👋 Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current)

  • '20

    Hi there,

    My name is Anthony. I am from Pittsburgh, PA. My gf father is a veteran and has a giant custom painted board from a blown up outline from one of the earlier versions (I forget which one). They own multiple A&A variants, but I most recently (this week) have purchased us the AAZ version.

    Here is a house rule for the original game that I found interesting and it was not implemented but is always discussed. Paratroopers, a bomber can drop up to 3 grunts and if you can’t unite them with ground troops by next turn, they perish.

    I have some AAZ rules questions that drove me to this site and I have become a patron, I am a new player but am loving it! I want to support the community as well.

  • Hello kind people! I’m new to the forums but have been playing A&A in some capacity for about a decade now. Grew up playing with my buddies, my friend’s dad taught us on his classic Milton Bradley board. We later started playing on and collecting our own versions. I own the 20th Anniversary Edition and both halves of 1940 Global. Lately I’ve been enjoying playing A&A 1942 Online, which is what brought me here. My IGN is Ultra Lord #1607.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    -Long Time Aa.org troll and social advocate
    -Resume of trouble making, whilst avoiding lifetime bans
    -founder of the XDAP tournaments (which were so much fun!)
    -played Larry Harris in his basement
    -played at WOTC headquarters
    -2019 BBR champion (Fed by Your Dread team)
    -2018 Portland CD Seattle champion (over Portland)
    -2017 TG6CON Champion (FBYD team)
    -AA.Org league Iron Cross winner 2009(?)

    • infamous for playing league in spurts, with more ambition to play than time, leaving many a frustrated aa.orger fuming over prolonged wins :D
      A truly canadian apology for this! :(
      -Imperious leaders nemesis
      -the bane of Karl7
      -hopes and dreams to actually play 10 games in one year on the aa.org league “someday”

  • Your not my nemesis, just a spec of dust that i brush off occasionally.

  • Aaahhh just like old times !!!

  • Hey everyone!!!

    My name is Rob, but I go by the call name ‘The Chaplain’

    I’m a pastor who loves Axis and Allies games!!! I’ve got a bunch of them and play often!

    My favorite is 1914 but G40- BBR is coming up the ranks. I recently attended BB3 in Atlanta and got 3rd with my partner Corpo24!

    I’ve got a YouTube channel where I post videos of my games and customizations: home made table, home made hit dice, stuff like that

    I live in MO, in the St Louis area…

  • @The-Chaplain What’s the YouTube channel?

    I need to make a list of all the A&A channels out there.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Ya The Chaplian seen you and C24 on Vids. Congrats on bronze. My hambone took gold again !

  • Hambone the guy who hides under his tables…

  • Yes siree !

  • @GEN-MANSTEIN yeah we did!!!

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    We like to have fun here. Don’t worry newcomers, this folks have known each other for a very long time. We are friendly here. :wave:

  • Hi I’m militarized milkmen. My name comes from the fact that the first time I saw a french and Soviet mech infantry, I said, “That’s not mechanized infantry, that’s just milkmen trained to carry infantry instead of milk.” Hence my name, militarized milkmen.

    You all probably know me as the guy who keep reopening dead threads specifically ones I started because no one else responds to them lol.

    I encourage you to check out my Cold War threads. Me and my partner @GEN-MANSTEIN with help from @MonsieurMurdoch working on developing an adaptation of Axis & Allies (It’s closest to G40 Second Ed.) that takes place during the Cold War. We are actually currently working with Historical Boardgaming on offering our game on their site, and possibly even selling pieces (tokens, tech trees, IPC Tracking Charts, and possibly even minatures) specifically for this game!

    We are always looking for help, no I can’t pay you for it, lol. We only have three people actively working on this project, including myself, and we really could use the extra help.

    Maybe I should make a thread where all people do is put in plugs for the things they’re working on lol.

  • Hello everyone!
    I’m MonsieurMurdoch. I’m quite new to the forum, yet as you saw earlier I have been helping out @Militarized-Milkmen and @GEN-MANSTEIN on their Cold War adaptation. Very excited for the opportunity for working with Historical Board Gaming!
    I have currently posted only one setup so far, based on the Chinese Civil War. I encourage you to take a look if you have the time and please tell me what you think! I appreciate any advice because it helps me to develop future setups.
    I owe both Europe and Pacific G40 as well as 1941, though I don’t play that one anymore. Kicking myself for not getting 1914 before it went out of print lol. Deeply dislike AAZ. I also enjoy watching gameplay of Global 36 and 39, but since I can’t buy those due to shipping costs :( I have to settle for adapting the games setups to G40.
    Anyways, hello again and I’m glad to be on the forum!

  • Hello A&A Community!

    My name is Evan and I am from the great and desolate state of North Dakota. I am a big fan of G40 and 1914, but I am building up to Global War 1936. I wish I played more often than I do, I used to play very often. I have a custom sheet of research rules that I made for my game groups to use with G40. I made it to replace the OOB research. The technology house rules I use make tech useful and achievable. If anyone would like, I am more than happy to share it with the community and take any criticism for it to make it better for the game.

    Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about me and stay safe everyone,

  • This great that your have established a place to help people learn to play this exciting game.

  • You mean a place where try-hard, know it alls, like me get to try and convince people of how intelligent I am, by getting inexperienced to use my startegy instead of someone else’s?

  • I am not at the point of strategy I only want to learn how to play this game.

  • @Eisenhower I was really just making a joke and trying to poke fun at other people on this site, however, in all honesty I am sure there are many people on this site who would be happy to show you how to play.

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