@655321 decals very small decals and I bought 3 of those sets so there is that. Lol
4E43E286-8F3E-4AC1-84BC-E732B0B7EB2F.jpeg CA95B30E-914A-4105-9C05-22B533ECF2FF.jpeg
Hey guys,
Is it possible to use something like this for a shiny chrome finish on aircraft minis?
I don’t know how lustrous it would be… in fact I don’t know too much about paints overall. But I would love to be able to replicate this: http://www.azcaf.org/images/aircraft/B-17G_FlyFort/B-17G_FlyFort.jpg
Any advice for me?
I can’t help you in the paint department (all my sculpts are unmodified), but that B-17 photo you provided is very interesting. I didn’t know that some B-17s operated in an unpainted state. I tend to associate the bare-aluminum look with the B-29.
I can’t help you in the paint department (all my sculpts are unmodified), but that B-17 photo you provided is very interesting. I didn’t know that some B-17s operated in an unpainted state. I tend to associate the bare-aluminum look with the B-29.
I do not know of any, but maybe some were like that, B-29’s certainly did.
Do you have a source for the decals?
I-94 enterprises
Doms Decals
Pico Armor
There were quite a few B-17Gs with aluminum non-painted skins toward the end of the war. Same thing with the B-24 as well as other late war US aircraft. There wasn’t as much of a need to paint them for many reasons too numerous to name but, mostly because it meant they could be sent out in a much quicker time frame. Additionally there was less of a need to protect the airframe with paint from corrosion as the war was seen to be ending and more units in-theater meant a quicker defeat for the Axis. Last but definately not least, paint adds a lot of weight to aircraft. Commercial aircraft are usually white because it weighs the least of all colors on the airframes surfaces.
This looks like automotive grade chrome finish/touch-up… I don’t know if I would use it personally.
Why not just use a lustrous silver or aluminum hobby paint? I have some enamels of silver, aluminum and steel which all give the bright, sparkling sheen that is on the real planes. I don’t really see the need to use something for your car on plastic minis. I am sure that actual chrome finish is much more hazardous to work with than simple enamels too.
I like to use Model Master and their selection of colors and tones is quite extensive. It is impossible to tell from these color samples, but these all have shiny metallic looks to them and you should be able to find exactly what you want. Your local Hobby Lobby should have the standards (aluminum, silver, steel) but you will probably need to find a dedicated modeling/hobby shop for the metalizers; which I do not have experience with, but might interest you more. Trust me, you will get a much better feel for how nice the colors look if you go hold them in the store.
––The best hobby paint I’ve ever seen to represent aluminum was a railroad color “Platinum Mist” by Floquil. This is the color of the Amtrack passenger locos and cars in use today. It should be very easy to look it up on the web,…or better yet, a local train hobby shop.
“Tall Paul”
––The best hobby paint I’ve ever seen to represent aluminum was a railroad color “Aluminum Mist” by Floquil. This is the color of the Amtrack passenger locos and cars in use today. It should be very easy to look it up on the web,…or better yet, a local train hobby shop.
“Tall Paul”
Good thing my hobby shops has train paints. I will take a look when the time comes. Thanks Paul.
––The best hobby paint I’ve ever seen to represent aluminum was a railroad color “Aluminum Mist” by Floquil. This is the color of the Amtrack passenger locos and cars in use today. It should be very easy to look it up on the web,…or better yet, a local train hobby shop.
“Tall Paul”
Good thing my hobby shops has train paints. I will take a look when the time comes. Thanks Paul.
––Lucas,…I mispoke. The correct name is Platinum Mist.
“Tall Paul”
The P-41 is OOB Axis & Allies. We have a Table Tactic Bomber and a US Fighter from HBG.
I just went to Home Depot and Bought a $4 can of Aluminum Spray paint. Its not Automotive grade Chrome Finish.
Thanks, so what scale are these aircraft?
I-94 enterprises
Doms Decals
Pico Armor
Following up:
I went out and bought a can of chrome spray-paint from a Blick arts-and-crafts store, and did a few tests on some B-17’s…
I’ll post pictures if anyone wants to see them. It looks great. Nice, even coating… very lustrous. With some added details I think my late-war aircraft are going to look amazing.
Thanks for the feedback, everyone.