Kill Britain First (KBF) - Japanese Bombers?

  • I’m itching to try this just to be doing something different. Great post!

  • Very thorough posting. I like the idea of getting Japanese Bombers into action against London, how rare that is !

    I think it will be difficult to keep American Air out of London, even though it takes 1 extra turn to get there in this edition of A&A.

    I’ve seen Japan try and threaten the U.S.A. West Coast Zones  before to little effect. It seems that 1 turn of US buys is enough to prevent several turns of Japanese invasions. Just food for thought.

    I’ve successfully taken out London a few times but it’s tough. When the other Allies sniff out what’s going on, even Russia will send Fighters to aid in U.K. defense. It’s like a David Copperfield show, trying to make your enemy look to the East while you’re attacking to the West. Great post by the way, really enjoyed reading it.

    Starlight Sniper

  • @Argothair:

    It’s a fair point – more transports would be better. Germany starts with 2, and I’m calling for Germany to buy 2 more on turn 2. The main problem is that once you move the German navy into position to unload troops into London, any new transports you build will be undefended and vulnerable to Anglo-American air strikes. To build new transports, you probably have to skip a whole turn of dumping troops into London. My idea is to keep a steady stream of German infantry going into London from turn 3 onward so that they don’t have a chance to accumulate such a big stack – that way, starting around turn 5, you can start bringing in your air force, and maybe even get a  safe(ish) second round of dice rolls before you have to retreat.

    If the Axis attack on Africa goes as planned, UK will be down to about 19 IPC by turn 4, and taking about 15 IPC per turn in Japanese bombing damage – so if you’re dropping four fully loaded transports a turn into London, you should eventually be able to overwhelm their defenses.

    Still, I’m all ears if you have an idea for how to safely build more German transports – maybe if you see a decisive opportunity, you can skip your infantry buy altogether on round 5 or 6 and spend your economy on transports #5 and #6 and carrier #3.

    Idea :  Your (Germany) Med Fleet should be in position to Aid in defending those Transports by G3 when they’re all up in the English Chanel and off the Belgian Coast.

    1/2 the total fleet to denend the Sea Lion Transports, the other half to defend the “fresh of the warf” Transports.

    Also, By J3 you should be able to land Japanese Zeros in Karelia for the aided defense (Any number of ways to get there by J3). If you have a Zero left on you East Indies Japanese Carrier then he can make it to land on a German Carrier by J2 (if you are extremely super extra lucky to have your East Indies Fleet by J1)

    A Turn 1 Japanese Navy purchase out of Tokyo can assist in taking Egypt T3 and London on T6

    Cheers again,
    Starlight Sniper

  • '17

    What if the Americans go full ou on buying navy in the Atlantic. Would you have enough time to take london before the US is strong enough to take out your navy or at least is in a position to chuck infantry into london?

  • The axis in this strategy really don’t have much time. Because if they take to long the allies can really mess up their plan. Which either shortens the game or drags it out.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    It’s a good question, GiddyXRay. How long does Germany have before the US can successfully interfere with a KBF?

    Given my recommended openers for Germany and Japan, the USA should start the game on A1 with a destroyer and a battleship on the west coast, a cruiser in panama, and a destroyer on the east coast.  The USA will have an average of 40 IPCs per turn. What happens if they spend it all on dropping warships into the Atlantic?

    A1: consolidate Pacific fleet in Panama canal, buy 1 carrier, 1 battleship, 1 submarine for east coast (40 IPC)
    A2: bring Panama fleet to Atlantic, land fighters on carrier, buy 5 destroyers for east coast (40 IPC)
    A3: buy 4 submarines, 1 carrier for east coast (38 IPC)

    US now has an Atlantic fleet with 2 BB, 2 carriers, 2 fighters, 1 cruiser, 5 submarines, and 7 destroyers. After adding two more fighters to the fleet en route, the fleet will have 23 HP and 49 offensive pips – more than enough to crush even a reinforced German fleet of 2 carriers, 4 fighters, 1 BB, 1 CA, 2 DD (11 HP, 31 defensive pips). Of course, first the US has to get there.

    On A4, the American fleet can move to the coast of Morocco. On G5, the Germans use 2 destroyers to create a ‘screen’, blocking off the American fleet from meeting up with the main German fleet.

    On A5, the American fleet moves into the destroyer screen in, e.g., the English Channel, and can’t reach the main German fleet in, e.g., the North Sea.

