• 90% funded!

  • Gonna be a close race

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  • About 30 more backers is all we need, and we’ll have that by Wednesday!


  • Well i dropped like $300 for this. Im on board. I wish you put this effort into a Korean 1951 game…or American Civil War

  • Thank you!

    My father-in-law served in Korea (he passed away three years ago yesterday, as a matter of fact), so Korea is near to my heart.

    As to the Civil War, I had this idea myself some time ago! I have an ace in my pocket as far as that goes, having worked side by side with Chris Perello, our resident Civil War expert, for the last eight years, and he’s a wealth of knowledge. We could do a truly excellent ACW game, and I would very much like to.


  • I could put my heart into a American Civil War game. Whatever help you need. either that or a Axis and Allies in Space ( sorry no Machete).

    The space would include an actual space map of real stars and four factions with homeworlds in each corner, with 6 different ship types, plus counters for land forces…

    Allowing for teams, or free for all, plus scenarios… and ships that dont look like Bugs, which is the common thing.

  • I played the Eagle Games Civil War game many years ago, and it seemed to lack something. In the first place, the game pieces weren’t as nice as, say, those in Battle Cry, but I always thought a much better Civil War game could be done (ala Axis & Allies).

    As to space games, I think Twilight Imperium cornered that market…to say nothing of all the Star Wars games out there.


  • Anything made by Eagle games is either broken or toilet paper. No other result. I do own a few of them because Larry Harris heaps praise on Glen Drover, but i play these games and remind myself that anybody without knowledge of how to design games could exist and get money to make such a farcical sham and waste.

  • Yeah, I think that pretty much sums up how most people feel about many of the old Eagle Games line.

    I remember when they got bought out (this is like over ten years ago); I happened to be talking to one of the new principles at a GAMA show, and he explained how they had new ideas for the company. Seems that they eventually drifted into family games and dropped most of the wargame line. I haven’t checked them out very thoroughly of late.


  • By the way, were you ever aware of this?:


    For just a couple thousand dollars, one could be yours….!  :-o

  • Very close now, ten more backers and we are there, maybe tomorrow ?

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  • @SnakeEyes:

    By the way, were you ever aware of this?:


    For just a couple thousand dollars, one could be yours….!   :-o

    :roll:  What, no Kirby ? !!!

  • The sculptor, I am told, is actually planning on doing the whole squad!

    Whether that comes true, nobody knows, but Kirby would be a logical choice (being with the series the whole time). And, Jack Hogan is still alive last I heard.


    Yes, we’re at 97% today. :-)

  • Bingo !  Funded !  :-D

  • Yes, 105 % funded today, and trending says it may reach $ 90 +, or 122 % before it is closed april 1.

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  • Hazzah!

    Thanks for everybody’s support and encouragement.

    Because we’re not a game company, we now have the option to make this a most excellent game from top to bottom. We’re not worried about a bottom line, but want to make the best components possible, the most air-tight and easy rules possible, and really kick-ass artwork.

    When gamers make a game they’d like to play, it’ll be superb.

    Anyway, thanks again to all who supported and especially pledged.

    The campaign is still going on for the next four days, so please feel free to pledge for an edition if you’d like to get one for yourself.

    Thank you,

  • I agree with everyone that Eagle games are low end at best. The only thing they did Right in my mind was the Conquest of the Empire Roman game a re-make of Milton Bradley’s Conquest of the Empire (1984). The Civil War and Civilization could have been done to a lot higher standard.  Enough of that.  Vietnam War I am still wanting to jump on board and purchase this game at the Gold level. But being without work for now 16 months has really put a damper on purchases.  I may end up waiting till the last hour to jump on board since Uncle Same took my income tax for Obama Care.  Anyway everyone supporting this game to bring it to our gaming tables, Thank You.


  • Warrior,

    While I can’t do this for everyone because of the limited print run we’ll be doing, I’ll set aside one Gold edition for you to buy later if you’d like. Take care of your situation and there’ll be a game waiting for you when you’re up and at 'em again.


  • Your a good man for doing that. If this was on almost any other subject, i would be spending like 1K on the top of the line version

  • SnakeEyes,
    Thank you.  i really appreciate that.  I will purchase the game from you as soon as my situation allows me to do it.  I really wan’t to Thank you for taking al leap of faith on me for this game.  Keep up the excellent work and may you have a very prosperous Kick Starter and be blessed in all of your future game creations.

    Very Respectfully


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