I playtested this on a 1941 game mostly to see how unit interactions go.
Here is a few notes.
This is slightly different cost structure because I try to introduce a Carrier holding 3 planes (Fg or TcB).
I also tried to stick as much as possible to 1914 cost structure (6-9-12), including Fg at 6 IPCs.
All other ground units are as OOB.
I really like this 5-6-8-9-12-15 increment for boats.
At lower cost there is more units on this board. Probably impact on the length of play.
The game took 6 hours to conclude with a decisive Allies victory.
To my astonishment there was a lot of heavy warships and planes combat in the first four rounds of play between US and Japan around Hawaii.
Many small battles can be broadly associated with WWII evolution in PTO. Funny coincidence.
Unit type
Cost Combat values
Special abilities
5 IPCs A2fs* D1 M2
Permanent A2 first strike *against all surface vessels only, including DDs.
Cannot hit Sub or Aircraft
Submerge and Stealth Move
Really more satisfying to roll every time @2 first strike as a special Sub combat ability, even if you don’t get a hit.
Most, if not all Subs were destroyed while attacking.
Even have a 1 UK Sub @2 first strike vs 1 IJN Destroyer D2 turned against the attacking Sub.
Clearly better even match than my previous Sub HR in which Sub A3 D1 and DD A2 D2 and both worth 8 IPCs.
I prefer the weaker value A2 first strike, intuitively more suited to a small unit.
The No sub vs sub makes the job so Submarines were operating independantly from their initial fleet group.
There was no point at following a Transport to protect her from other enemy’s Subs.
This gave me a lot of UK Subs and IJN Subs combat vs DDs and TPs in PTO.
6 IPCs A2 D2 M2
Block Sub’s Submerge (first round only) and Stealth move, both on a 1:1 basis.
Never get a real chance to block Subs with DD on offence.
But DDs have been use to protect Transports against Subs on all occasions.
8 IPCs A0 D0 M2, 1 hit,
Carry 2 units, 1 Inf + 1 any ground unit
No defense against warships,
1 Transport can escape from Naval Battle in the same SZ at each end of combat round, if there is no enemy’s aircraft. Simply remove TP from battle board and place it in the SZ on the map.
Regular AA @1 against up to 1 plane, whichever the lesser.
I played without the no enemy’s aircraft requirement.
Instead, I allowed 1 TP to roll her AA shot or to flee.
This is not a good idea. To much dilemma without any compelling immediate reason.
Such as, do I save 1 TP by fleeing now? Do I take it as casualty instead of a cheaper but better DD Def@2? Do I keep her as an AA platform?
Never clear, fuzzy odds, unclear to decide.
Now I would surely use all the rule above and never allow TP escape as long as there is enemy’s plane present.
Also, I would add that first TP to escape can only start at the end of the second round, not before.
It was too easy to escape after a Sub bad roll on the first round.
I would treat TP evade in a similar way as DD blocking, which is, according to my HR, good for the first round only. TP evasion cannot be better than Sub submerge.
So, the first TP evade can only begin after combat rolls are resolved in the second round. Example, if 2 Subs attack 2 TPs, each Sub would have roll twice before the first TP can escape.
And if no Sub get a hit on third combat round, then last TP can flee after.
I also like the AA capacity, it provides a small deterrent against StBs which, on this board in particular, can come from very far away without notice and take off-guard a defenseless TP.
1 StB @4 vs 1 DD @2 and 1 TP AA@1 makes for almost even odds.
Another good reason to put Sub on the water against TP.
9 IPCs A3 D3 M3
Shore Bombard 3
Gives +1 move to 1 surface vessel, paired 1:1
I used this special power on this small map, it helps US to reinforced his carrier fleet with 1DD in addition to the Cruiser. Doesn’t seems that OP since Cruiser is not optimal in combat.
Nonetheless, this Cruiser was sunk by a IJN Subs fleet, letting survive only a damaged Carrier.
Definitely worth a try on a bigger map.
