AARHE: Phase 3: land Combat

  • Wait a minute.
    DAS at a strait sea zone would start a normal combat.
    The hostile naval units gets to shoot back.

    Its not the same as Interdiction.

  • I’m not using the correct terminology.

    interdiction and DAS are different of course…

    but interdiction is what the rule should be, forget the DAS.

    I was using your “strait interdiction” not realizing it was a subset of interdiction.

  • DAS is a rapid response called during enemies turn.
    Air Interdiction is called during your turn.
    Strait Interdiction is also a rapid response called during your enemies turn.

    This is what I am getting at.
    If you want to use Air Interdiction (air units) along with Strait Interdiction (batteries) then you need to change Air Interdiction so its called during  enemies turn.

  • Ok lets make the change then

  • Ok you see I mean. So we redo the Air Interdiction rule.

    Range? In DAS’s case, it was 1 or adjacent.

    Can’t be sent to territory with enemy air units? Otherwise you would have combat (or a special air only combat) before actual air interdiction mission and timeline would be sketched.
    But over-flying air units would not interrupt air interdiction.

    Other details of draft Air Interdiction
    *BMRs only
    *each BMR gets a rolls against each enemy land unit (powerful?)
    *on a 1 destroyed, on a 2 movement (in or out) of territory prevented

  • bump!

    any comments before I have a go at wording the rule?

  • Other details of draft Air Interdiction
    *BMRs only
    *each BMR gets a rolls against each enemy land unit (powerful?)
    *on a 1 destroyed, on a 2 movement (in or out) of territory prevented

    ++++ each enemy land unit that moves into or out has to roll. If they stay they do not roll.

    the rest is good.

    This is modified from AH D-Day

  • ok got ya

  • 2007 AAR League

    I’ve been thinking about the defender being able to retreat units.

    Sure, it’s realistic. However, it affects the game. I can save some of my units in wru. As UK I could save the fighter in egy. As America I could retain half of my Pearl Harbour fleet, and perhaps my fighter from China… it opens up many new possibilities, which is good. However, I hope it doesn’t ruin the balance of the game.

  • The rule by itself will affect the balance of the game.
    There is no doubt in that!

    But actual balance is seen overall and verified by playtesting. (I’ve done some, but Imperious Leader done the most so far)

    AARHE’s apporach has been to model realism, while mantaining practicality (otherwise combats would be resolved simultaneously…) and not going into tactical level (say different attack values for different units vs. different units).

    Part of my philosophy being that if you model things correctly, there will be no strange situations, no game-breaking moves.

    This is unlike other house rules such as AARe (Axis and Allies Revised Enhanced) made by Avalon Hills forum community. Their approach was to increase gameplay options. When balance is broken another rule is introduced to counter it.

    My philosophy is that the AARe’s approach is a bit ad-hoc and unjustified. This is the main reason I came to this project instead.

  • 2007 AAR League

    If it’s been playtested…

  • Imperious Leader has made many many variants and house rules for axis and allies.
    Defender retreat in particular has been playtested.

    There are some rules yet to be playtested.
    And things can be very different when used in conjunction.
    So we hope to do some good playtesting when we wrap up phase 2.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Can I help? Pweeeaaasseee  :-D

  • Yea playtest the rules! but use them all. if you leave out something the “system” breaks down.The rules act as a team

  • Moderator

    Btw, me and my bro are going to try and playtest this system soon, as soon as we have determined Phase 2 complete… Possibly with some other guys…


  • yeah definitely playtest with other guys too
    “black box” testing

  • ok good

  • Hi there,

    I wasn’t sure if I should post some possible house rules here or start a new post, but I thought that I’d start it here first. For the sake of brevity I’ll post my house rules for all aspects (land, sea, air etc.):

    Regarding Neutrals:  If a player invades or commits to a fly-over of a neutral territory, the opposing players capital that is closest rolls 3 dice for the amount of IPCs’ to immediatly spend for the defense of the neutral territory. Neutral territories are not controlled by major powers and neutral troops will NEVER move off of territory in question. Neither can a major power place additional troops in a neutral territory. In effect, the neutral territory has an army that sits there and does nothing.

    **Regarding Aircraft:  **

    Flight limits: In order to accurately recreate the true distances achievable by aircraft, strict limitations are imposed.  Carrier based fighters have a flight range of one to reach their target* (one move to get off the carrier, and a 2nd move to land on the carrier). Attacks must be carried out in the same sea zone. All other fighters and bombers have a flight range of 2 during th combat move. Non-combat moves have a maximum of 2 for fighters and 3 for bombers**. Flight limits do not apply to Strategic bombing raids and their escorts.

