Yes I suppose armistice is the wrong word. Point is trying to incorporate the impact of the A-bomb race…as I believe Germany was trying to invest also. The A-bomb technology is something that is really not addressed in this game. It some sense I always felt it should be simply bc of its effect on the war- virtually put the war to a much quicker end.
Any power with this technology alone would have extreme power to turn the tide very quickly for their side. Its just a difficult thing to ignore. Mechanically its always been a challenge to incorporate without being too dicey- than again this was meant to be played with tech anyway which players know “dice up” the game.
Game mechanic wise I see it working as a timeclock so to speak. 12 rounds to me is fair enough to let the game play out far yet begin a “timeclock” scenario with an A-bomb type mechanic- maybe like a Defcon 5 thing in Twilight Struggle.
I was thinking a single power could gradually save up six tech tokens (not roll them throughout the game- $30 worth)- and starting in round 12 “buy” the A-bomb tech and force the current round to be the last round.
I don’t know…just brain storming…what’s the best A-bomb house rule you guys have heard of…please share I’m intrigued!!!