@sergio here is the lite version of AARHE 4.0
G40 Balance Mod - Rules and Download
gamerman01 2025 2024 '23 '22 '15 '11 '10 Official Q&A Moderatorlast edited by Jun 23, 2016, 10:55 PM
That is frustrating. You can’t tell that from the rule in the game notes.
You also can’t tell what is meant by “mainland Europe” - I had to ask about Norway, Sweden, Finland
You can’t tell about the Z5 NO situation with Japan and whether Japan has to be at war
You can’t tell how the bombardment works with marines
You can’t tell without asking about the French boats in 93 and what happens if they leaveThat’s just off the top of my head. This is not at you, Adam
Kid, or whoever, hey the balanced mod rules need to be written more clearly, with no ambiguities. I guess now you can start to appreciate how hard it is to write new A&A rules and how frequently you know what you mean, but the reader can be confused. If even the great Krieghund has this problem, I guess you shouldn’t feel bad -
We actually decided what the victory rule regarding the trading of a capital just a week ago, so BM2 indeed does not have the right victory condition wording. In my opinion, requiring a full round with every victory condition met is a lot simpler than allowing the trading of capitals.
Yup we all have different definitions for words, for example mainland Europe, so sometimes it’s difficult to predict what people might misinterpret or find ambiguous.
I can’t see how we can improve the sz5 NO wording without giving an example though, it clearly says ‘‘enemy warship’’. If Japan and Russia are neutral then Japan can’t stop that NO.
gamerman01 2025 2024 '23 '22 '15 '11 '10 Official Q&A Moderatorlast edited by Jun 25, 2016, 2:41 PM
Yeah, to me “mainland Europe” includes Scandinavia and just excludes islands :-D
Can marines be loaded onto transports? If so can two of them be loaded on one transport?
Another question on shore bombardment and marines: :roll:
I thought I had it, but am not so sure anymore…
Can you bombard while only unloading marines from cruisers/BBs? Or do you need a transport unloading stuff, too?
1. one cruiser unloads one marine in a territory.
- May the cruiser bombard?
2. one cruiser unloads one marine in a territory AND one transport unloads stuff in the same territory.
- May the cruiser bombard?
3. one cruiser unloads one marine in a territory AND one transport unloads stuff in another adjacent territory.
- May the cruiser bombard? If yes which one? Both?
thanks in advance :)
Can marines be loaded onto transports? If so can two of them be loaded on one transport?
Yes to both.
Another question on shore bombardment and marines: :roll:
I thought I had it, but am not so sure anymore…
Can you bombard while only unloading marines from cruisers/BBs? Or do you need a transport unloading stuff, too?
1. one cruiser unloads one marine in a territory.
- May the cruiser bombard?
2. one cruiser unloads one marine in a territory AND one transport unloads stuff in the same territory.
- May the cruiser bombard?
3. one cruiser unloads one marine in a territory AND one transport unloads stuff in another adjacent territory.
- May the cruiser bombard? If yes which one? Both?
thanks in advance :)
1. Yes
2. Yes.
3. Yes. It may bombard either one.
Yeah, to me “mainland Europe” includes Scandinavia and just excludes islands :-D
hehe. its not a matter of opinion really.
gamerman01 2025 2024 '23 '22 '15 '11 '10 Official Q&A Moderatorlast edited by Jun 26, 2016, 9:56 PM
You’re missing the point. Use unambiguous language. Say mainland Europe does not include Scandinavia.
but it does include scandinavia. lol
gamerman01 2025 2024 '23 '22 '15 '11 '10 Official Q&A Moderatorlast edited by Jun 27, 2016, 3:36 PM
Wrote it down this time.
Now I remember you guys saying Russia does get the NO for Finland, Norway still. -
In my BM2.0 game vs artofwar I landed us units in Russia pacific side. Russia and us are allies, however russia and japan are not at war, us and japan are. I believe this is not allowed, I just want to be sure.
In my BM2.0 game vs artofwar I landed us units in Russia pacific side. Russia and us are allies, however russia and japan are not at war, us and japan are. I believe this is not allowed, I just want to be sure.
It is not allowed (whether it’s BM or vanilla).
Iceland is part of europe? No.
Britain and Ireland? Europe is a continent isn’t it. Continents can’t include islands. Does this refer to the EU perhaps?
noun: continent; plural noun: continentsany of the world’s main continuous expanses of land (Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, Australia, Antarctica).
synonyms: mainland
“the continent of Europe” -
Islands can be part of continents. This is hardly a close call. For example, the U.K. Is absolutely part of Europe, geographically speaking. I wasn’t able to find the extremely tortured definition you quoted on any of the main dictionary sites. A source might be helpful.
Merriam Webster offers this definition
adjective con·ti·nent \ˈkän-tə-nənt
Simple Definition of continent
medical : able to control your bladder and bowels -
Came up in a google search right above all the results.
according to that definition, Japan is not in Asia. and Manhattan gis not in North America. The definition is obviously under inclusive and not what we’re talking about.
[kon-tn-uh nt]Examples
Word OriginSee more synonyms on Thesaurus.com
one of the main landmasses of the globe, usually reckoned as seven in number (Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, and Antarctica).
a comparable landmass on another planet.
the mainland, as distinguished from islands or peninsulas.
the Continent, the mainland of Europe, as distinguished from the British Isles.
a continuous tract or extent, as of land.
Archaic. something that serves as a container or boundary.
exercising or characterized by restraint in relation to the desires or passions and especially to sexual desires; temperate.
able to control urinary and fecal discharge.
Obsolete. containing; being a container; capacious.
Obsolete. restraining or restrictive.
Obsolete. continuous; forming an uninterrupted tract, as land.So according to that source, it is valid to refer to Norway as not part of the continent.
Mirriam-Webster has more or less the same definition further down.
According to that source, it is valid to refer to Europe as encompassing Asia and vice versa.
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