Sweet! That works even better than I am used to. Thanks!
đź’ˇ Tips and Tricks (Forum/NodeBB)
Thank you, Panther! It works fine!
Several times before, I tried the triple dot, and may be due to problems with connecting to the thread, the server cut me off, so I had no access to the edit menue. -
@dedo What browser and operating system are you using?
WIN 7 and Firefox -
@Panther It’s still on my todo list to reset everybody to “online”.
how do you get the pop up “return to last post” or similar to show up ? i get it on the triplea site on the bottom right, although it doesn’t always take me to the very last post all the time, it gets close.
I couldn’t find anything in settings
Thanks place is Rocking !
I don’t think that it is a setting but something automated, that I sometimes notice, sometimes not. -
Send a PM / Use the Chat
Klick on the user’s name you want to chat with to access his profile.
At the right side of the user’s image there is that blue circle with the three dots inside.
Klick on that blue circle.
At the top of the then opening menu klick “Start new chat with …”
Type in the chatbox.Access past and current chats by klicking the speech bubble-symbol next to your own profile image.
@Panther Though … you might not want to start a chat with @djensen47. I rarely login to that account, I use it for TripleA games (I don’t like using my admin account for TripleA).
Haha, I hope it is obvious for everyone, that this served only as example. :smiley: -
more robust markdown guide: