Interesting article on the new series:
Star Trek Star Trek: can the franchise live long and prosper in the era of ‘Netflix and chill’?
This is a great article. Explains the situation perfectly.
I agree with the writer’s train of thought: best indication of what Kurtzman is going to produce content-wise is what he has done in the past; be that Fringe, Alias or Sleepy Hollow. I have never seen Alias or Sleepy Hollow, but I watched most of Fringe. I thought Fringe was above average for a network TV show and had an interesting concept. Hard to determine how exactly such a thing would influence his new effort with Star Trek. I suppose it means he is well prepared for any Mirror Universe episodes???
I hope he is wrong about fans not being able to take the 1990s Next Gen era Trek anymore. I think the foundation is excellent, even if the show itself is in many respects dated by now (why wouldn’t it be). It will be interesting to see if this plays out like the Disney-buying-Star Wars scenario. The property hasn’t changed hands, but the recent tone and subject matter has… in short, I would not be surprised if they ignore ALL of the established canon and original Trek up to this point. They have pretty much done just that already in the new films.
No one in the studios or writing teams, it appears, cares much about continuity or established tradition. It is all about money, social media trending and making the next Game of Thrones/Breaking Bad level hit, as the writer implies. I cannot entirely fault them for trying to make the show popular and profitable, but I think a lot is going to be compromised in the process. Which is why I am not expecting much of anything good.