@SS-GEN Climate is a nice idea, but for now we dont want to make to complex the rules/mod. But i like all your ideas.
Now this are the last of the rules. Now we need to make the charts of the IPC and start locations as in 1940, Balance in China Asia need some debate and test, because China Control most of the following provinces in 1940 Kiangsi and kwangsi, Tailandia (Siam) star deactivated pro-Axis.
Round limit is 12, like the combat is considered each turn simultaneous for each power. Order of play for this 1940 January 1, have not change from the original game. There are two modes of play 1 with time historical restrictions or 2 without them.
Round 01 January - June1940 (Game starts)
Round 03 January - June 1941. U.S.S.R. enter the war in attack face. Finland pro Axis Activation Allowed.
Round 04 July - December 1941. U. S. A enter the war in Attack Face. Mexico and Central America, pro allies activation allowed.
Round 05 January - June 1942. Brazil and Ecuador pro Allies activation allowed.
Round 06 July - December 1942. Modern Heavy Tank Production allowed
Round 07 January - June 1943. Colombia pro Allies activation allowed.
Round 12 July - December 1945 (Final round)
Victory Conditions: 3 modes of play.
- Victory Cities: Same of the base global game for the axis and the allies.
- Historical: Same of the base global game for the axis and the allies, but with year historical restrictions and game max duration is 12 rounds.
- Fuel of War: Axis need to capture and retain 12 of the 25 important producing centers of natural petroleum, for 07 ROUNDS MAX.
USA 182.657mt (1 Western United States, 2 Central United States, 3 Eastern United States)
USSR 29.700mt (4 Caucasus, 5 Soviet Far East)
Venezuela 27.443mt (6 Venezuela)
Iran 10.426mt (7 Persia, 8 Northwest Persia)
Dutch East Indies 7.939mt (9 Sumatra, 10 Java, 11 Celebes, 12 Dutch New Guinea)
México 6.721 mt (13 Southeast Mexico)
Romania 5.764mt (14 Romania)
Colombia 3.636mt (15 Colombia)
Iraq 3.438mt (16 Iraq)
Argentina 2.871mt (17 Argentina)
Trinidad 2.844mt (18 West Indias)
Perú 1.776mt (19 Perú)
Arabian Peninsula 1.652mt (20 Saudi Arabia)
Burma 1.088mt (21 Burma)
Canadá 1.082mt (22 Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba)
Borneo 0.932mt (23 Borneo)
Egypt 0.929mt (24 Alexandria)
China 0.050mt (25 Yunnan)
*All Valor’s are in Millions of Metric tons, for the production of the year 1940, and not contemplate synthetic oil production.
*We considered only locations with production over 0.900mt, for total production of 1940, but allowed Yunnan for balance.