6E04-4305-959A-ECE010BD58C5.jpeg

    Just seeing how this map looks. Workin on game. Lol

  • Somebody wanted to see map.

    Rays 1941 Global Map  V6.0.png

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Oil Rules for game.

    Cost: 0
    Attack: 0
    Defend: 2 at each plane
    Move: 0
    Max damage: Up to double there value.
    You cannot build these in game.
    You do receive the values of these
    towards your income. Any damage
    to them and you lose the full value
    of the income there worth. Can be
    captured and used for income if not
    damaged by the enemy in earlier turns.
    Owner cannot destroy based on enemy
    can repair in time frame between turns.

    Axis bonus victory points for controlling oil derricks.

    1. If Japan controls Singapore, Sumatra & Borneo receive 1 victory point.
    2. If Japan controls Singapore, Sumatra & Java receive 1 victory point.
    3. If Japan controls Singapore, Borneo & Java receive 1 victory point.
      You receive the 1 point with both oil derricks not damaged .
    4. If Japan controls Singapore, Sumatra, Borneo and Java receive 2 victory points with 3 oil derricks not damaged.
    5. Axis controls 3 oil derricks in middle east with only 1 damaged receive 1 victory point.

    Placement of oil derricks on map with there values.
    Romania 8
    Hungary 4
    Georgia 2
    Caucasus 2
    Iraq 2
    N. Iran 2
    S. Iran 2
    Sumatra 5
    Borneo 5
    Java 4
    N. Italy 5

    Strict Neutrals
    Venezuela 2
    Colombia 2
    Peru 2
    Argentina 2

    Keep in mind here the extra income is added to the countries but to offset the increase certain territories are reduced in there value. Say Germany starts with 50 icps in game. Doesn’t mean they get 50 + 8 for Romania = 58.
    If Romania got bombed then Germany loses the 8 icps and collects only 42 until they repair it completely.

    If you use the oil rule say G40 you could make the oil derrick worth 8 but not included with income. or adjust the values based on testing. So Germany say collects or starts with 50 icps. If the Romanian oil derrick gets bombed then Germany would lose 8 icps from collect income phase. Make max damage up to value. So if they repair say 6 icps only lose 2 on collect time.

    The whole idea of this rule is to have more action in game and make axis get or hold the oil.
    Just another way to go about it.

  • vodotV vodot referenced this topic on

  • @general-6-stars said in General 6 Stars 1941 Global War Game:

    1. Japan controls Singapore, Sumatra & Borneo receive 1 point.
    2. Japan controls Singapore, Sumatra & Java receive 1 point.
    3. Japan controls Singapore, Borneo & Java receive 1 point.
      You receive the 1 point with both oil derricks not damaged.

    Does Japan get 3 VP then for Singapore, Sumatra, Borneo, and Java? Reading all your playthroughs it seems like not - must be 1 VP for controlling Singapore + any two of Sumatra, Borneo, and Java, right?

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    I forgot another point for Japan. If they control 3 dutch islands with oil and Singapore they get another point. I’ll have to edit that back in


  • @general-6-stars
    So if Japan controls Malaya + all three islands with undamaged Oil Derricks, it’s +2 points total? But only +1 point if they control Malaya + only 2 of the three?

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    @vodot said in General 6 Stars 1941 Global War Game:

    So if Japan controls Malaya + all three islands with undamaged Oil Derricks, it’s +2 points total? But only +1 point if they control Malaya + only 2 of the three?

    Japan receives 2 points if they control Malaya and the 3 dutch island with 3 oil derricks not damaged. If 1 or 2 oil derricks damaged still receive 2 points.
    Yes 1 point if control any of the 2 Dutch islands with Malaya and 2 oil derricks not damaged. If 1 oil derrick is damaged still get the 1 point.

    I should probably rewrite this too. I edited my above post. Let me know if that makes more sense. We’re so used to playing it the way it was written.

