RULE CLARIFICATION: Italy DOWs Moves to E. Poland - Germany Moves Doesn't DOW

  • '17

    Need help finding this in the rule book.

    I believe it’s legal for Germany to move into Italian occupied E. Poland and collect the 5 IPCs for not being at war with Russia even though Germany is on originally controlled Russian territory.

    I would agree that this could be considered a loophole, but I can’t find anything in the rule book other than where it says that Germany gets to collect when not at war with Russia.

    Could the community please help me out with this rule clarification.

    I did search for this topic first in the search bar and didn’t find this topic.

  • Is it legal? I think the answer to that is yes. Does it make sense? No. Seems like a hole in the rules to me.


    I did search for this topic first in the search bar and didn’t find this topic.

    I can’t ever find anything using the search bar…  :lol:

  • '18 '17 '16

    I don’t think that’s correct but I could be wrong. Even though it doesn’t explicitly say that in the Germany Political Situations it does say something the Soviet Union Political Situations section.

    Specifically speaking, it states that while they are not at war with Russia;
    " (Germany and Italy) may not move units into or through any original Soviet territories or Soviet controlled territories."

    Remember that nobody, not even their allies, are allowed to move into Soviet territories, nor can they move out of them. So Germany would have to declare war on Russia in order to move there, even on a ncm.

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    Ichabod is correct (unless playing with Balance Mod rules).  Italy can DOW on Russia and take East Poland, usually on I2. Germany can then move troops into East Poland, usually on G3, without breaking the nonaggression pact and thereby collect the NO.  It’s a good loophole that you should exploit.

  • GHG has to be correct. Ive seen rules where a German rule question answer is stated or written in Russia section and vice versa.
    Wish they would put in a rule like that in both Germany and Russia section.

  • Could someone tell me what page of the rulebook this is on?

  • '18 '17 '16

    The rule that I cited came from page 36 of the Pacific rule book.

    On page 15 of the Europe rule book it says under the heading “Powers Not At War With One Another”;
    “…nor can another power move land or air units into or through it’s territories…”

    I think we should get Kreighund to clarify cuz that seems pretty black and white to me.

  • @GeneralHandGrenade:

    I think we should get Kreighund to clarify cuz that seems pretty black and white to me.

    No kidding. I looked in the Europe rule book but I didn’t see anything in the political situations of Germany, the USSR, or Italy mentioning anything related to moving into originally-controlled Russian territory while not at war with Russia

  • '18 '17 '16

    That was the Pacific rule book where it said that.

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

  • Yes you can, that territory is an axis territory under the control of the Italians. If that were the case on G1 you can’t land a fighter in Northern Italy… It’s pretty simple to me…why overthink stuff…easy enough yes the German player may fortify

  • '18 '17 '16

    Thanks variance.

    They need to change the Pacific rule book if they want to interpret the rule that way. I did notice a difference between the 2 rulebooks and it appears that they are taking the Europe interpretation. I wish they would just make a Global rulebook and put all of the rules in there so there wouldn’t be 2 different rules regarding the same situation. I wonder if there are other examples where the rules don’t line up.

  • How do you figure that shadow hawk? I totally disagree with you

    Now question to all…situations like this how do youse resolve it during a game?

  • It will have an Italian control marker….so it is Italian territory ShadowHawk

  • '18 '17 '16



    Thanks variance.

    They need to change the Pacific rule book if they want to interpret the rule that way. I did notice a difference between the 2 rulebooks and it appears that they are taking the Europe interpretation. I wish they would just make a Global rulebook and put all of the rules in there so there wouldn’t be 2 different rules regarding the same situation. I wonder if there are other examples where the rules don’t line up.

    Well the rules are clear, you cannot move into or through russian countries. The country isnt russian when its italian.

    The pacific situation is quite different as russia isnt a player there at all and the area is basicaly classified as unpassable for the game.

    Check the Pacific book under the Soviet Union Political Situations. It specifically says ANY originally controlled Soviet territories. How clear is that?

  • GHG, it is not controlled by the Soviets…How clear is that…It is Italian controlled

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    Hey guys, what happens if Italy declares war, Germany rolls into Italian controlled former Communist territory without declaring war, and casually parks a sub in z125?  Chew on that one.

  • It blows my mind that people can’t interpret that….it is so clear…situation like this I would stand my ground…I am pretty flexible in most cases…but stuff like this…nope

  • SZ 125 would not be effected and Russia would collect their bonus…German sub is neutral to the Russians

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    axis warship

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