I am of no relation to him. Likely just a similar appreciation of the movie Gunga Din.
G40 Historial v1.1
The testing of the new aggregates will be delayed, because this week my friends can meet me, however, the Caspian Sea (zone 128) and Sweden Island of Gotland, do not require further testing. The new modern heavy tank unit will be formaly added.
Beyond the crude oil, personally, think adding more resources would complicate the game more, you can adjust the value of the IPC, which is supposed to represent industrial capacity or production or resources. Personally, I do not share some of the decisions of the creator in terms of initial values, each country should be worth 1 IPC at last, all to a greater or lesser extent had their resources, regardless of their industrial development or infrastructure.
One of the elements that makes Axis and Allies less realistic is the lack of the fog of war, but the creator of the game is developing an interesting mechanic in his new title “WarRoom”, once the game goes on sale, and have its time of use by the community, it would be interesting to adapt that concept in Axis and Allies.
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by May 31, 2019, 5:10 PM
Ya I got Larry’s game war room on order.
Resources yes up to individual preference or group. I would at least add them. Countries do receive income for each one. They should be SBR and convoy raid up to 3.
At least the oil refineries and oil derricks should be able to SBR and or convoy raid.
Talk soon -
I don’t see why Bolivia is True Neutral, and Ecuador and Ireland are Pro-Ally.
Bolivia declared war on the Axis in 1943, but never sent men to fight. Ecuador waited until the war was almost over, like many other Latin American nations, before finally declaring war in 1945.
Ireland was strictly neutral throughout the war. Dublin was accidentally bombed by the Germans, and the IRA did conduct terrorist attacks against the British (funded by the Germans), but the Republic of Ireland maintained neutrality throughout the conflict.
@JustLuthor Hello.
In theory, the Republic of Ireland was neutral… as neutral as the Franco’s Spain. Ireland sent down axis pilots to the Breton authorities, issued reports on activity of u-boats and climatological reports, assisted aerodromes, and allowed several volunteers to serve in the English army.The decision to keep Ireland as pro-allies is for balance purposes, as it has an activable army and a production value of one. We transformed Persia (Iran) in pro axis, and increased its army in 3, and its production in 3, we know that in real life was “neural”, friendly to hitler, and was invaded by the USSR and UK. We have 2 national objectives, one from Russia and the vanilla from the axis, so for historical reasons and for balance it becomes pro-axis.
Ecuador received military aid from the USA and allowed the construction of aerodromes, as far as we know, I declare the war on the axis before Peru, in 1943.
We could transform several countries in neutral strictures, but until we create a rule or mechanics more playable, than the infamous rule introduced in Alpha 3 by Mr. Larry for strict neutrals, we will leave things that way.
However, all criticism or subjections are taken into account with apreciación, we will see what we can do in the future.
The maxims of our rules / modification are: 1. Balance and playability 2 Scale 3 Additions easy to create at home or cheap to buy 4 Historical realism. A different order would make the game playable or at least more unbalanced.
We are testing the recent modifications, and some small additions.
We find miniatures of oil derricks and oil rigs, they are in a board game, a monopoly copy, it is produced in Costa Rica (Petrodolares, costs $ 14) and in Brazil (Petropolis $ 35), being brazilian miniature’s the best quality.
This are the made in Costa Rica oil derricks. -
We continue to test the rules, so far the game has been an interesting challenge. Soon we will be publishing the changes, and a text document, with all the rules tested so far.
-Changes in costs: the naval and air facilities will cost 10. The minor industrial complex increases to 15.
-Small changes in the value of some neutral territories.
-Bonus units, for axis and allies, by taking and conserving areas.Still to be implemented:
-Influence system for strict neutrals. Great ideas and suggestions from the community, encourage us to adopt a basic system of influence of strict neutrals, and be able to make them an active part of the game.
The system will be d6, with countries that could be influenced by both teams, and exlusive countries for one o another, also the option to mobilize them immediately.
-The neutrals can reinforce their armies every 2 turns.
-The extention of the Himalayas, SiredBlood’s original idea, is an idea that will be adopted, since not only is it historical, but it also increases the valance and makes the Mongolian rule more relevant. -
Video of our 5° Play test: Axis Win in 8 Round (July - December 1943).Axis: Luis Valladares
Allies: Joseph Sandi
Referee: Rogelio Sibaja
Start modification for Italy.
New values for territories.
New values for buildings.
New rules for antiaircraft artillery.
Bonus units wen taking and preserving some territories.
When a capital of the axis is taken, the victory cities that country controls do not count for win.
And more…Still to be implemented and tested:
-Influence system for strict neutrals.
-The neutrals reinforce their armies every 2 turns.
-The extensión of the Himalayas.
