Benefit of a sneaky ANZAC DOW
Just leave the units on the transports between turns, they’re safe and also, no load.
I believe that the name has already stuck, Karl. During the Grasshopper Invitational I was called to another table to certify that the “Sneaky Karl” was indeed a legal move. Needless to say the injured party wanted to know WTF was Karl?
I changed the name of the video for you Karl.
This is a good trick of the trade for the allies. It’s imperative to slow down Japan by all means.
The advantage is for the axis; if the the axis player knows about this move and the unload the transports then you can assume they want you to do this because they want USA out of the war another turn. SNEAKY KARL is a fun move to do though.
The advantage is for the axis; if the the axis player knows about this move and the unload the transports then you can assume they want you to do this because they want USA out of the war another turn. SNEAKY KARL is a fun move to do though.
Perhaps, but if they load the transports then you can wait to declare war, stack Yunnan and keep it / block sea zones to India (if there is a naval base serving SZ 36).
As Karl pointed it out, it does great to stop a snap attack against the Dutch. The only other situation I can see it being really useful is to stop Japan from attacking Hong Kong or French Indo China by sea however with Siam boarding FIC, that most likely will not happen as I have yet to see Japan pull out of Siam while at peace.
I respectfully request that this move be called “The Sneaky Karl”
Beg for pardon and of course honor to whom honor is due!
Page 12 of the Europe 1940 2nd Edition Rule Book
Damn it, I did not read the blue box with the white letters attentively enough.
In that case my thoughts are obsolete and there is no alternative to “The Sneaky Karl” if you want to stop Japan from using its transports for one round. -
You can simply block them from doing so the old fashioned way, with screens (SZ 37, SZ 43, SZ 44). They can move past you at any time, except when they declare war–then they can destroy your blocks during Combat but they can’t combat past them to Amphib. Only downside to all that is you only get 5 (6, if you count the very movement restricted US DD) ships to accomplish this that you’d probably rather save.
If Japan intended to stay at peace, then it passes right through you as a bizarre “Armed Imperial Neutral” (ie Japan can hang out in SZ 26 or SZ 39 at peace) so then you can’t block them anyways.
Imho such a blocking is not so effective. Japan could sink all those blockers and still do Amphibious Assaults on Malaya, Borneo and Celebes.
BTW: Japan cannot hang out in SZ 26, because this SZ is within 2 sea zones of the United States´ mainland (Pacific Rulebook page 8, Political Situation, Japan). But I agree, Japan could passively hang out in SZ 42 and do Amphibious Assaults on all money islands the round after.
Oh boy, you had to bring that one up again. We had a lengthy debate over that one. In the end it was proven (and certified) that you could indeed park your Japanese fleet in SZ 26.
Illegal=NoIt’s no longer up for debate. That one is settled.
Oh boy, you had to bring that one up again. We had a lengthy debate over that one. In the end it was proven (and certified) that you could indeed park your Japanese fleet in SZ 26.
Illegal=NoIt’s no longer up for debate. That one is settled.
Do you have a link for that one? I thought that you couldn’t.
It’s no longer up for debate. That one is settled.Do you have a link for that one? I thought that you couldn’t.
The last time (as I remember) this issue has been discussed:
No I was referring to this little gem; ANZAC hover-tanks are painted up and ready to fly. :roll:
Right, that one is newer!
I am curious to see if the Sneaky Karl could be done against the Allies. Maybe somehow taking advantage of US ability to declare war on all three at once?
Oh boy, you had to bring that one up again. We had a lengthy debate over that one. In the end it was proven (and certified) that you could indeed park your Japanese fleet in SZ 26.
Illegal=NoIt’s no longer up for debate. That one is settled.
Hi GHG, sorry for starting this and I accept the forums statement of beeing legal.
(Sidenote, at the same moment we established a house rule that says, the Japanese cannot do that on our table! :-P)