    *An exception to this rule is in the English channel  between France and England, Norway and France, and the Straight of Gibraltar. Fighters have a range of 4 to reach across the straight and back, the same applies to bombers.
    **Range is extended by 1 with the Long range aircraft tech.

    One-Sea Zone:  Aircraft may enter only 1 sea zone during a combat move*.

    Eg.  fighter in italy enters the Med. sea, and lands back on Italian soil. 1 sea-zone.

    Eg. Japan may not attack the phillipines because the aircraft would enter more than 1 sea zone. However, Japan could still attack units in the Sea of Japan, and carrier-based fighters could attack Manchuria. Aircraft units only entered 1 sea zone.

    *the 1 sea zone rule does NOT apply to Kamikaze aircraft.

    Fighter Interception/Passive Airborne Interdiction: Fighters based on land territories may attempt to intercept enemy aircraft as they LEAVE a territory, temporarily making the intercepting fighters the attackers for up to 2 rounds of combat*.

    *Enemy aircraft already retreating from an air-battle cannot be intercepted by aircraft that have already fought in the battle they are retreating from. eg. England takes 2 fighters and a bomber to Berlin from France. German AA takes their shot and scores no hits. English bombers begin to attack german ground units, and German airforce retaliates. English lose 1 fighter, and begin eturning to France. The german fighter from Germany may NOT attempt to intercept the english aircraft.

    (Side Note) Fighter escort of bombers: Fighters may escort bombers for all or part of the flight range.

    eg. If bombers LEAVE their escort in he English channel as they ENTER France, the 2 fighters in the English channel may provide escort for the bombers during interception.

    PAI: Fighters adjacent to sea zones containing friendly units MAY CHOOSE to participate in the defense of a friendly Naval unit at the Defenders’ discretiom. The aircraft may only enter the defense during the 3rd subsequent round of combat and automatically break-contact if all friendly naval units are destroyed, this does not apply to friendly aircraft or the defense of land units.

    PAI: Aircraft based on coastal or island territories may choose to passively intercept enemy naval units in their immediate sea zone as the enemy attempts to LEAVE the immediate sea-zone. However, in order to illustrate the difficulties in finding ships, the Passive Intercepting player must roll 1 die per aircraft to “find” the enemy. This is done according to fighters, then bombers. (ie. roll for fighter find, and for bomber find). the aircraft “find” the enemy on  a roll of 2 or less*//*. The Passive Interception lasts for 1 round and 1 round only.

    *Long range air tech raises this to 3 or less.
    ** The “find” roll is not required for PAI in the Med. Sea, Red Sea, or the Baltic Sea (the Sea Zone directly North of Germany).
    *** Aircraft that do not “find” the enemy vessel, go home. Those that do “find” the enemy vessel, may engage in 1 round of combat only.

    Eg. Manchuria = Sea of Japan, Italy = Middle Med., Phillipines = Phillipines sea-zone etc.

    Regarding the Navy:

    No combat required: No combat is required between opposing navies in the Pacific or Indian Oceans, but moves still end in enemy-occupied sea-zones, nor is the “Find” roll required if surface vessels are involved in direct combat with the opposing navy. However, aircraft must still roll a “Find” roll for vessels at sea in the Pacific and Indian Oceans*//*.

    *The roll still applies to the Atlantic for aircraft actively in search of submarines, but not for destroyers actively in search of submarines.
    ** Naval movement is subject to Passive Airborne Interdiction. The “Find” roll is still required.
    *** The “Find” roll is 2 or less

    Submarines: Â

    -Submarines are NOT subject to PAI, but are subject to Active Airborne/Surface Interdiction. A “Find” roll must be rolled for aircraft, sub is “found” at 2 or less. Destroyers must roll a “Find” roll, at 3 or less.

    -Submarines may enact Passive Interdiction of Allied vessels, but must roll a “Find” roll of 2 or less.

    -Wolf-pack tech only raises the attack capability, not the actual find possibility.

    U-boat Passive Interdiction lasts for 1 round of combat ONLY

    eg. 4 submarines lie off the coast of the U.S. 2 English transports and a BB enter the zone, the Subs may choose whether or not to Passively Interdict these vessels by searching for, and then engaging these vessels. More subs = better chance to find and sink the English vessels.

