What are your thoughts for Free/Vichy French houserules for G40? What I like to do is modify a rule of Charles de Gaulle’s.
Free France consists of French Equatorial Africa, the cruiser in 110, the units in London, New Hebrides, and Normandy/Bordeaux. However, any French territory or ship will become Free French on a d6 roll of 6 after Paris falls. The Free French get a recruitment roll every turn. They have to roll the number of territories or less that they control. They then subtract that number from 6, and that’s the number of units that they can place in any territory that they control. The Free French have an economy of 3 (the worth of their territories), and a +1 bonus every turn that London is in British hands. With this, they can buy infantry in their capital (FEA initially), and nothing else. If FEA is captured, the Free French may move their capital to any territory they control. If any originally French territory is liberated, it becomes Free French.
Vichy France is politically aligned with Germany, and consists of every other initially French territory, except Paris (German occupied). Vichy French troops may not move outside of Vichy territories, and Vichy ships must end their movement in a sea zone adjacent to a Vichy territory. Vichy units are allowed to attack captured Vichy territories and any Free French-controlled territory. Axis powers may move units into and through any Vichy territory. Also, every turn that Vichy France controls Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia, they gain 3 IPCs of bonus income. Germany collects the income for all Vichy territories (bonus included), except for French Indochina, which Japan collects the money for. Vichy France may only build units in Southern France with German permission, and the build cost may not exceed Vichy’s income for the turn. For example: Vichy France gave Germany its 13 IPCs of income last turn (Southern France, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, French West Africa, French Central Africa, and French Indochina, plus the IPC bonus for control of French North Africa), and wanted to build three infantry. Germany agreed, and paid 9 IPCs. Vichy France’s capital is Southern France. If this is captured, all Vichy territories become Free French. Vichy’s turn is 11th in the turn order.
Moderator’s edit: Added tag [Global 1940] to title.