  • @general-6-stars Ah, ok. I think then the shortest and clearest phrasing here would be:

    1 V point if Japan controls Malaya + any two of Sumatra, Java, or Borneo, as long as at least one of their Oil Derricks is undamaged**
    1 V point if Japan controls Malaya + all three of Sumatra, Java, or Borneo, as long as at least one of their Oil Derricks is undamaged**

    I would organize this differently, but I think that works. You might also add a line to the second entry clarifying that both points “stack” or count: “(this point is in addition to the above point, so +2 V points total for controlling Malaya and all three oil islands)”

    It might be misleading to separately list all three different combinations by which the first point could be scored - it makes it look like you could potentially score a total of +4 VP for controlling all three islands and Malaya - one point for each combination of two islands and a final point for all three.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    @vodot said in General 6 Stars 1941 Global War Game:

    @general-6-stars Ah, ok. I think then the shortest and clearest phrasing here would be:

    1 V point if Japan controls Malaya + any two of Sumatra, Java, or Borneo, as long as at least one of their Oil Derricks is undamaged**
    1 V point if Japan controls Malaya + all three of Sumatra, Java, or Borneo, as long as at least one of their Oil Derricks is undamaged**

    I would organize this differently, but I think that works. You might also add a line to the second entry clarifying that both points “stack” or count: “(this point is in addition to the above point, so +2 V points total for controlling Malaya and all three oil islands)”

    It might be misleading to separately list all three different combinations by which the first point could be scored - it makes it look like you could potentially score a total of +4 VP for controlling all three islands and Malaya - one point for each combination of two islands and a final point for all three.

    Ya. I get what your saying. There is a victory chart we use so most can’t see that. Some wanted written out more to see better the combinations.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    "Operation Chuba” this Saturday 8 am central time at the General’s Fortress.

    Game will be live streamed with 4 cameras focused on important areas of map with closeups.

    Go to twitch and type in ssgen69.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Well well well. Twitch was hacked. Tried to get back on to use but having a bit of issues so game was not live streamed. I do have a recording of game up till turn 4 or 5.
    The axis conceded after 5 turns. The US went into Peking and with china doll inf to hold, Japs couldn’t take it back.

    The axis started out good with Japan landing in Australia turn 1 and delaying US moves a bit closer to objectives.
    Germany mean time tried to influence Turkey 4 times and never got it so they went in and attacked it to go for oil bonuses. The Germans were puppet stating pieces to Italy more than normal and by end of game Italy was making 60 icps with 3 bonus island group NO’s.

    Also US split there fleet in Atlantic to draw the split wolf pack subs (6 each) to attack them and draw them from the convoy boxes I was kind a told.
    Did it hurt the allies more on Atlantic side maybe as far as costs. Plus Germany had there sub interdiction NA so they were still doing 6 damage a turn against UK and US. Subs seem to survive longer in game than normal but not here to judge play.

    So things looking good for axis until Japan first took out the FEC, Dutch fleet and then decided to go for Calcutta.
    Took Calcutta for 2 points while I believe Cairo also fell for 2 more points but then it opened the door for USA to move to oil islands for cash and take away Japs money plus Manilla and then on next turn went up to Tokyo and landed in Peking to deny the axis win.
    And after seeing pic US did take out Tokyo fleet.

    UK did land in Western France and then took West Germany on there own next turn with no USA help.

    Had a new player playing UK US Atlantic side and did way different stuff than normal and it was interesting in seeing what his plans were or at least some of them.
    Even though Italy was King don’t mean an axis victory. Just believe Germany sent to much to Africa and it was the UK"S plan to make them do it. IMO.

    Oh with Russia not really being threaten until turn 5 moved a bunch of stuff up to block Germany and left Rostov open but then wouldn’t been able to hold Rostov on Russia’s counter turn. Axis still had the oil bonus from taking the southern oil and Cairo’s oil.

    SO in the end here it was a very good game and it flipped 50 % on later turns.

    Here’s pic of game at end of turn 5.

