AARHE: Phase 3: land Combat

  • So we are going to allow bombers to dogfight? Or are they going to have to take hits with out being able to hit the fighters back?

    Bombers dont dogfight… rather they are set up in box formation to prevent loses. That way they can cover all the firing angles… look at them like naval transports in the air… they have a payload and only are destroyed as a last resort. They can defend at 1 in air combat.

  • hm…

    so you want to make BMR like 0/1 in dogfight…basically struck to “dogfighting” until enemy planes are gone…

    and then for SBR, BMR can somehow skip the dogfighting…I mean we not allowing multiple cycles for SBR so it has to be

  • SBR is only a one round thing. Thats the only time where this occurs. everything else is based on MP= rounds of combat… as long as both sides want it and dont retreat.

  • so you want BMR to dogfight at 0/1
    what about Heavy BMR? Jet BMR? actually its “Advanced BMR” now

    there is more to think about before having that “MP = no of rounds of further combat” rule
    say it only applies when you the air units in question can’t land/rearm there

    *when you have no land units and enemy has land units
    for SZs
    *when the “naval fighters” have no carriers to land on in the SZ, or
    *when its non-naval air units fightting in SZ

    and there has to be a friendly territory adjacent to the combat zone
    and we still got to think what if there was pending combat in that friendly territory

    I am actually ok with the current rules
    “At the end of a land combat cycle, if only one side has land units remainig the other side must retreat.”

    or the older version
    “When only one side has land units at the beginning of a combat cycle, the other side must retreat at the end of the cycle unless those land units retreat at that time.”

    then we allow 2 cycles instead of 1 cycle of air combat without friendly land units
    so its works out the same, without being complicated

  • yea ok but again the two round thing precludes any retreats by either side? Or we are faced with getting stuck with air combat for two rounds?

  • yeah this 2 cycle further combat thing precludes unlimited cycles of air combat while you have land units or carrier capacity

    but then I just realised

    “When only one side has land units at the beginning of a combat cycle, the other side must retreat at the end of the cycle unless those land units retreat at that time.”

    still only allows for 1 cycle not 2

  • I have difficulty trying to formalise/word the air interdiction rule.

    How does it interact with normal combat?
    Is it a limit to air interdiction power with interdiction units relative to interdicted units?
    Shall we limit it to BMR’s saturation level bombing…

  • Its complicated.

  • OK post the language verbatum and ill rephrase it so you can possibly have a better angle to explain it. If it take a lot of space dont worry ill do it all… :-P

  • What you’ve mentioned before is not detailed. I was trying filling in the gaps but found it complex.

    Special combat: Air interdiction

    During your turn BMRs may be placed in territories on air interdiction missions. The BMRs do not participate in combat this turn and remain in the territories until your next turn. Interdiction missions in a territory is cancelled if there are enemy air units at the end of your turn, at which point the BMRs retreat to friendly territories with remaining movement points. During the enemy’s turn, each land unit moving into or out of a territory under your air interdiction mission rolls a dice a the end of “Combat Move” phase for each BMR. On a 1 the unit is destroyed, on a 2 the unit fails to enter or leave the territory. Interdiction missions in a territory is also cancelled if enemy air units attack the territory during the enemy’s turn. Normal land combat occurs in this case, except the BMR may only retreat to a friendly territory with the remaining movement points from your last turn.

    Unlike close air support, air interdiction missions attack and disrupt movement of enemy armies, rather than working in direct support of friendly armies.

    If it take a lot of space dont worry ill do it all…

    Or we could go without it :-P

  • 2007 AAR League

    That sounds great.

  • small change:  “Interdiction missions in a territory is also cancelled”


    Interdiction missions in a territory are also cancelled

  • ok I change

    “Interdiction missions in a territory is cancelled if there are enemy air units at the end of your turn, at which point the BMRs retreat to friendly territories with remaining movement points.”


    “Interdiction missions in a territory are cancelled if there are enemy air units at the end of your turn, at which point the BMRs retreat to friendly territories with remaining movement points.”


    “Interdiction missions in a territory is also cancelled if enemy air units attack the territory during the enemy’s turn.”


    “Interdiction missions in a territory are also cancelled if enemy air units enter the territory during the enemy’s turn.”

  • During discussion of Straits Interdiction (Gilbratar, Denmark, English Channel…) we thought air units should be included.

    But currently we have already…

    Defensive Air Support (DAS)
    Declare in enemy’s turn, air units can defend in adjacent territory or sea zones instead.

    Air Interdiction
    Declare in your turn, air units stay in a territory and remain there until next turn or interrupted by enemy air units.

    So I propose changing Air Interdiction to a rapid response movement like DAS. Declare during enemy’s turn.That way it goes along with Strait Interdiction better.

    I don’t want a special/extra air interdiction within Strait Interdiction because thats not a good model IMO. Fighters can’t be in two places at the same time.

  • sure just use DAS in place of straights interdiction. we certainly dont need any special air mission for this. Basically DAS covers any defensive response in combat.

  • Wait a minute.
    DAS at a strait sea zone would start a normal combat.
    The hostile naval units gets to shoot back.

    Its not the same as Interdiction.

  • I’m not using the correct terminology.

    interdiction and DAS are different of course…

    but interdiction is what the rule should be, forget the DAS.

    I was using your “strait interdiction” not realizing it was a subset of interdiction.

  • DAS is a rapid response called during enemies turn.
    Air Interdiction is called during your turn.
    Strait Interdiction is also a rapid response called during your enemies turn.

    This is what I am getting at.
    If you want to use Air Interdiction (air units) along with Strait Interdiction (batteries) then you need to change Air Interdiction so its called during  enemies turn.

  • Ok lets make the change then

  • Ok you see I mean. So we redo the Air Interdiction rule.

    Range? In DAS’s case, it was 1 or adjacent.

    Can’t be sent to territory with enemy air units? Otherwise you would have combat (or a special air only combat) before actual air interdiction mission and timeline would be sketched.
    But over-flying air units would not interrupt air interdiction.

    Other details of draft Air Interdiction
    *BMRs only
    *each BMR gets a rolls against each enemy land unit (powerful?)
    *on a 1 destroyed, on a 2 movement (in or out) of territory prevented

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