@sjelso said in Tjoek's Global 1940 setup charts: Updated Jan 31st:
Is this in MS Excel? If so, can you share the file?
Sorry it’s not in Excel.
Thanks everyone for the feedback! Its really great to see im not the only one who likes this scheme!
Saigon is in indo now, thanks :)
As of now, have no intention to do a 36 map, or add facility markers.
AND…. I… AM… DONE :P … yes, after a year, or more, im finally done, well I think I am. Im doing a test print tomorrow, just on lagal size… as many as it takes to print this, this way im only tossing out like 30 bucks for the 15 pages or so ill tape together… then ill do a setup, verify everything is in order… do any edits Friday then get a real print!
Almost show and tell time!
Tabloid (11"x17") would save you a lot of work when assembling and aligning the colour copies.
It might run you a bit more but the work saving would be worth it.
I always have issues aligning sheets when assembling “proof” copies.
Looking forward to seeing the full map with pieces in place.
Please post pics so we can see the contrast.
How does the 15 tape pages together look ?
AND…. I… AM… DONE :P … yes, after a year, or more, im finally done, well I think I am.
Congrats! Looking forward to some pictures of your test print!
This looks really awesome! I’ve been a lurker around here and this had me join up to comment. I am looking to get a good map to print out on some vinyl so it’s one solid piece. Will this be available to the public once you’re done?
Was thinking about adding some of the youtuber channel locations…
You still doing this? This would be cool. Good job on the map!
The tape job actually came out good, cost 25 bucks, including a roll of tape haha.
I’ll post some pics tonight or tomorrow after I setup… just so happens today of all days I have to work late :(
And ya hunter, still thinking about it.
And also, map will be available soon.
Here is a couple pics off the taped up map haha…… Not so much to show the map, but to show a few key areas as to size now. Remember this map was to shrink Africa and enlarge Europe while keeping the OOB size of 32 x 70.
I setup a few Germany spots, you can see all the units fit with no chips needed, naturally you would more then likely chip, but you get the point. Also England full setup with SZ 110, no issues… Northern Africa was enlarged for better gameplay, as well as Bessarabia.
Since the setup, Ive noted some more edits I wanted to do , and those are done, I should have the first print Monday… cant wait!
Pics don’t do my map justice as the flash was on…well get a great vid of it Monday if its ready.
Fantastic work Siredblood!… great to see a 100% original map and one that looks so good. I could totally envision something like that hanging in Churchill’s war room, the design seems so authentic.
Fantastic work Siredblood!… great to see a 100% original map and one that looks so good. I could totally envision something like that hanging in Churchill’s war room, the design seems so authentic.
Thanks YG! My flash pics did the map no justice, so I thought id better post a pic of the actual map :)
Here she is
Oh, there were a few IPC changes, it never set well with us that the Axis can build an additional 7 Major factories through the board, while Allies can build 0.
So, just for the “option” of doing so, Soviet far east was changed to 0 and Ukraine was changed to 3…… Victoria was changed to 0, and Sydney changed to 3, Egypt changed to 3 and Tanganvika changed to 0
Very nice, interested in seeing the printed version.
A couple of things to consider before printing though. :-D
2)Venezuela’s number could be moved to the top right corner so it is also on land.
Just cosmetic points: Scotland “2” could be nudged left a slight bit to be totally on land, lower Novgorod/roundel/number to be inline with Achangel and nudge left a bit
(Leningrad might need to be lowered too), Denmark lowered slightly so the “2” shows clearer.
Mongolia doesn’t have the “beige” circles in the territories like other neutrals do.
This is just me. The capitals have stars but it might be nice t have "Germany, France,UK,… in a larger font size or even a different font.
Like I said, just me.
This is an amazing map which will really pop once the pieces are placed on. Great choices in colours and creating that period feel.
The extra room will definitely help when playing.
Thanks for your feedback! I did mess with capital fonts… colors, I never found the magic one… I’ll take another stab at it.
As for your alignment suggestions, I’m looking at it differently, my goal was to if possible have the value, territory, and roundel all line up, only a few spots where it was not possible. As for Mongolia, they will never shift to pro axis or allied, thus will never be chipped… either it’s Russia or nothing… we use markers on strict neutrals so we don’t forget about them once they go pro axis or allied… and Mongolia will never side, so there is noting to remember.
I’ll look into the capital font for sure
I did get the sense you liked the vertical alignment when naming territories. It does make things easier to read and nicer to look at.
There were just a few instances where “bending the rules” might help with seeing IPCs clearer. :-D
Fonts are tricky, too many options. What about reversing the fill/stroke so they are the same font just outlined with no fill?
Map looks awesome Sired! This is on my short list for a map print.
It looks amazing!!!
I noticed a typo in the spelling of the NORWEGIAN Sea. I know you are a perfectionist so I’m sure you want to correct it.
This looks awesome!
Seeing how you were adding cities to make it look more like a real ‘map’, I would personally add a couple more cities, like Darwin (In northern Territory), Johannesburg or Cape Town in South Africa, Olso in Norway, Novosibirsk in Novosibirsk (lol) and maybe Vladivostok in Amur (although geographically it might be in Korea). But this is just me.
Map looks amazing, again :-D
Thanks U571!
Added Cape Town, and made the Capitals Red, with an extra strobe px.
Ill be getting my 3rd print today, im very picky, so I keep doing minor color tweeks… Its no big deal, these maps are not wasted, I need 6 maps for my event anyway… goal is though, today print the remaining 4.
Can you send me one? I will send money!!!
PM me if this is possible.
Can you send me one? I will send money!!!
PM me if this is possible.
No problem, but I’d prefer you to wait to pay me till after I post pics and vid of final product…. but ya, I’d be more then happy to send you a copy.
I might have you customize a couple things for me (ie use the swaztica roundel for germans and the russian star). I would gladly pay you for your time. We are already lucky as a community that you are making your file available to us