Thanks for doing what you do!
Follow-up: when I posted the above post, I got this message: “Could not connect to SMTP host: 0 : php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known”. I re-clicked on my bookmark for the site to return to forum and I saw that the post did, in fact, get posted.
I got that message a couple of times yesterday Marc.
Also - forum is slow at the moment - opening this reply box took 35 seconds.
Just think of all the things I could have done in those 35 seconds!
Like get out of your armchair or open a tin of Spam, Grandad!
Or swap another pointless WhatsApp with you witt!
That’s kinda weird. Are people still getting emails from the forum?
Those were error messages not emails dj. But speed has improved today and no error messages today either.
We use Sparkpost for email and I wonder if they were experiencing issues the other day.
We use Sparkpost for email and I wonder if they were experiencing issues the other day.
The problem I was describing last week weren’t emails; they were messages that appeared on my browser itself, after I hit the “Post” button on a message that I was writing (as I’m doing right now) in the “Axis and Boards > General > Website/Forum Discussion” section of the forum. In any case, the problem seems to have been fixed; the forum is functioning normally as far as I can see, which is good news.
Sorry I should’ve explained more. This error message is related to email: “Could not connect to SMTP host: 0 : php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known”
SMTP is simple mail transport protocol. Every time you post to a thread what somebody is watching, an email is sent. So if you post and the SMTP host is down, then it causes problems.
Ah, I see. I hadn’t realized that part of the situation, since I’ve never used the thread-watching function. Thanks for the added information.