The rule by itself will affect the balance of the game.
There is no doubt in that!
But actual balance is seen overall and verified by playtesting. (I’ve done some, but Imperious Leader done the most so far)
AARHE’s apporach has been to model realism, while mantaining practicality (otherwise combats would be resolved simultaneously…) and not going into tactical level (say different attack values for different units vs. different units).
Part of my philosophy being that if you model things correctly, there will be no strange situations, no game-breaking moves.
This is unlike other house rules such as AARe (Axis and Allies Revised Enhanced) made by Avalon Hills forum community. Their approach was to increase gameplay options. When balance is broken another rule is introduced to counter it.
My philosophy is that the AARe’s approach is a bit ad-hoc and unjustified. This is the main reason I came to this project instead.