I made this mostly to play with my family as they like and know RISK but axis and allies is a very daunting game. This game is axis and allies with a risk style start. Each nation essentially starts in peace and the game will begin with nations grabbing for as much territory as they can get. War is inevitable. Alliances will be made, faces will be smashed….i got nothing else. Enjoy.
RISK and Axis and Allies
Hybrid of A&A Global 1940 and RISK
All rules are global alpha 3.9.
ONE EXCEPTION: AA GUNS-not 3 rolls per AA gun, roll as many dice as there are enemy planes. AA cost 6 IPC, may still be taken as casualties and there is no limit to how many AA guns may be in one territory (Still only one dice per plane)
Players: 2, 4, 6, 8
Board: Axis and Allies Global 1940 (Pacific and Europe 1940 maps combined)
Before start, players must select their nationalities.
Each player rolls 2 6d or 1 12d, Highest roll chooses first, lowest chooses last. You may choose to choose last (Dont overcomplicate this) Ties are resolved or rerolled (only tied players reroll). First to choose last chooses last, second to choose last second to last, etc…
-Turn order is reverse of choosing nations. (Whoever chose first goes last, whoever chose last goes first, etc…)-This is where choosing to go last comes in to play ;)
Victory Conditions: One player or team controls atleast 17 VCs and all his/hers/their capitals at the end of a round of play.
Suggested games: FFA, 4 teams of 2, 2 teams of 4
2 teams of 4: Suggestion- Pacific (India, China, Japan and ANZAC) vs Atlantic (USA, UK/France, Germany, USSR)
4 teams of 2: Suggestion- team up players with close capitals (Example: Uk/France and Germany)
IMPORTANT! Change the value of the following territories:
.Eastern US, change to 7 IPC
.Central US, change to 4 IPC
.Western US, change to 3 IPC
USA represented by blue (French) Washington
China represented by green (USA) Hongkong
Inda represented by brown (Italy) Calcutta
UK/France represented by tan (UK) London
ANZAC (grey) Sydney
Germany (black) Berlin
USSR (red) Moscow
Japan (orange) Tokyo
National settup:
Each nation starts with 17 IPCs
Each nation places 5 INF, 2 mech, 2 ART, 1 ARM, 1 fighter, 1 destroyer, 1 transport, 1 AA gun, 1 navalbase, 1 airbase, and 1 major IC, placed on any of their nation’s starting territories with the following rules:
1- Starting ships must be placed in same seazone as naval base.
2- The Major IC, and naval/air bases must be placed in your nations capital. (UK/France can place its IC on either Paris or London)
–-Exceptions: ANZAC starts with 3 minor ICs and 3 AA. (ANZAC does not start with a major IC)
—ANZAC places one minor IC in each New South Whales, Borneo and Celebes
—ANZAC can place its naval and airbase on any one of these 3; New South Whales, Borneo or Celebes (Does not have to place them on same territory)
—USSR places its naval base in Archangel
–------Starting Territorys for each nation (Every nations starting territorys worth 17 IPCs total)-------------------------------
USA: E. US, C. US, W. US, Alaska, Aluetion Islands, Hawaii, Midway (Dont forget to change Continental US IPC values)
UK/France: UK, Scottland, Eire, France, S. France, Normandy/Bordieux
Germany: Germany, W. Germany, Greater S. Germany, Slovakia/Hungary
USSR: Archangel, Smolensk, Bryansk, Rostov, Volgograd, Tambov, Russia, Vologda, Nenetsia, Urals, Novosibirsk, Samara
India: W. India, India, Ceylon, Burma, Shanstate, Siam, French-Indo-China, Malaya, Sumatra
China: Kwangtung, Kiangsi, Kiangsu, Shangtung, Anhwe, Hunan, Kwangsi, Yunnan, Kweichow, Hopie, Shensi, Szechwan
Japan: Japan, Korea, Manchuria, Amur, Okinawa, Iwojima
ANZAC: Victoria, New S. Whales, Queensland, N. Territory, S. Australia, W. Australia, New Zealand, Solomon Islands, New Britian, New Gunea, Dutch New Gunea, Celebes, Borneo, Gilbert, Fiji, Samoa
Open to comments/suggestions