If there is any perfect strategy in this game,then it will become meaningless.

Latest posts made by Captain-Mitchell 0
RE: Is there a perfect strategy?
RE: Allied setup additions for balance (new poll)
As for me ,I usually don’t add more units for balance,if I want to do that,I will add USS battleship Massachusetts (BB59) in Atlantic .
RE: How to counter sealion attack
We had a game a while back where Germany took London with a fair amount of units left. The US sank the German ships with air power thus trapping all that German armor on England. Then the US invaded and took Italy while the Russians rolled across the border. Berlin got squeezed and snuffed out between US and Russia so the Allies won with London still occupied by Germany.
Hello knp,I want ask some question about this problem.Do you think Germany should star sealion attack ? I think if Germany do that ,the opportunity of win is extremely poor,the Russian red army could do a great threat to Germany,do you think so ?
In some of the older versions of Global 1940 (Alpha+1, Alpha +2), Sealion was a pretty good plan. In Global 1940 2nd Edition, it seems as more of a trap for the Axis. If the UK has good enough defense, it tends to cost Germany way too much to get London which leaves them weak on the Eastern Front. The German fleet can be very vulnerable if the US is in the right position or even if a decent amount of the Royal Navy is still alive. Then you could get a lot of German armor trapped on England and not fighting the Russians.
We haven’t done a Sealion game in quite some time because it seems like too much expense for the Axis. In most of our recent games, Germany usually goes after Moscow first, then turns back on England.
Occasionally, you can catch England with it’s pants down and do a surprise, or opportunistic, Sealion. Like say you got a few transports to amphibiously assault Leningrad. After that battle, they are pretty much just sitting there in SZ 113 not doing much. Then perhaps England has put too much into keeping the Italians down in the Med and you find London rather lacking in units. You might be able to pounce on London all of a sudden. It doesn’t happen that often, usually the UK player is more alert about protecting his capital, but when it does it can be a real boon for the Axis. The pressure could be eased off of Italy (unless the US moves in to replace UK), Germany gets UK off of it’s back and that extra cash will really help pouring units into Russia. Might even make the Moscow take down a little easier.
Overall, in my opinion, I just don’t think Sealion is good as a major opening strategy for the Axis anymore. Unless you have a really poor UK player, or even a poor Russian player.Thanks for you reply knp.
RE: How to counter sealion attack
We had a game a while back where Germany took London with a fair amount of units left. The US sank the German ships with air power thus trapping all that German armor on England. Then the US invaded and took Italy while the Russians rolled across the border. Berlin got squeezed and snuffed out between US and Russia so the Allies won with London still occupied by Germany.
Hello knp,I want ask some question about this problem.Do you think Germany should star sealion attack ? I think if Germany do that ,the opportunity of win is extremely poor,the Russian red army could do a great threat to Germany,do you think so ?
RE: Preferred variant of 1940 family
hello Trails.My favorite map is Global 1940 and my second favorite map is Pacific 1940.
RE: Question about Tech.
(…) if you are wanting heavy bombers, it can end up costing you a lot of money if you don’t get a lucky roll. Not only do you count the money paid just to roll for tech, as well as any rounds you buy dice and don’t get a breakthrough, but if you do get a breakthrough and end up getting some other tech so you have to try again next round, really you have to count the money paid getting the other tech as well.
Round 1 = buy 4 dice, roll no 6s, cost $20.
Round 2 = buy 5 dice, roll a 6, get Super Subs, cost = $25
Round 3 = buy 5 dice, roll a 6, get Heavy Bombers, cost = $25
Total cost to get Heavy Bombers = $70See what I mean?
And he who is getting Heavy Bombers for $70,- is still a Lucky *******!
I think $100 is a reasonable average for getting 2 random techs + the 1 specific tech that you ‘must have’ (Heavy Bombers in this case). Now, for that money you could have bought 8 bombers or 10FTR instead…That’ why I do not choose “Remove all Tech. token in the end”.In the classic rule,Tech. development is so meaningless,you can build a huge army with IPCs that for Tech. development,but the effect of Tech. usually not as good as a strong troop.
RE: Question about Tech.
So if you try for tech and don’t get a six, you can try them again the next round? That’s not so bad then. Sounds like the tech token rule from Anniversary.
yes,and it’s called V3rule in TripleA.
RE: Question about Tech.
Yeah, if you are incredibly lucky or can use magic. Do you really think you can pay $5 for 1 tech dice, then manage to roll a 6 two times in a row? Technically not impossible, but it is standing right next to impossible.
If I decide to roll for tech, at minimum I will spend $20 for 4 dice but prefer it if I can afford $30 for 6 dice. Usually, that will give you good enough odds to at least get a 6 so you can roll for a tech. Then it’s still a 1 in 6 chance that you get heavy bombers (the best one in my opinion).
I can’t tell you how many times I end up getting Radar when I am on the attack. Don’t get me wrong, Radar is really good if you are on the defense and can really hurt enemy air attacks. I think that tech would be really good for UK and Russia, but since I am usually either Germany or Japan, I don’t need a defensive weapon when I’m trying to branch out and conquer territory. Although, I will admit it does help when the US/UK starts bombing my factories.
Anyway, my point is that if you are wanting heavy bombers, it can end up costing you a lot of money if you don’t get a lucky roll. Not only do you count the money paid just to roll for tech, as well as any rounds you buy dice and don’t get a breakthrough, but if you do get a breakthrough and end up getting some other tech so you have to try again next round, really you have to count the money paid getting the other tech as well.
Round 1 = buy 4 dice, roll no 6s, cost $20.
Round 2 = buy 5 dice, roll a 6, get Super Subs, cost = $25
Round 3 = buy 5 dice, roll a 6, get Heavy Bombers, cost = $25
Total cost to get Heavy Bombers = $70See what I mean?
Thanks for your analyse.But I play this map in TripleA,and I always check a option"take Tech. dice to next round ",(just like most people do in online game).So it can increase the possible of Technology development.
RE: Question about Tech.
Hello Captain Mitchell.
It is just for Strategic Bombers. Hope you are enjoying Global.thank you wittmann.
Question about Tech.
Hi,everyone.I have a question about Tech.“Heavy Bomber”,does this technology has any effect on tactic bomber? or just effect on strategic bomber?need help,thanks a lot.