    68DF21C0-0825-4892-937D-822C76AFC132.jpeg 0254698D-2F90-4080-8843-A06E0FED8C4E.jpeg

  • @general-6-stars Hello. If i save this picture can i print it or is not high qualified ?

  • Probably not. You looking to get map ?

  • @general-6-stars Is it possible?

  • In a pdf file

  • General 6 StarsG General 6 Stars referenced this topic on
  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Ok. Only change here for next Saturday’s game is Paratroopers are now on the attack 4/3/2 for each round. A@4 1st round, A@3 2nd round and A@2 3rd round and so on with no artillery support.
    The Elite Inf cannot be paratroop now in game. The Elites now are A4D3.

    Still can only build 2 para or 2 elites or 1 of each per turn.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Feel free to comment on this topic and probably mostly by guys that play with victory city conditions in there game or other games.

    I don’t understand why Rangoon is not considered a VC. With the huge fighting going on in Burma during WW2 I believe this city should be included.
    Most games I’ve played or seen is India gets stacked and with some good Jap pressure from Thailand and or from sea invasion too just basically defends India. With adding Rangoon as a VC this would force India to have to move troops out of India to take back Burma.
    Because most games both stacks just look at each other and nothing happens. Keep in mind I do have Monsoon season in game every 3 turns.
    Also the Japs would need to send more ground south and If you have the right setup with China they can come from the North like they did in the war. My game does.

    Plus India would need to watch the bottom back door invasion of Japan ground troops from the sea to attack India or just get more ground to Burma by sea to protect Rangoon. SO they would need to balance it out.

    This also would force US to come down by Dutch Islands more with joining the navies from India and Anzac. I can see Cairo sending troops to India more. But mostly India sends stuff to Cairo. This would also help open up the middle east oil campaign due to oil bonus victory points there for axis since now you have to balance out the 3 V cities ( Cairo, Calcutta & Rangoon plus protect middle east oil.

    Still keep Singapore a VC based on the rubber supplies.

    I think this is a good idea. Feel free to comment.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    “Operation Alpha” coming this Saturday at the Generals Fortress !

    We finally gonna play a game. Looking hopefully of trying a better way to get more fighting in Burma like real war.

    SO we added 2 Light tanks to China setup based on war lords had supplies of them.
    If Burma Road is open China gets a 6 icp bonus money plus can build artillery and L tanks only. SO this would make Japan hold Burma more hopefully.
    Also a free artillery piece can go over the Hump if Burma Road is closed to Yunnan even if Japan controls it. In war they basically only controlled the east portion of Yunnan. But the FEC will have to roll a d12 dice and a roll of 8 or less the LL piece makes it to Yunnan and can place in Szechwan. If Burma Road is open the LL piece stil has to go through the Hump.

    Also adding an air Base to Assam based on the 4 air fields built there around Ledo for use of Hump and Japan can bomb that air base to stop the hump LL piece supply.

    Will see what the group thinks. Game will be posted in my you tube channel.
    And hopefully some turn pics of game if I remember. lol

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Burma Road


    Groups on board for trying out rule in above post for Burma Road.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Game report from last Saturday. Was not good. The Axis won at end of turn 3. If allies did a few other moves instead then they still would of lost on turn 4.
    US player on Pacific side had horrendous dice rolls. Heard it was around 10-20% kills for all battles. Plus it didn’t help on Europe side when German 9 subs attacked a big UK fleet and UK didn’t kill 1 sub. So now US on both sides needs most of money but wasn’t enough to recover with a few wrong buys and some other stuff I was told. It is what it was.

    We didn’t see how the new Burma road bonus rule worked out since Japan got lightning strike and was on China like Glue. UK moved out to soon in Assam and then Japan pounced on that and took Calcutta next turn.

    Japan did attack line island US fleet turn 1 which also delayed US a bit for a push . But they shouldn’t have sat in Hawaii for turn. Need to move on japs.
    Anyway just a report.

    Will post a few changes to map and adding the Vichy India rule with adding another axis 1 bonus point for total control of Burma road.

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