    Regarding Amphib. Assaults:

    -Transports may carry up to their full load for an amphib assault, but only off-load 1 unit per round of combat (risky to fully load a transport, but even more so to not load up enough  :evil: the choices, the choices).

    -Amphib assaults may be assisted by navy, air, and land units. Just make sure that if you retreat from an attack that all amphib units go to amphib, and land units back to the territory they came from etc.

    -Aircraft may break-off combat during an amphib assault at the beginning of any round, but may not re-join the assault.

    Regarding Retreats:

    -After 3 rounds of combat, if the attacker does not retreat, the defender may have the option to retreat*.

    *dependent on type of combat

    -Attackers retreating from an apmphib assault: Attacker must abandon all heavy equipment (ie. turn all tanks and artillery into infantry and retreat onto the transport)*.

    *In the case an attacker retreats from an assault, the maximum allowed is 2 infantry per transport.

    -Attacker retreat from combined land/amphib assault: same as above for amphib and land units keep heavy equipment while retreating to the territory they attacked from.

    -Defender Retreating from Land: After 3 rounds of combat, if the defnder has become outnumbered by at least 3:1, the defender may choose to retreat into an adjacent friendly territory. If there are no freindly adjacent territories, the defenders cannot retreat (sry, no surrender options either :lol:).

    -Defender retrating into transports: After 3 rounds of combat, if the defender has become outnumbered by at least 3:1, the defender may choose to commence an emergency evacuation onto transports. All heavy equipment is abandoned and substituted with infantry, the max allowed is 3 per transport*.

    *3 inf for emergency evacuations, but normal transport carry for attackers retreating from amphib assaults.

    Retreating from Naval Combat:  This applies to both Attacking and Defending Naval Units.

    Naval units may choose 1 of 2 options for retreat:

    1. Naval units may “Break Contact” and remain in the disputed zone they are in at the cost of one surface vessel.

    2. Naval units may retreat into an un-occupied sea-zone. If there is no un-occupied sea-zone available, option 1 is the only choice for retreating.

    As always, there must be a minimum of 3 combat rounds before retreats can be invoked.

    Misc. rules:

    Axis Exclusive spheres of influence: German/ap units may never share the same land area or pass through eachothers’ territory, they may however, perform fly-overs of eachothers’ territories. German/Jap units may share the same sea-zone.

    Bolshevization:  All areas conquered by the U.S.S.R. is permanently U.S.S.R. territory until it is attacked by an axis player, and then captured by either a U.S. or U.K. ally*.

    If the U.S. or U.K. liberate U.S.S.R. territory, they are automatically evicted from said territory and placed in the nearest allied controlled non-U.S.S.R. territory. Unless Stalinist Xenophobia applies, in this case, the said U.S./U.K. unit now becomes “Stalinized.” (aka Lend-Lease, if you can call it that).

    Stalinist Xenophibia: No U.S./U.K. units may ever enter or fly-over U.S.S.R. territory*.

    *Stalinist Xenophobia and Bolshevization become void if the U.S.S.R. p[layer has been completely destroyed from the map, but hapens to have their capital liberated. (ie. Stalin is no longer “Great Leader.”)

    [i]Elusive Chinese Army:  The Axis is allowed 1 round of combat per turn with the Chinese forces when attacking China or Sinkiang. Chinese forces may NEVER leave Chinese territory*. The axis player may attack China and Sinkiang in the same turn but for 1 round of combat ONLY.

    -The famous “Hump Train” may bring U.S. 1 infantry to China over the Himalaya using a U.S. “bomber” (really a transport in this case) taking off from India (the bomber has an exception in range and must return to India after dropping the inf. unit).

    French Resistance:  Every 3 turns, the U.K. player may pay 5 IPC for a “Resistance Operation.” Which is 1 infantry unit in France for 1 round of combat with any single desired unit the player chooses (factories may be attacked as well).

    Rocket attacks:  Rocket attacks from AA units have a range of 1 and may be used on any land or sea unit (factories included). This is to demonstrate the distance the rocket was able to travel*.

    *The only notable exceptions for the 1 range rule is: France to England, Norway to France, and Gibraltar to Algeria.

    I know that’s alot to take in all at once, but here it is.

    I only take credit for 1 or 2 of these “House Rules,” but I don’t remember which ones they are or where the rest came from (other than I got the off the internet).

    Feed back is appreciated.

  • OMG that was a fairly large information dump!  Im looking at it will get back at you.

  • I think I remember the Passive Interdiction bit for Subs and aircraft, I think that was mine, but I still don’t remember much about the rest.

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