12 IPCs A0 D3 M2, 2 hits,
Carry 3 planes, damaged CV still carry one aircraft.
I better like this Carrier.
First, a damaged one is still working and cripple.
It gives sometime the same dilemma: “How can I save my Fg from being ditch at sea?”
Second, defending @3 make it amongst the last unit to destroy along BB, makes more sense.
However, on offence @0, you can risk and loose it before planes, which keeps the dilemma alive.
15 IPCs A4 D4 M2, 2 hits,
Shore Bombard 4
Were destroyed by Air and Sub, none were built during the game.
Another similarities with WWII.
At 15 instead of OOB 1941 14 IPCs. The small difference was not a factor.
6 IPCs A2 D2 M4
Always hit aircraft first, then AAA, if any available.
SBR: A2 D2, interceptors always destroy bombers first.
8 IPCs A3 D2 M4
Pick any enemy’s ground unit of your choice as casualty.
TBR: A1first strike Damage D6, can do escort mission without bombing AB or NB.
Greatly reenacted the basic ability of these two units with no big issue.
Need to roll Fgs separetly, and TcB the same.
Giving both special targets makes some battle less armful for the lucky player which can select enemy’s casualty.
The 6-8-10 planes’ cost increment seems OK.
The 6 IPCs Fg D2 makes for a really better defending units than TcB.
The TcB A3 which select ground casualty worth this +2 IPCs higher cost.
In this game, everyone buy both types. Carrier operation saw 1Fg+ 2 TcBs and 2 Fgs+ 1 TcB configuration and less.
However, the odds are within acceptable limits. In some small battles, it happened so the last casualties were Infantry instead of Tank, but on many occasions, the last remaining units were still the costlier ones. And so, even if a lot of planes were involved on the other side.
Clearly prefer this simpler TcB over my other ones which gave a pairing bonus +1 to Tank.
No more combined arms with planes for me.
Thanks LHoffman for your suggestion on my TcB HR unit.
10 IPCs A4 D1 M6
SBR: AA A1first strike up to two Fighters, whichever the lesser,
Damage : D6+2 /minimum damage 2 pts if hit by IC’s AA gun.
No damage when destroyed by intercepting Fighters.
Cannot say much. There is no SBR in 1941 game.
None was bought.
All aircrafts can hit unsubmerged Submarines without Destroyer presence.
I will not change this. It is so good to follow history on this matter and let planes defend against Sub without bothering about another unit.
Anyway, with A2 first strike, no sub vs sub and 6 IPCs DD A2, Sub is not a good defending fodder anymore and you prefer to keep them for offense most of the time, by submerging.
3 IPCs A0 D1 AAx2* M1 CM or NCM, 1 hit,
Taken as last casualty on offence.
*Fire each round @1 first strike against up to two aircrafts, which ever the lesser.
Regular defense @1 if there is no enemy’s plane.
6 AAA gets 2 consecutive rounds against their full load of planes (12 planes) before being taken as casualty. A single plane was shot down with 24 rolls.
This AAA OP?
I don’t think so.
Hope it can be useful to you people.
On my next playtest, on a 1942.2 map, I hope, I will focus on TP.
The evade capacity help creates a few cat and mice vs Sub in PTO.
I prefer this feature over the auto-kill which, IMO, kill any Battle of the Atlantic reenactment.
Another interesting feature added for Island and Capital City Airfields was 1 Fg or 1 TcB scramble.
This was not too powerful since such planes defend @2.
Also played with advanced air defense on a just conquered TTy or Island.
You can land 1 Fg or TcB on a just conquered TTy or Island if the plane have at least 1 move left.
It increase the fun. And we saw an air support debarkment on DEI turned sour because 1 TcB and 1 Inf left received a hit from the last standing and dying Japanese Infantry.
UK have no option but too destroy TcB to hold DEI, otherwise both units would have been lost.
Also, in all situations except for TcB, Fg and Sub hits the order of casualty choice remains in owner’s hand, best principle IMO.
See you around.