I haven’t used that map, but I’d recommend scaling your pieces up by about 10-20% to keep things proportional. Test fit as you go to make sure it works.
Bi-Plane's for Global 39
House rules for a Global 39 using a D20:
(Each nation has bi-planes in there arsonal)
Production time: 1 turn
Cost: 9
Movement: 3
Attack: 6
Defense: 8
Awesome, I like it! :-D
Thanks. Here are some German Planes. The Italians are next.
Thanks. Here are some German Planes. The Italians are next.
Wow, those are so cool. Nice job! :-D
Very nice, what sculpts are they?
OOB 1914 with the propeller shaved off.
Great job! They look much more convincing than when they come straight out of the box. Very nice work.
Wow! these are fantastic.
Thanks gentlemen.
Man, these are sweet! Great job on these! :-D