G40 Balance Mod - Feedback Thread

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    You did a really good job with the Balance Mod.  Please don’t change anything yet.  Currently axis are still winning over half the BM games.  History has shown over and over that with time and experience people learn to exploit the axis advantages.  The axis win % will likely increase.  You might even need to add more tweaks to strengthen up the allies.

  • Thanks, variance. We don’t have any imminent plans for changes to the mod. Just soliciting feedback for possible tweaks down the road.

    As for the current Axis/Allied win ratio, it is interesting that Axis have won more games, even though the perception seems to be that the Mod leans in Allies favor. One thing to that skews the ratio a bit is that Mod co-creator, Adam514, gets stuck playing Axis a lot in BM (since folks understandably want to try out the new Allied NOs), and he is simply a beast at the game. if you exclude those games, however, the ratio is pretty much 50/50.

  • For my next game, I am proposing to my opponent that we change one infantry into one marine at the following territories:
    WUS, London, Germany, South Italy, Japan, India, and NSW

    4 for the Allies and 3 for the Axis - 3 of the Allied powers here are not at war at the beginning of the game.
    When you add a new unit, it’s cool to start the game with some, just like they did in the Iron Blitz Hasbro CD version with marines…

  • @regularkid:

    So here’s another proposal for a Sealion-related NO: Germany gets +5 if it has a land unit in either Egypt or the United Kingdom. This, obviously, would replace Germany’s existing Egypt NO.

    What do you guys think? Axis-Domion?

    I will be forthright and admit I haven’t read much in this thread yet, but

    I think this is a very good idea, to add London to the Egypt NO for Germany as an “or”

  • @Gamerman01:

    For my next game, I am proposing to my opponent that we change one infantry into one marine at the following territories:
    WUS, London, Germany, South Italy, Japan, India, and NSW

    if you find a taker, definitely let us know how it goes.

  • Are Finland and Norway considered “mainland Europe” for the Russian NO’s??

  • '15

    Yes they are.

  • Thanks!

  • If Vichy France is activated on France 2 or later, what about the Z93 destroyer and cruiser?  Does it matter if they’ve been moved from Z93 or not?  Is the Z93 rule only for a France turn 1 Vichy?

  • '19 '18

    They only turn if they stayed in SZ93.
    I think the notes are quite clear about that.

  • yup. any french ships in sz 93 turn vichy whenever the vichy event occurs. if the ships move out before that time, they stay free french.

  • '15

    Oh?  I wasn’t aware Vichy could be activated on round 2 or later.  I thought it was round 1 or nothing.

  • '19 '17

    It can be activated on any round, as long as S France is still French.

  • It would be simpler if it was round 1 or nothing, but it’s not I guess

  • As a practical matter, the strategic benefits of vichy france are negligible after round 1, since France will move most of its units out of its territory, and the fleet out of sz 93 on its first turn. out of scores of BM games, I can think of only one  I’ve played where Germany opted to make vichy france happen on round 2.

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    I think Vichy helps the allies at least as much as the axis.  Sure they lose a few French units but later they will get extra income from Africa.

  • @regularkid:

    As a practical matter, the strategic benefits of vichy france are negligible after round 1, since France will move most of its units out of its territory, and the fleet out of sz 93 on its first turn. out of scores of BM games, I can think of only one  I’ve played where Germany opted to make vichy france happen on round 2.

    That’s a big reason why you guys should consider simplifying the rules by saying it’s only checked on France 1

  • @variance:

    I think Vichy helps the allies at least as much as the axis.  Sure they lose a few French units but later they will get extra income from Africa.

    I tend to agree with you.  It is also not ideal that the Axis have to take Normandy on G1 or I1.  As soon as you start bleeding any units off Paris, you are raising your risks
    But JDOW disagrees and thinks it’s so huge that the Axis don’t have to attack South France or Z93

    And it’s not just income, it’s territory ownership so there are possibilities for building very key bases
    I guess there is an argument that it could benefit the Axis, but it’s certainly not a “no-brainer” to go for it, which is probably by design

  • @Gamerman01:


    As a practical matter, the strategic benefits of vichy france are negligible after round 1, since France will move most of its units out of its territory, and the fleet out of sz 93 on its first turn. out of scores of BM games, I can think of only one  I’ve played where Germany opted to make vichy france happen on round 2.

    That’s a big reason why you guys should consider simplifying the rules by saying it’s only checked on France 1

    Actually the rule, as it is currently structured, is at least simpler (and less arbitrary) than a rule that is round-dependent. Guess we can agree to disagree on that one.

  • Thanks Mod Squad for breathing new life into Global! A ton of painstaking work on your parts has certainly paid off. Every change made to our beautiful Global is well thought out, both in terms of balance and historical realism.

    For some reason, even though the possible combinations of units and placements with a decent bid are humungous, the Mod feels more fresh and exciting. It’s how the game was meant to be in the first place.

    To you all goes my undying love and gratitude.


    When you reach for your next game of Global, make sure it’s genuine Mod brand!

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