Thank you guys. I thought it was legal the only thing that was tripping me up was the whole we don’t own the sea zone before the turn but you can’t own a sea zone so it is fine to land on a carrier that has taken a sea zone. Or that is my understanding. Thanks again for the info. It was one thing I was not sure on.
Russia Question
I just play tested this on tripleA and in fact I only had to battle the Italian units and Germany and Russia were in same territory co occupying after the Russian victory
Only thing missing is the verbal instructions by the Russians telling the Germans to withdraw leaving a decision by the Germans to either withdraw or declare war
So yes Russia may only attack the Italians and instruct the Germans to withdraw
Only thing missing is the verbal instructions by the Russians telling the Germans to withdraw leaving a decision by the Germans to either withdraw or declare war
So yes Russia may only attack the Italians and instruct the Germans to withdraw
This is not covered by the rulebooks in any way. Please read my above clarification.
Germany is not at war with Russia though….they are neutrals to one another
State of war only exists between Italy and Russia
So Russia is attacking Italy…which it can do
Germans were non combat moved there…Russia may in fact ignore the Germans
Germany is not at war with Russia though….they are neutrals to one another
State of war only exists between Italy and Russia
They are not at war, but neither they are neutral. And the territory is Italian and no longer Russian.
And all of this leads to the fact that Russia has to declare war on Germany for being able to attack East Poland.Midnight_Reaper had the correct quote from the rulebook about that (see above). Russia can’t attack without DOW on Germany.
Italians attack Russia, Germany is automatically at war with Russia, that is the assumption that my group has always used.
Another thing to remember is that Italy can-opening for Germany doesn’t stop Russia from declaring war on Germany and punching the Germans in the mouth (emphasis added):
The Political Situation
The Soviet Union
The Soviet Union begins the game at war with no one.
As a result, the Soviet Union may not declare war on any Axis power before its fourth turn unless an Axis power declares war on it first. However, if London is captured by an Axis power, the Soviet Union may declare war on its following turn.But you must declare war on Germany before you can attack a territory with German units inside.
The neutral rule can not apply here
those neutral rules are not considering a state of war between 2 countries with a neutral country occupying
this predicament is no where to be found as those neutral rules apply ONLY to peaceful countries and territories
This is NOT the same situation
those rules are not applicable here….if you read carefully no where is there an explanation for a territory at war…all explanations are for territories at peace
This hypothetical territory is at war -
Russia did in fact make it clear to Germany that it is not declaring war on Germany and attacking a hostile zone with a declared state of war with Italy
Russia hence MAY ignore German units
territory is already hostile
This scenario can not be found in the rule book
Rule book only identifies peaceful territories ONLY, remember this is now a hostile territory
Russia can attack a Russian territory that has been captured. If the Germans move into that territory, after being captured, I think the assumption would be that they have also declared war on Russia.
If The Italians captured a Russian territory, and Germany did not go on a full blown offensive on their next turn, and instead decided to consolidate to the Italian captured territory, what would the purpose of this be? Show the Russians and ultimately the Allies exactly what direction you are going, and take it slow? Doesn’t make sense. And furthermore, the rules don’t make it very clear, but if the Italians attack the Russians and take a territory, and the Germans occupy it, that is a declaration of war. Total war in Europe begins.
No Tambo…Germans did not declare war on Russia and non combat moved into the territory to continue getting the 5 IPC bonus for not at war with Russia
Russia then did not declare war on Germany in return and attacked the Italian units and regained the 1 IPC loss
Germany was entitled to get the 5 IPC bonus
Russia was now at war and allowed to gain their bonus income
Marshmallow of War, Midnight_Reaper, and P@nther are correct. TripleA is handling this situation incorrectly.
Those who disagree….show me the rule…I have read said rule and this scenario is no where to be found
I want this enigmatic paradigm answered for when I play among my friends
As I read it…this is a legal Russian move…undetermined by the rules
All rules say Powers not at war…meaning peaceful territory
This territory is at warShow me the rule not your perception of the rule and I am not saying this in arrogance or by being a butt-head…I want this rule to be clear with me
Those who disagree….show me the rule…I have read said rule and this scenario is no where to be found
Midnight Reaper did quote the rule in like the 3rd post.