    Finally, on A6, the American fleet will crush the Kriegsmarine – but that’s after Germany has been able to land token attacks on Britain on G3 and G4, and major attacks on Britain on G5 and G6.

    The USA could try building in the Atlantic for only two turns – but if the US fleet sails with only a two-turn buildup, then Germany may be able to match that buildup by, e.g., saving up for a third carrier group. Germany could probably even build a fourth carrier if Japan wants to send a pair of Japanese fighters over to the Baltic.

    Meanwhile, Japan should be pounding on America’s back door, taking Hawaii and threatening San Francisco – if the USA literally abandons the Pacific and then drops 100% of its IPC on an Atlantic navy, then there’s no reason why Japan can’t shuck four transports a turn into Alaska and Western Canada.

    So, yes, the USA can certainly cut off the German attack on London – but not fast enough or reliably enough to make this a dead strategy.

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    Nice thread! I’ve been reading it with interest!

    To that last idea in the post above, I think I would be probably be more nervous about American bombers than warships.

    The trick is where to converge your German med fleet with your Balitc fleet vs an all bomber buy with USA?

    For example, lets say in round 1 USA sees the carrier purchases and responds with bombers…

    USA 1 = Purchase 3 bombers and 1 submarine.
    Send the flying tiger to Archangel, and 3 fighters to E. Canada (if J hit sz 53 it might only be 2 in E. Canada)
    Place all bombers in E. USA, and the sub in sz 11.

    USA 2 = Purchase 3 bombers.
    All fighters (optimally 4) and bombers (4) converge on London, for an addition 8 hit points and 20 defense power.
    The sub can go to sz 2 or sz 9.
    Place 3 bombers in E. USA.

    Now USA has 7 bombers and 3 or 4 fighters in range of sz 8/6 going into the 3rd round.

    If they buy another 3 bombers on USA3, that’s 10 bombers and potentially 4/5 fighters. Very hard for G to match this on the water. And also very hard for J to set up anything against North America earlier than round 3. Once USA has the bomber force in place they can just start dumping ground into W. USA to keep Japan off of them.

    A stack of 10 bombers is also +10 hitpoints and +10 defense power, pretty much anywhere you might need them.

    I think its probably USA’s strongest counter buy, to face down a German naval expansion. Just going all bomber crazy. UK stacks 8 ground per round in London, as soon as new German ships hit the water.

    At least it would make convergence of the German med and Baltic fleets more dangerous with the threat of an all out USA airstike.  :-D

    Another approach, if the Germans fail to buy a destroyer on G1 for their fleet, might be 7 subs Atlantic with USA, and then Bombers in subsequent rounds. On USA2 send the subs roaming solo (no surface ships vulnerable to German air) and then position them to cover the zones around UK.  Basically whatever you can get away to nuke the German fleet right up until the point when Japan starts throwing units into Alaska haha.

    I think it would be a fun game to play, at least a bit different than the usual.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    Thanks, Black_Elk. That’s a pretty strong counter! I agree with you that American bombers are the way to go against KBF. I would not bother with the submarine purchase, though – I think those 6 IPC would be better spent on 2 inf for Western US. Japan doesn’t necessarily have to wait until J4 to start attacking Alaska – they  can drop off two loaded transports in Alaska on J1 if they want. If I saw the US put 3 bombers and 1 sub in the Atlantic on A1, then I’d be invading Alaska on J2. And, yeah, Japan definitely has to hit SZ 53 on J1.

    That said, even 4 bombers and 3 fighters in London on A2 is a real problem for Germany – as you say, if you stick the combined German fleet in the Channel or the North Sea on G3, then the US Air Force can probably trade with the Kriegsmarine, which is not good for the Axis. I’m not sure what to recommend on G3 if there’s a big US air force in London. One option is to turn east for Moscow after the A1 air build, maybe try to take Belorussia, Archangel, and West Russia before the US can return the fighters, so that the US air force will be out of position. Another (admittedly wacky) idea is to sacrifice the German naval groups to take Brazil and Eastern Canada, and transition into a Kill America First strategy – those bombers will be awkward for defending the US homeland.

  • I think the best thing the axis can do in this strategy is have Japan get really strong and take Calcutta, or Honolulu, or try to take Moscow, or San Francisco. Since the US is busy dealing with Germans try to take England it’s the perfect time for Japan to expand so Germany is a distraction for Japan.

  • I don’t think I have ever seen Japanese planes over Britain in an A&A game. Pretty interesting strategy.

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