-New convoy zones
-Mechanic of Occupation - sabotage and appearance of partisans. -
@Valladares Hello we have upgrade the SU Objetive.
4. New National Objectives:
Russia: Theme: “Western Worker’s military aid”. When Soviet Union is at war, during the end of SU turn roll a die for US, UK E and UK P, 1 = 2 I. P. C.,2 = Mechanized Infantry, 3 =Anti-Aircraft Artillery, 4 = Artillery, 5 = Tank, 6 = Fighter. To deliver the aid: USA requires Alaska, sea zone 2, 3 and soviet far east not in axis control. Units spawn in Soviet Far East. UK E, requires sea zones 126, 127 free of enemy units and Archangel not in axis control. Units spawn in Archangel. UK P, requires All Persia and Caucasus in allied control. Units spawn in Caucasus. NOTE: If Moscow is in axis hands the objective is still in play. If USA, UKE and UKP capitals are in Axis control, that country can give the help.
Thanks to Milton Valerio Imports, now we have somo Historical Board Gaming Battle pieces, and we plan this Christmas to test new rules, and new ideas we find in the forums.
I make some videos in Spanish to:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qlBT8Thqc8&list=PLNsXNAAoIMXArsnnNHkEYJm92H4mV40uF&index=2 -
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by Nov 27, 2019, 2:47 PM
Cool. I have the same Aid chart like you but in d12. And your placements are correct. Good luck with your tests this Christmas.
@SS-GEN These are some preview, new things, that we include in our new version 1.2:
New National Objectives:
UK Europe: Theme “Mediterranean supply line”: 2 I.P.C. if UK Europe controls Malta.
UK Pacific: Theme “Jewel of the far East”: 2 I.P.C. if UK Pacific controls all: India, West India and Cylon.
Japan: Theme “USSR Oil trade”: 2 I.P.C. if Japan is not at war with Soviet Union.
ANZAC: Theme “Anzac new day”: 5 I.P.C. If Anzac have at last one land unit in Egypt, Alexandria or Crete
China: Theme: “Asian Sherman”: China can purchase tanks if at last one USA land unit is in china controlled territory. Historical context: http://www.theshermantank.com/tag/china/
https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2/china/m4a2-sherman-in-chinese-service/Modes of play
- Historical and Victory Conditions: With year historical restrictions and game max duration is 12 rounds, and axis or allies have 3 of 4 victory conditions, at the end of the round 12.
Majority of victory cities in Europe.
Majority of victory cities in Pacific.
Majority of oil world producing areas.
Majority of global team I. P. C. (Map and bonuses)Axis & Allies Global 1940 Historical MOD 6° Play Test
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BDQ5XXoyOE -
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by Dec 12, 2019, 2:49 PM
Good luck with your game tests. Don’t agree on some No’s but your game. Good Luck.
@SS-GEN said in G40 Historial v1.1:
Good luck with your game tests. Don’t agree on some No’s but your game. Good Luck.
oH!.. :( i like to know what N.Os and why. Thus, when we are playing, we will consider your observations, to make corrections, alterations, or eliminate them, if that is the case. :)
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by Dec 14, 2019, 2:58 AM
@Valladares said in G40 Historial v1.1:
@SS-GEN These are some preview, new things, that we include in our new version 1.2:
New National Objectives:
UK Europe: Theme “Mediterranean supply line”: 2 I.P.C. if UK Europe controls Malta.
UK Pacific: Theme “Jewel of the far East”: 2 I.P.C. if UK Pacific controls all: India, West India and Cylon.
Japan: Theme “USSR Oil trade”: 2 I.P.C. if Japan is not at war with Soviet Union.
ANZAC: Theme “Anzac new day”: 5 I.P.C. If Anzac have at last one land unit in Egypt, Alexandria or Crete
China: Theme: “Asian Sherman”: China can purchase tanks if at last one USA land unit is in china controlled territory. Historical context: http://www.theshermantank.com/tag/china/
https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2/china/m4a2-sherman-in-chinese-service/Modes of play
- Historical and Victory Conditions: With year historical restrictions and game max duration is 12 rounds, and axis or allies have 3 of 4 victory conditions, at the end of the round 12.
Majority of victory cities in Europe.
Majority of victory cities in Pacific.
Majority of oil world producing areas.
Majority of global team I. P. C. (Map and bonuses)Axis & Allies Global 1940 Historical MOD 6° Play Test
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Med supply. Malta. I like if any axis ship between Malta and Gib blocks this
Anzac had guys in Egypt.
China building tanks based on a US tank or 2 in China at end of war should be a no go.
Keep in mind this game your playing isn’t a lot like mine. Just feel NOs should have some type of resources on them to get. IMO
Just me. Not knocking your ideas. Try them first. You guys may like them