Pg 14 (from my Pacific 2nd edition book)
blow up box in top left corner:“Powers Not at War with One Another”
3rd paragraph
Combat: A power can’t attack a territory controlled by or containing units belonging to a power with which it is not at war. -
I’ve been quoting from the rule book. Read the “The Political Situation” section, “The Soviet Union” subsection, on page 9 and “Powers Not at War with One Another” section on page 15, from the Europe 1940 rule book. That’s where you will find what we’ve been quoting to you.
Those rules do not apply in this scenario
The Soviet Union was attacked by Italy….both Germany and Russia did not declare war with each other on their turns
That territory is AT WAR
That territory is a Russian territory
Powers not at war applies to say Sweden…this is not the case
I have read these rules over and over and over and none are applicable to this scenario…NONE
Again…this was an originally controlled Russian territory…2 Italy declared war…Germany did not…Russia ONLY declared war on Italy and did not with the Germans and in fact Germans made sure not to declare war on Russia to collect it’s bonus
Folks…the rules do not indicate how to handle this properly
Based on what I read this makes it a legal Russian move
In fact Russian and Germans are actually friendly Neutrals in this scenario
Those rules do not apply in this scenario
Then which rules would apply? The rule books for Global 1940 are Europe 1940 and Pacific 1940. I’m quoting right out of the Europe 1940 rule book. If the rules from Europe 1940 don’t apply, which ones do?
The Soviet Union was attacked by Italy….both Germany and the USSR did not declare war with each other on their turns
True. Italy attacked the Soviets. And Germany is not required to declare war on the USSR just because Italy did.
That territory is AT WAR
Yes, it is. All of the territories in the USSR are at war with Italy once Italy declares war.
That territory is a Russian territory
No, it’s not. It was once Russian but once Italy took it from the USSR it became Italian territory.
Powers not at war applies to say Sweden….this is not the case
If the Power of Germany and the Power of the USSR aren’t at war, which rules would apply? If they are at War, then we have no reason to discuss this, so I would figure those rules would apply in this case.
I have read these rules over and over and over and none are applicable to this scenario….NONE
I can’t help that. All I can do is explain the rules as I see them.
Again….this was an originally controlled Russian territory…2 Italy declared war…Germany did not…Russia ONLY declared war on Italy and did not with the Germans and in fact Germans made sure not to declare war on Russia to collect it’s bonus
To break this down: Yes, East Poland was held by the USSR at the start of the game. Italy did declare war. Germany did not declare war. The USSR is at war with Italy and not (yet) at war with Germany. Germany tried to pull a fast one by reinforcing the Italian territory of East Poland without further insults to the dignity of the USSR. Germany was eligible to collect its bonus.
Folks….the rules do not indicate how to handle this properly
Sure the rules do: Either declare war on Germany and attack both the German and the Italian defenders of the Italian territory of East Poland or leave it alone.
Based on what I read this makes it a legal Russian move
The only way you can retreat, according to the rules, is to combat move into an attack and then to call off said attack. Defenders don’t retreat. Full Stop. So, you have two legal moves when it comes to East Poland - declare war on Germany and attack both the German and the Italian defenders of East Poland, or leave them be.
Although, perhaps what you should be thinking about is how everybody else in this forum, to include official rule moderators, are all saying the same things. Either everyone else is wrong or you have misunderstood the rules and then dug in your heels when corrected. But when Krieghund thinks you’ve misunderstood a rule, then you’ve misunderstood a rule.
My 2 IPCs
Midnight reaper
Italy owns East Poland……Russia is attacking a territory that belonged to them…you are indicating territories like Sweden with your rules that are in the book and which I have read over and over and over…this is not the case
Germany and Russia are Friendly Neutrals
If Germany goes into Finland…they collect the income and the Infantry
Only difference here is Russia may not turn the German units into Russian…but it sure can collect the IPC lost and give the option of a German withdrawal or a deceleration of war by GermanyPeople can be wrong…I am not saying I am right or wrong…I am saying the rules in the book do not apply here because so many things are different here than say Bulgaria or Sweden or Yugoslavia
reading the rules…I can not find where this is an illegal move because it is not indicated or specified